
Wants to be with his family

Different Gilgamesh that wants to have a normal life and who lives at reclusive area that no one go to. He was alone but always something to be happy about and he was always nice to everyone who is nice to him and respectful. He prayed to have a family and always go to Uruk to to play with kids. And always to the temples and pray that to have a family and have a pieceful life. They granted the wish of Gilgamesh and and gave created Enkidu. And Gilgamesh became best friends with Siduri. And he was happy that He has a friend and Siduri always comes to Gilgamesh house to Play. Sometime later when they were exploring the the whole forest when they came across a green haired person. They helped the the person and The person woke up and saw two person one with blonde hair boy and brown hair girl. But the Green haired boy doesn't have any memory anything A few years later the three of them became best friends and they were inseparable. They always explore the forest and befriends animals. While they were exploring the forest they trained to protect themselves from strangers who tried to abuse or hurt them. He was having a normal life but Fate was a Bitch and........ English is not my first Language and Bad at grammar I don't any of the character or anything.

MrSmileySmiley · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 12

(Enkidu Pov)

(Siduri and Enkidu room at night)

I was opening the door to our room, I saw Siduri with a alluring and subductive aquamarine color clothes in the king size bed. I was stunned when I saw this. For a few seconds I have a taint of red in my face, which Siduri chuckled when she saw me.

"So where really gonna do this Siduri?" I said.

"Yup since his not hear to tease us for a couple of months we can do it now."

After that I walked up to Siduri and caressed her cheek, making Siduri blushed. "Are you ready for our first time." I whispered to her.

"What do you mean by that, have you slept with another woman Enkidu." I saw ticked mark on Siduri face when saying it.

"No, never I was just nervous that's all." I was panicking and Siduri gave me a bloodshot stare, and making me sweat with fear from the pressure of bloodlust she was releasing.

"Okay." the pressure was released and calmed down.

I then moved and pushed the sitting Siduri and laid her down the bed. My left leg were in between Siduri legs, and I caressed her cheeks her yet again. But then we heard a large crash near us.

And we heard a 'Oh, my' and 'Kyaaaa!!!' sound the we saw a a blonde haired man covering his face from what he's seeing.


(Gilgamesh Pov)

A few minutes before the crash. I was angry and running through the streets of Uruk going to the land I built called 'Garden of Happiness' where Enkidu and Siduri is living.

I the entered the Garden, and I was observing where Enkidu was, I closed my eyes and use some mana to locate where Enkidu was. When I saw where he was, I run very fast to where Enkidu was and crash the wall near him.

When I crashed the wall, I saw a stilled Enkidu on top of Siduri caressing her cheeks. When I saw the scene that crashed, I covered my eyes with both of my hands, and screamed 'Oh, my' and 'Kyaaaa!!!'



(Enkidu Pov)

When me and Siduri saw our wall crashed by something we were surprised, but we got a clear view who crashed our wall we were frozen beyond shock, a minute of silence have gone by. Siduri then got up and thrown a small rock to my brother to distract him, and knock him out. Then I restrained my brother, while Siduri change to her formal clothes.

I was angry at my brother for crashing to our first night together we've been waiting for years to taste we each other. And Siduri was not happy either of what just happened.


(Gilgamesh Pov)

While I was covering my eyes. When I heard Siduri was covering her body with some blanket she walked up to the wall and get a small rock and throw at me but I looked at the small rock that Siduri thrown at me. I heard Siduri running from behind and knocking me out.


I woke up and I was restrained by using Chain of heavens. And I saw Enkidu and Siduri I. front of me with a veins popping out on their heads. I then spoke saying "Is this what your gonna do to Siduri, It is very kinky you know." I had a grin on my face.

I then saw a very angry Siduri giving a bloodshot glare, and bloodlust pressure on the whole room. Enkidu was scared when he felt the bloodlust coming out of Siduri.

"Say, are you two just doing it now, you guys haven't done it yet have you?" I asked.

"No we haven't done it yet." Enkidu with a beet red on his face. Me and Siduri was shocked when we heard of it for different reasons. For me, it was because it has been a year and they haven't done the deed yet. Siduri was shocked because she wanted it to be a secret so Gil wont make fun of the both of them.

"Enkidu!!" I heard Siduri yelling.

"Why don't we not fight for today, I need to talk to my brother for a few hours alone." I smiled at Siduri and Enkidu

"So, have you taken the offer?" Enkidu said.

"Marrying her, Bitch please I rejected her." I was annoyed of what he said.

"Wait, someone offered to marry you?" Siduri had a huge grin while saying it. And she continued making fun of me "I never thought someone will be willing to marry you." she laughed at me

I hurt from the very core of my being when she said it. "Why did you even crashed to our house anyway Gil." she questioned me.

"Like I said me and my brother have to discuss about something, about the other offer than marrying her and making a baby together." and I continued "And how do you know that I was offered, Brother did you get the same offer as I did." I felt a pressure coming out of Siduri when I finished my sentence, and I saw a very nervous Enkidu sweating and I just smiled if what's happening.

"Enkidu, what is he talking." Siduri said with a very terrifying smile on her face.

"Yeah, what am I talking about?" a very huge grin came up to my face.


I got bored so I done extra chap

if Gil gonna get a gf?



need suggestions