
Wantonly Entwined

Flowers Don't Bloom for Just Anyone "These roses look about as lively as a week-old corpse," a voice drawled, as smooth and chilling as a winter wind. Lily flinched, her watering can nearly tumbling from her grasp. Timidly, she peeked up to see a man with eyes like polished obsidian and a smirk that could curdle milk. He was breathtakingly handsome, in a way that sent shivers down her spine, a delicious mix of danger and allure. "They're perfectly healthy, sir," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. Lily, a wisp of a girl with eyes like forget-me-nots, was used to harsh words from her overbearing mother, but this stranger's icy indifference felt different somehow. "Healthy, my dear? These beauties look more like they've been dunked in a vampire's bath," he countered, his eyes narrowing on her. Lily's breath hitched. Could this arrogant stranger be...? The corner of his mouth quirked into a cruel smile. "Don't worry, little petal. I won't bite... much." Intrigued and terrified in equal measure, Lily found herself drawn into a whirlwind unlike any she'd ever known. Niklaus Volkov, the brooding vampire prince with a heart colder than his castle walls, needed a flower tender. And Lily, with a touch as gentle as the morning dew, might be the only one who could breathe life back into his mother's beloved garden... and perhaps, melt the frost around the prince's heart. Prepare for a captivating tale of a blossoming love, where a shy flower girl finds herself entangled with a captivatingly aloof vampire. Will their love story bloom, or will the thorns of their past keep them forever apart? __________ Hey lovelies! Guess what? This little flower of a story is getting a refresh! As some of you might know, this was my very first attempt at weaving a webnovel romance, and let's just say...it wasn't exactly blooming with perfection. The plot meandered a bit, and the characters deserved better development. But fear not! I've been struck by inspiration, and a beautiful plot twist is ready to take root! To ensure a smooth transition, I'll be revamping the story one chapter at a time. Get ready for a more captivating adventure with Lily and Niklaus – with a sprinkle of surprises along the way! Happy reading!

bluebeeryl · Fantasy
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86 Chs

The Scent of Morning Dew

Mr. Henderson straightened his back, his weathered face etched with concern as he watched Lily meticulously prune a rose bush. The morning sun streamed through the greenhouse roof, casting dappled light on her work. Despite the idyllic setting, a shadow of worry lingered in Lily's eyes.

"Miss Lily," Mr. Henderson finally spoke, his voice gentle yet firm. "There's something I need to tell you."

Lily looked up, her brow furrowed. "Yes, Mr. Henderson?"

The old gardener cleared his throat. "It's about Master Niklaus and Lady Grace. It wouldn't be wise for you to… well, to seek their company too often."

Lily's cheeks flushed a delicate pink. "I… I wasn't," she stammered, her eyes downcast. "I just want to do what Master Niklaus ordered, to tend to the roses."

Mr. Henderson gave a curt nod. "Indeed. But things at Volkov Manor are… complicated. Lady Grace, particularly, can be quite… volatile when it comes to Master Niklaus. It's best to avoid any unnecessary interactions with either of them."

Lily's heart pounded in her chest. Grace's vicious words in the greenhouse echoed in her mind. Mr. Henderson's words confirmed her growing suspicion that there was more to the manor than met the eye.

"Thank you, Mr. Henderson," she said softly, her voice filled with gratitude. "I appreciate you looking out for me."

Mr. Henderson offered a rare smile. "Think nothing of it, Miss Lily. Now, let's get back to these roses. They require a gentle touch, but also a firm hand, just like some things in life."

With renewed determination, Lily turned back to the rose bush. Mr. Henderson's words were a confusing puzzle, but she understood the essence – stay away from Niklaus and Grace. For now, tending to the roses, these beautiful, thorny creatures, provided her with a sense of solace. Perhaps, like them, she would learn to bloom amidst the darkness, her thorns a shield against the unknown dangers that lurked within Volkov Manor.

As Lily snipped away at dead leaves and straightened wayward stems, a flicker of rebellion sparked within her. She wouldn't be a pawn in their games. She would find her own voice, her own purpose, within the confines of the rose-scented prison. The sun, a silent witness, seemed to nod in approval, and Lily, the fragile flower, felt a new kind of strength blossom within her.

Lily hummed softly to herself as she meticulously pruned the rose bushes. The gentle snip of her shears and the earthy scent of the greenhouse provided a comforting rhythm to her day. Mr. Henderson's cryptic warning lingered in her mind, fueling her determination to do her job well and stay out of trouble.

Suddenly, a rustle of fabric startled her. A woman, older than Mary but with a similar warm demeanor, stood behind her holding a covered basket. Her face was etched with concern but softened into a gentle smile upon seeing Lily.

"Good morning," the woman said softly, her voice like a well-worn book, comforting and familiar. "I brought you breakfast."

Lily's eyes widened. Real food! Her stomach rumbled in agreement. "Oh, thank you! That's very kind of you," she said, her voice filled with gratitude.

The woman set the basket down on a nearby table and lifted the lid, revealing a simple but delicious-looking breakfast – warm bread, fresh fruit, and a steaming cup of herbal tea. Lily's mouth watered.

"Mary made this for you," the woman said, her eyes flickering for a brief second with unspoken worry.

Lily's heart ached for the kind cook. "Is she alright?" she asked, her voice laced with concern. "I haven't seen her since…" she trailed off, not wanting to mention the confrontation with Grace.

The woman, sensing Lily's worry, patted her hand reassuringly. "Don't you fret, dear," she said, her voice soft yet firm. "Mary is fine. She's just a bit busy tending to other tasks. Now, eat your breakfast."

Lily, sensing that further questions would elicit no answers, nodded gratefully. As she took a bite of the warm bread, a thought struck her.

"I'm sorry," she said, her mouth full. "I don't believe I've met you before. What's your name?"

The woman chuckled softly. "Apologies, dear. I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Elowen, the head maid here at Volkov Manor."

Lily smiled, happy to know a friendly face within the manor walls. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Elowen," she said, her mouth full of bread. "Thank you again for the breakfast."

Elowen watched Lily savor the food, a warmth spreading in her chest. She knew about Mary's ordeal, the silent suffering inflicted by Grace. But she couldn't divulge those secrets. Lily, for now, needed to stay safe, to remain oblivious to the darkness that lurked beneath the surface of Volkov Manor.

"You're welcome, dear," Elowen said, her voice gentle. "Now, finish your breakfast and get back to work. Those roses won't tend to themselves."

Lily nodded, a newfound determination sparking in her eyes. She wouldn't be a helpless flower forever. She would learn, she would grow, and she would find a way to navigate the treacherous path she found herself on. With a newfound strength fueled by Elowen's kindness and the delicious breakfast, Lily returned to her roses, her heart brimming with a quiet hope, just as fragile and beautiful as the buds she so carefully nurtured.

Niklaus entered the opulent meeting room of the Asteria Vampire Council, his obsidian eyes gleaming with a cold indifference. The air crackled with barely suppressed tension as the room's occupants – ancient vampires with faces etched by centuries of power struggle – swiveled towards him.

"Niklaus Volkov," rumbled a voice that seemed to emanate from the very walls. It belonged to Elder Vargas, the council's most revered and intimidating member. "You are late."

Niklaus didn't react to the accusation, his posture radiating an aura of quiet power. He slid into the vacant seat at the head of the long, mahogany table, a stark contrast to the ornately carved chairs occupied by the council members.

"Apologies for the delay," Niklaus said finally, his voice a cold whisper. "Unforeseen circumstances."

The room erupted in a cacophony of whispers. Everyone knew about the "circumstances" – Niklaus' refusal to accept his role as heir to the Asteria throne. For decades, the council had endured the indignity of being ruled by a lineage descended from humans, Grace's lineage. The Volkov bloodline, the true heirs, had remained dormant, a simmering resentment festering beneath the surface.

"Unforeseen circumstances?" Elder Vargas repeated, his voice dripping with skepticism. "Niklaus, your return signifies the reclaiming of your birthright. Asteria craves a true Volkov king. Grace serves her purpose, but you are the rightful ruler."

Niklaus' hand tightened around the armrest, his knuckles turning white. A flicker of something dark, primal, crossed his face, a fleeting glimpse of the monster he fought to control. He hated the humans who had usurped power, but the thought of marrying Grace, a conniving opportunist, was even more repugnant.

"And what," Niklaus said, his voice low and dangerous, "if I have no desire to rule your decaying kingdom?"

A collective gasp rippled through the room. Refusal had never been an option. The Volkov bloodline was destined for the Asteria throne, it was in their very nature.

"Do not toy with us, Niklaus," another elder, a woman with eyes like smoldering embers, hissed. "You are the Volkov heir. Asteria needs a strong hand, one with the power to control the human rabble. One with fangs and claws, not just a fancy title."

Niklaus leaned back in his chair, a sardonic smile twisting his lips. He glanced at the council members, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and desperate hope. He knew their pain, their frustration. His father's disappearance, their fear of the human rulers – emotions he mirrored in his own dark way.

"What if..." Niklaus began, his voice a chilling whisper, "the Volkov heir has other interests besides ruling Asteria?"

The council members exchanged bewildered looks. The idea of a Volkov without an insatiable desire for power was simply unfathomable. Was Niklaus truly insane?

Niklaus stood up, his towering figure casting a long shadow across the room. "We shall discuss this further at a later date," he said, his voice a cold command. "Until then, consider your options carefully. Asteria's future… well, let's just say it remains uncertain."

With that, and a final chilling smile, Niklaus Volkov turned and left the meeting room. The council members sat in stunned silence, Niklaus' cryptic words hanging heavy in the air. Was he a savior or a threat? And what exactly were these "other interests" that could possibly supersede the Volkov legacy of ruling Asteria?

As Niklaus stepped out of the opulent vampire council building, a single thought echoed in his mind, a thought forbidden and dangerous: Lilian. The human girl with eyes like morning dew and a scent that stirred his ancient hunger. And in that forbidden thought lay the true reason for his defiance, a secret far greater than any vampire council could ever comprehend.