
War against the orcans

Humans are at war with the orcans they must use their new abilities to stop them. This story was made with AI

Preston_Dennis · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: The War Academy

Dennis and Finn were both accepted into the Ark1 War Academy, where they would learn how to use their abilities to fight against the Orcans.

The academy was a massive building with state-of-the-art training facilities. There were classrooms, gyms, and simulation rooms where the students could practice their skills.

Dennis was excited to start his training, but he was also nervous. He had never been away from his grandfather for so long, and he missed him terribly.

But he knew that he had to focus on his training if he wanted to help win the war.

The first few weeks of training were intense. Dennis and the other students had to learn how to control their abilities, how to fight in hand-to-hand combat, and how to use weapons.

Dennis found the combat training to be the most challenging. He wasn't used to using his fists or his body as a weapon. But he was determined to get better, and he practiced every day until he was exhausted.

Finn, on the other hand, was a natural fighter. He picked up the techniques quickly, and he was soon one of the top students in the class.

Dennis felt a twinge of jealousy, but he also felt happy for his cousin. He knew that they were both on the same team, and that they would have to work together to defeat the Orcans.

As the weeks turned into months, Dennis started to feel more confident in his abilities. He had mastered the art of moving rocks with his mind, and he had even learned how to create small earthquakes.

He was also getting better at combat. He wasn't as strong as Finn, but he had learned how to use his agility and his ability to move rocks to his advantage.

One day, their instructor announced that they would be going on a training mission in the city. Dennis and Finn were both excited to see what it would be like to fight in a real battle.

Little did they know that they were about to face their biggest challenge yet.