

Times have changed , no more gods or their memory . Cursed lay the world with humans ruled by other humans and what good comes out of this ? other than just war and imminent death , peace never was and never will be an option . But , there is hope . A myth states that Someone will rise , rise above the rest , beyond the human insights , beyond the strength and weakness , arrogance and pride . This hope to a world that doesn’t seek it , is a revelation of what humans do not know or choose to accept . The world will know and follow him , if not , they will kneel .

SHIVA_01 · War
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


" She's princess of HULIA , born to a magical Groth mother , TERIA and an exceptional Warth father , HERUDIUS , princess HELEN. Princes and kings across all domains have asked for her hand in wedding . My lord , I know she is not a goddess but neither is she a human . Your son will have the power of god and so much more . Gods heap praises of her across the Hall . HERUDIUS would be blessed to have his daughter wed to the lord himself " TARUS spoke his part and stood in cold silence in the lords cabin .

Furious RIZA kept shouting at her maids " bloody TARUS , he's trying to get my stupid brother to marry someone who isn't a goddess , who doesn't have rights to step foot in REVINUS , things need to be set to order " after eavesdropping over the conversation in her brother's cabin.

PRIMUS went down to land to see the beauty and goodwill of the most seeked princess . He disguised himself as a warth , with an elvish look , tall and fair , a bow and few arrows striped to his back .

He walks for a while in search of her around HULIA , and he stops at a rock , distanced from a pond .

He sees someone patting the beautiful swans , he hides himself behind the rock and peeps through the misted plants , " wow " he said to himself .

There she was , the most beautiful woman , talking to swans of the pond , the birds brought her roses , she sat on a stone with legs in water , it seemed as tough world stopped moving around for PRIMUS , he stood there watching her , he never knew when he last smiled . But now he smiled , he smiled at the beauty gods would be ashamed of .

He stood there quite sunk into what humans called love . Then , it started to rain , as it did , a branch of a tree beside , bent over to cover the princess , she smiled at the tree and stood up . But with nothin sheltering him , PRIMUS stood there all soaked up and sunken into love.

He started waking towards her , scared for first time ever , he felt the human feelings . Helen stood up on hearing footsteps and asked " who are you , Wat are you doing here " , PRIMUS replied " no need to be startled my lady , i am PRIMUS , I am just a warth soldier who lost his way , I need to go to HULIA , and .... here , these flowers are for you " , he gave her purple orchids . Helen was taken aback .

She took them with a smile and said " thank you and u need to go up the hill and by end of HULIN forest u will find the city , and sorry , I need to get going " . PRIMUS asked " thank you , tha...thank you my lady , can I have the honour of meeting you again sometime " , " maybe " Helen said and went away . That was it .

They met everyday for many days and moonlives passed . Their love got stronger , he brought flowers everyday . They roamed around the forest and had time of their lives . It was decided , none could separate them , none .

One day , PRIMUS realised he had to tell her who he was , he spoke with fear " I need to tell you something , I am not a wrath soldier , I am not an elf , would u still love me? " . " I would love you no matter what or who you are , I don't mind staying in a broken wooden house for rest of life , if it's with u " Helen told as she held his hand tightly .

He stood up holding her hands he stood her , " my name is PRIMUS , but m not a warth ..." stutteringly he continued " I .. am the lord, The one who lives in REVINUS " and he went back to his real form

Helen stood there grasping and not believing what was happening , she was in awe of the lord , she was about to kneel down but was held back by PRIMUS and he told " do not see me any differently , please , I am the who loves you , don't take that away " . She smiled and nodded

" I would like to marry you , here and now , I don't want any gods to be here , no humans , none , just us in this beautiful place among the trees and the pond and these tiny creatures , would you ? " PRIMUS spoke his heart . Helen was shy at first but nodded again n told " Yes I will ".

PRIMUS swing his hands across and the whole place turned as it was the season of spring , flower filled trees , coloured sky , breeze got cooler and then elements started forming circles around them , rocks made a circle around them and then water circle, air . Then fire emerged between them and there was a hollow void in the centre of the fire , PRIMUS put his hand into the fire and brought out two things .

Then fire moved out and formed another circle .

" In presence of all the elements of universe , I take u as my wife , do u take me ? " and brought her hand nearer to him . " yes , yess " Helen stammered .

He took out the ring he got out of the void , and wore it to her .

Then he took out something far more valuable ,THE LEAF , a thing , long , green and bright luminous thing . He held it in one hand and spoke " this one will let u stay with me in REVINUS and you can always journey between land and hall".

Then the leaf curled itself around the wrist of Helen and turned hard as a metal . Now, they were one .

He let the world know about their marriage , and the gods too .

He took her to the banks of twin river and said " walk and you shall see , the truth " . She smiled and started walking , her feet did not touch the water below , she kept walking , she walked steps , and soon she reached the near clouds and then there it was , the sight which left her baffled , she dint know what to say . PRIMUS held her hand and continued walking upto the gates . She seemed scared and clenched his hand more hardly , the gates opened and they were greeted by flower showers and the music , the celestial pets goofing around , it seemed as though the lord was having best day of his life . TARUS came forward n told " your sister planned this for you , my lord" .

PRIMUS felt happiness , he was never so happy , gods had never seen him so happy . This was it , the doors of the hall opened and they kept walking towards the throne and RIZA smiled from balcony above .