
Wantonly Entwined

Flowers Don't Bloom for Just Anyone "These roses look about as lively as a week-old corpse," a voice drawled, as smooth and chilling as a winter wind. Lily flinched, her watering can nearly tumbling from her grasp. Timidly, she peeked up to see a man with eyes like polished obsidian and a smirk that could curdle milk. He was breathtakingly handsome, in a way that sent shivers down her spine, a delicious mix of danger and allure. "They're perfectly healthy, sir," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. Lily, a wisp of a girl with eyes like forget-me-nots, was used to harsh words from her overbearing mother, but this stranger's icy indifference felt different somehow. "Healthy, my dear? These beauties look more like they've been dunked in a vampire's bath," he countered, his eyes narrowing on her. Lily's breath hitched. Could this arrogant stranger be...? The corner of his mouth quirked into a cruel smile. "Don't worry, little petal. I won't bite... much." Intrigued and terrified in equal measure, Lily found herself drawn into a whirlwind unlike any she'd ever known. Niklaus Volkov, the brooding vampire prince with a heart colder than his castle walls, needed a flower tender. And Lily, with a touch as gentle as the morning dew, might be the only one who could breathe life back into his mother's beloved garden... and perhaps, melt the frost around the prince's heart. Prepare for a captivating tale of a blossoming love, where a shy flower girl finds herself entangled with a captivatingly aloof vampire. Will their love story bloom, or will the thorns of their past keep them forever apart? __________ Hey lovelies! Guess what? This little flower of a story is getting a refresh! As some of you might know, this was my very first attempt at weaving a webnovel romance, and let's just say...it wasn't exactly blooming with perfection. The plot meandered a bit, and the characters deserved better development. But fear not! I've been struck by inspiration, and a beautiful plot twist is ready to take root! To ensure a smooth transition, I'll be revamping the story one chapter at a time. Get ready for a more captivating adventure with Lily and Niklaus – with a sprinkle of surprises along the way! Happy reading!

bluebeeryl · Fantasy
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77 Chs

The Carriage with Crimson Eyes

Sunlight streamed through the dusty windowpanes of Beatrice's flower shop, painting golden stripes across the wooden floorboards. Lily, kneeling amidst a riot of color, carefully arranged a bouquet of lilies. Her fingers, light and nimble, moved with practiced ease, coaxing the blooms into a harmonious composition. Each flower, she believed, held a story, a silent language waiting to be understood. The vibrant red roses spoke of passionate love, the delicate white lilies of purity and innocence – a quality Lily herself possessed in abundance.

Her reverie was shattered by a harsh voice that scraped across the cheerful chatter of customers. "Lily! Why are you daydreaming again? Get a move on, we have a demanding customer waiting!" Beatrice, her mother, stood at the counter, her thin lips pursed in a permanent frown. Her once fiery red hair, now streaked with grey, seemed to mirror the fire that constantly simmered beneath the surface of her personality.

Lily flinched, a tremor running through her slight frame. "Y-yes, Mother," she stammered, rising to her feet. Her light brown hair, usually worn in a simple braid, cascaded down her back, catching the sunlight like spun gold. Her green eyes, wide and filled with a nervous energy, darted between her mother and the customer – a woman adorned in expensive jewels, her haughty demeanor a stark contrast to Lily's own meekness.

"Took you long enough," the woman huffed, tapping her perfectly manicured nails on the counter. "I need a bouquet fit for a prince, something that screams elegance and sophistication."

Lily forced a smile, the corners of her lips trembling slightly. "Of course, madam," she replied, her voice barely a whisper. She moved towards a display of orchids, their delicate petals a testament to the kind of beauty she herself embodied.

As Lily worked, Beatrice hovered like a hawk, her sharp tongue finding every opportunity to criticize. "Those stems are too long! Use the white ones, not the pink! And for goodness sake, girl, hold your head up straight! You look like a wilting flower yourself!"

Lily swallowed back a sob, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. Public humiliation was a regular occurrence, a harsh lesson in 'toughening up' as Beatrice called it. But all it did was chip away at Lily's already fragile confidence, leaving her feeling like a delicate flower crushed under a heavy boot.

Just then, the shop door chimed, announcing another customer. This one, a burly man with a gruff demeanor, barked his order for a single red rose. Lily, her heart pounding in her chest, carefully selected the most perfect bloom, her gentle touch coaxing the petals open to reveal a heart of crimson velvet.

The man, surprised by her quiet efficiency, grunted a word of thanks and left. Lily, despite the constant barrage of criticism, took a small measure of pride in her work. The flowers, in their own way, offered her a solace she couldn't find anywhere else. They responded to her gentle touch, their vibrant colors and sweet scents a source of comfort amidst the harsh realities of her life.

As the day wore on, a sense of exhaustion settled over Lily. Her hands ached from constant work, and her spirit felt as crushed as the wilting violets Beatrice had discarded earlier. But as she straightened a vase of lilies, their pure white petals seemed to whisper a message of hope. Perhaps, one day, she too would bloom, her inner strength blossoming alongside the beautiful flowers she cared for. It was a small hope, a fragile dream, but for Lily, it was enough to keep her going.

The day waned, casting long shadows across the shop floor. Beatrice, her face etched with a satisfied smirk from a particularly lucrative sale, surveyed the remaining stock with a critical eye. "Alright, Lily," she declared, her voice laced with a dismissive edge. "Pack up what's left and lock the door. Looks like a storm's brewing."

Lily, her muscles screaming in protest from a day spent hunched over bouquets and vases, nodded meekly. As Beatrice rummaged through the back room, a guttural rumble echoed in the distance, followed by a sudden gust of wind that rattled the shop windows.

Rain, heavy and insistent, started drumming on the roof. Lily glanced longingly at the lone umbrella propped against the wall by the door. A small sliver of hope flickered in her chest – perhaps Beatrice would allow her to use it for the long walk home.

Beatrice re-emerged, a self-satisfied smile gracing her lips. She held the umbrella aloft, its worn fabric promising little protection against the impending downpour. "Good thing we kept this one," she remarked, more to herself than to Lily.

Lily's heart sank. "Mother," she began, her voice barely a whisper, "But… the walk home…"

Beatrice's smile vanished, replaced by a cold, dismissive glare. "Don't even think about asking, Lily. It wouldn't do for you to soften up in this weather. Now, get a move on, I have an appointment to keep."

Before Lily could plead her case, Beatrice swept out of the shop, leaving the door swinging open behind her. A gust of wind slammed the door shut, sending a shiver down Lily's spine. She stood there for a moment, the weight of her mother's cruelty pressing down on her.

The rain lashed against the windows, a relentless drumbeat that mirrored the rhythm of her racing heart. There was no money for a carriage, no umbrella to shield her from the storm. Just the same bleak walk home she endured night after night, the rain soaking through her clothes, the cold wind gnawing at her already fragile spirit.

A single tear escaped her eye, tracing a glistening path down her cheek. But as quickly as it fell, a flicker of defiance sparked within her. She wouldn't let her mother break her. She would face the storm, just as she faced everything else in her life – with quiet strength and a resilience born from enduring hardship.

With a deep breath, Lily set about locking up the shop. The world outside might be a harsh and unforgiving place, but so was the life she lived under her mother's roof. Yet, she held onto a secret hope, a dream of a future where she wouldn't have to walk home alone in the rain. A future where someone, perhaps, would offer her an umbrella, not just for shelter from the storm, but for shelter from the emotional torrent her mother constantly unleashed. And with that thought, a small smile played on her lips, as fragile and beautiful as the lilies she so loved. For even in the darkest of nights, the smallest spark of hope could illuminate the way.

The clang of the lock resonated through the shop, a final note to the symphony of rain lashing against the windows. Lily stood alone, the weight of the storm mirroring the one in her heart. Suddenly, a flash of lightning momentarily illuminated the street outside, and in that fleeting instant, she saw it – a glint of crimson reflected in the window of a passing carriage.

Her breath hitched. Red eyes. Her mother's stern warnings echoed in her mind, tales of terrifying creatures with eyes like burning embers, possessing a strength that could bend iron with a mere glance. Vampires, they were called, creatures of the night who fed on the innocent. Fear, cold and primal, coiled in Lily's stomach.

The carriage rolled past, shrouded in the gloom of the storm. But that brief glimpse, that spark of crimson in the darkness, filled her with a dread that overshadowed the chill of the approaching walk home. She knew, with an unsettling certainty, that those eyes had been watching her.

Was it just a trick of the storm light? A reflection of her own fear? Lily wished she could believe that, but a deep instinct gnawed at her. Someone, something, had been observing her. And the chilling tales of vampires her mother regaled her with seemed to gain a terrifying new reality.

Lily wrapped her thin shawl tighter around herself, seeking a semblance of comfort in the meager fabric. Facing the storm, facing her mother's cruelty, those were challenges she had grown accustomed to. But facing a creature of legend, a being with power beyond human comprehension… that was a fear unlike any she had ever known.

As she stepped out into the downpour, the rain seemed to come alive, stinging her skin. The wind howled like a banshee, carrying the distant rumble of thunder. Lily huddled closer to the building, each step taking her further from the warmth and safety of the shop, and deeper into the heart of a storm that now seemed to mirror the turmoil within her.

Yet, amidst the fear, a flicker of defiance sparked. She wouldn't let this terror consume her. She would walk home, head held high, and face whatever the night held. Perhaps, deep down, a tiny seed of hope bloomed. Perhaps these creatures of legend weren't all malevolent. Perhaps, just perhaps, the one with the red eyes wouldn't bring darkness, but a different kind of storm – a storm of change, a storm that would sweep away the life she knew and carry her towards a future she couldn't even dream of. A future where fear might still exist, but alongside it, a spark of something new, something exciting, something… different. And with that thought, Lily continued her walk, a solitary figure braving the storm, her green eyes, filled with a mix of apprehension and a newfound courage, reflecting the turbulent beauty of the night.

The storm raged on, each gust of wind a slap on Lily's face, the rain soaking through her thin dress. Her vision blurred with a mix of tears and the relentless downpour. Just as despair threatened to consume her, a sudden screech of metal on cobblestones pierced the night. A carriage, sleek and black, materialized through the storm, pulling up right beside her.

A tall figure, his face hidden beneath the wide brim of a black hat, emerged from the carriage. He wore the crisp uniform of a butler, his movements efficient and silent.

"Miss," he said in a voice that was surprisingly gentle, "This weather is no place for a young lady like yourself. May I offer you a ride?"

Lily hesitated. The kindness in the man's voice was unexpected, yet her mother's warnings about strangers, especially in carriages, resonated in her mind.

"I… I'm grateful for the offer," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper above the roaring wind. "But I don't…"

"Nonsense, Miss. You'll catch your death out here." The butler pressed, his concern genuine.

Lily, torn between fear and the desperate desire for shelter, let out a shaky breath. Perhaps, just this once, she could take a chance. With a small nod, she murmured, "Thank you."

The butler, with a swift movement, helped her into the carriage. As she settled into the plush velvet seat, a wave of relief washed over her. The warmth enveloped her, chasing away the biting chill of the storm.

Across from her, a man sat bathed in the dim glow of the carriage lantern. Black hair framed a handsome face, and his piercing blue eyes, filled with a gentle curiosity, were unlike anything she had ever seen. He wore a rich traveling suit, yet there was no air of arrogance about him.

"Forgive my intrusion," the man spoke, his voice a soothing baritone. "The storm seemed rather relentless, and you looked… well, like a delicate flower caught in a whirlwind."

Lily's cheeks flushed at his analogy, and she stammered, "I… I should have brought an umbrella."

The man chuckled, a warm sound that filled the carriage. "Such a sensible precaution," he admitted. "But then again, it is serendipity that brought us together tonight, wouldn't you agree?"

Lily, speechless at his easy manner, simply nodded.

"Allow me to introduce myself," the man continued, extending his hand. "I am Alexander Volkov, though you may call me Xander."

Lily, her green eyes wide with trepidation, hesitated for a moment before reaching out to touch his hand. His touch was surprisingly warm, and a sense of unexpected comfort settled over her.

"Lily," she whispered, her voice barely a breath.

Xander smiled, his blue eyes twinkling with a kindness that made Lily's heart skip a beat. "A beautiful name," he declared, "for a beautiful young lady who deserves a reprieve from the storm."

As the carriage rolled on, the storm seemed to lose its intensity. Lily, tucked inside the warm cocoon of the carriage, stole a glance at Xander. He seemed an anomaly – a stranger with an air of nobility yet devoid of arrogance, his words filled with empathy and a subtle humor that soothed her frayed nerves.

Was this fate intervening? A chance encounter in the heart of a storm that might change everything? Lily, with a flicker of hope blooming in her chest, couldn't help but wonder. The storm outside might still rage, but within the carriage, a different kind of storm was brewing – a storm of emotions, of curiosity, and perhaps, even the beginnings of something more.