
War Crimes: The Shadow of the Assassin

In the midst of a brutal war, dark elf assassin Arden is tasked with retrieving vital plans from a light elf enemy. His mission uncovers a deadly weapon—a gun created by dwarves using black powder—that threatens to change the course of the conflict. Teaming up with Berdine, a half-human, half-feline master healer, Arden navigates treacherous terrains and deadly confrontations to prevent the weapon from falling into enemy hands. They capture Prince Eryndor, who reveals an internal plot to overthrow King Faelor and seize the weapon. With General Ninloth coordinating their efforts, Arden and Berdine split their forces. Arden leads an infiltration to stop the coup, while Ninloth and Berdine aim to secure or destroy the weapon plans. As they face magic, betrayal, and their own moral dilemmas, they must act swiftly to protect their kingdom. "War Crimes" is a high-stakes fantasy of dark magic, shifting loyalties, and the relentless pursuit of survival in a world where the lines between right and wrong blur.

Zaretha · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Shadowed Intentions

Tears started to glisten in Berdine's lavender eyes but Arden gave her hand a sharp tug. ''Ignore them. They are trying to mess with your mind and pull you to the underworld. Just follow me. We have a job to do.'' 

Berdine nodded, her expression looking empty as tears trailed down her cheeks.

''Berdine!'' Arden called to her again through gritted teeth. ''We have a job to do. Snap out of it! Now!''

Berdine blinked, her focus returning as she nodded again, trying to push away the haunting voice of her son. She tightened her grip on Arden's shoulder, steeling herself against the apparitions and their tormenting pleas. They moved silently through the veil of shadow magic, approaching their targets with the precision of predators.

Arden stopped a few feet away from the elven guards. He glanced at Berdine, his eyes filled with determination. "Remember the plan," he whispered. "On my signal."

Berdine nodded, her dagger ready in her hand. She kept her eyes on the mage, the one she had to take out swiftly. The stealth concealed their presence, but they needed to act fast once they struck.

Arden counted silently in his head, his gaze locked on Sergeant Atkins. When he reached three, he dropped the shadow magic, and they reappeared in the cavern. The guards barely had time to react.

The dark elf assassin took a deep breath and darted towards the elven guards, daggers ready at his hands. The guards were quickly alerted and one readied a crossbow as fast as he could. Arden easily dodged the first shot and stabbed the elf's chest so fast that he was dead before he could comprehend what had happened.

Meanwhile, Berdine moved with equal speed and ferocity. She darted toward the mage, her dagger aimed for the elf's chest. The mage's eyes widened in surprise, and he began to chant a spell. A fireball immediately appeared in the mage's hand and he threw it towards Berdine. The feline lady frowned and raised a hand towards the shooting fire. It was at that moment that the mage realized the mistake he had made. 

''A master healer! Kill her!'' the mage yelled right before Berdine redirected the fireball towards him. He dodged the fireball and pulled a knife. But Berdine was too fast and as soon as she redirected the fireball, she shot towards the mage piercing his chest. The mage's eyes opened with shock as the gleam of life left them.

The mage's call averted the other remaining guards' attention on Berdine. Sergeant Atkins pulled his sword and started to run towards her, while the high-ranking elf tried to back away.

Realizing the situation, Arden started to run toward Atkins but one of the guards jumped at him with a short sword, Arden stepped to the side, masterfully avoiding the blade, and then he swung a dagger at him. The light elf avoided his attack. The assassin expected him to try to attack with his sword again, yet instead, the elf raised his shield and slammed Arden with it. Arden stumbled and fell on his back.

On the other side of the cavern, Berdine bared her feline teeth at Atkins who was running toward her with his sword. She let out a loud growl and with a strong throw, she shot his dagger at him. Being an experienced soldier, Atkins easily dodged the weapon. He ran and tried to slice Berdine with a fling of his sword, yet being as quick as a cat, the felinar lady jumped away hiding behind one of the large rocks.

Atkins laughed, his voice echoing the cavern. ''You cannot escape forever, Lady Starmane!'' he yelled, mocking her. 

At the same time, Arden was struggling with the elf guard. He twisted to avoid another strike and kicked out, knocking the elf's legs from under him. As he was about to jump to his feet, he saw the other guard running towards them. Now, desperate moments needed more effective strategies, he thought and with a quick cut to his arm, he drenched both of his daggers with his own blood, activating the shadow magic once again. Then he quickly jumped to his feet but now the other elf was on his feet too and now he had to face two light-elven guards. 

He could also see that Berdine was in trouble with Atkins and the high-ranked light elf was trying to escape. He had to be fast, really fast to take everything under his control. With an agile movement, he turned to face the guard running towards him and he ducked when the sword attack came, then he threw himself on the floor, between the elf's legs, and sliced him there making him let out a loud, painful yell that echoed in the cave. The other guard attempted to stab him while he was on the floor. Arden rolled and rose on his knees, then as quick as lightning he stabbed both men with the enchanted daggers in his hand. The guards, one on his right and the other on his left side dropped to their knees screaming with pain. With a quick motion, Arden yanked the blades free and the two bodies thudded on the floor, face first, their last expression in the form of a silent scream as they fell.

With that, he rose on his feet and turned his attention to Atkins who was trying to find Berdine among the rocks. The traitor sergeant continued to taunt Berdine, his sword ready. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" he called, his voice dripping with malice.

Berdine clenched her jaw, ignoring his taunts. She focused on her breathing, her senses sharpening. She could hear Atkins' footsteps, the slight rustle of his armor, and the pounding of his heart. With a swift motion, she darted out of the rocks moving with the speed and grace of a wildcat, then started on all four right after the escaping royal light elf who was attempting to slip away in the chaos, leaving Arden to deal with the traitor. 

Atkins continued to laugh, his eyes scanning for Berdine. He didn't see Arden approaching from behind, moving with the silence of death itself. Just as Atkins turned his head, Arden lunged forward, one dagger slicing through the air. Atkins barely had time to react, raising his sword to parry the blow, but Arden's other dagger found its mark, cutting deep into Atkins' side. With the shadow magic's pain sinking in him, he failed at his attempts to breathe. Then the traitor screamed with pain.

Arden didn't waste any time. He pressed his advantage, his movements a blur as he struck again and again. Atkins, blinded by unspeakable pain, was unable to defend himself. With a final, powerful strike, Arden drove his dagger into Atkins' heart, ending his treachery once and for all.

Meanwhile, Berdine had caught up to the high-ranking light elf. The elf glanced back, his eyes widening in fear as he saw the feline woman closing in. He tried to quicken his pace, but Berdine was too fast. She pounced, tackling him to the ground. The elf struggled, but Berdine's strength and agility overpowered him. She pinned him down, her claws pressed to his throat.

"Don't move," she hissed, her eyes blazing.

The elf's eyes were wide with terror. "I-I, please don't kill me!'' he stammered. "My father would pay you, make you rich beyond your imagination."

Berdine's expression softened slightly, but her grip remained firm. She raised an eyebrow at the elf. ''Your father?''

''King Faelor,'' the elf whimpered.

"King Faelor," Berdine repeated, her eyes narrowing. "Then you must be Prince Eryndor."

The prince nodded frantically, his fear palpable. "Yes, yes! That's right. If you spare me, my father will reward you handsomely."

Berdine tightened her grip slightly, her eyes cold. "Your father's rewards mean nothing to us. But your information might."

Arden approached, his daggers still dripping with blood. "He's not lying," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "King Faelor is one of the most powerful rulers among the light elves. This information could turn the tide of the war."

Prince Eryndor looked between them, desperation in his eyes. "I know things," he pleaded. "I can help you. Just don't kill me."

Arden exchanged a glance with Berdine, then nodded. "We'll take him back to the camp. Ninloth will want to interrogate him personally."

Berdine pulled the prince to his feet, keeping her claws close to his throat. "You try to escape, and you'll regret it," she warned.

Prince Eryndor nodded vigorously. "I won't. I promise."

Berdine and Arden moved swiftly through the forest, keeping a firm grip on Prince Eryndor. The prince's fear was palpable, and the weight of his situation hung heavily in the air. The first light of dawn began to break over the horizon, casting a pale glow through the trees.

They reached the edge of their camp, the soldiers at the perimeter eyeing them with curiosity and a hint of respect. The sight of the captive prince drew murmurs among the ranks. Arden and Berdine made their way to the command tent, where General Ninloth awaited.

Ninloth looked up as they entered, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of the prince. "Well done," he said, his voice filled with approval. "You've done us a great service."

Arden and Berdine exchanged a glance, the unspoken understanding between them clear. The war was far from over, but this victory was a step toward their ultimate goal. And as long as there were enemies to fight, they would continue to do what they did best.

General Ninloth turned his attention to Prince Eryndor, his expression hardening. "We have much to discuss, Prince," he said, his voice cold. "You will tell us everything you know about your father's plans and this weapon."

Eryndor nodded, his fear evident. "I'll tell you everything," he said, his voice trembling. "Just please, don't kill me."

Ninloth's gaze didn't soften. "That depends on how useful you are to us."

As the prince was led away for interrogation, Arden and Berdine took a moment to catch their breath. The sense of accomplishment was undeniable, but they knew the road ahead was still fraught with danger.

"We did good," Berdine said quietly, her eyes meeting Arden's.

Arden nodded. "Yes, we did. But this is just the beginning."

''What do you mean?'' Berdine asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

Arden sighed, his eyes scanning the bustling camp. "I mean, capturing the prince and stopping Atkins is just the first step. The information Eryndor provides could be a game changer, but it also means we have to act quickly and decisively. The stakes are higher now than ever."

Berdine nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "You're right. We need to be ready for whatever comes next. We can't let our guard down, not even for a moment."

As they spoke, a messenger approached them, his face serious. "General Ninloth wants to see you both immediately. He's gathered the commanders for a strategy meeting."

Arden and Berdine followed the messenger to the command tent. Inside, General Ninloth was already in deep discussion with several other leaders. Maps and documents were spread out on the table, and the atmosphere was tense.

"Ah, there you are," Ninloth said as they entered. "We have much to discuss. The information the prince provided is crucial, but it also presents new challenges."

He gestured to a map of the region. "According to Eryndor, there are factions within his father's kingdom who are planning to seize the weapon and overthrow King Faelor. We need to stop them and secure the weapon plans before they fall into the wrong hands."

Berdine leaned in, studying the map. "Who are these factions? And where are they based?"

Ninloth pointed to several locations on the map. "Commander Valthor and his followers are the primary threat. They're based here, in the northern stronghold. Our scouts have also reported increased activity around the dwarven territory, where the weapon plans are kept. We need to split our forces and address both threats simultaneously."

Arden nodded, his mind already formulating a plan. "What do you propose, General?"

"We'll form two teams," Ninloth replied. "One team will infiltrate Valthor's stronghold and prevent the coup. The other will secure the weapon plans from the dwarves. Timing and coordination are crucial. We need to strike hard and fast."

Arden and Berdine exchanged determined glances, their resolve hardening. This was a pivotal moment, and they needed to be at their best.

"Who's leading the teams?" Berdine asked, her voice steady.

Ninloth's gaze settled on them. "I want Arden to lead the infiltration team,'' he turned to face the dark elf. '' Your skills and experience make you the best candidate for this mission. You'll take a small, elite group with you."

Arden nodded, understanding the gravity of his task. "And the team securing the weapon plans?"

"I'll lead that team myself with Berdine," Ninloth said firmly. "We'll make contact with the dwarves and ensure the plans are either destroyed or secured. We cannot afford any mistakes."

The room fell silent as everyone absorbed the plan. The stakes were high, and failure was not an option.