
Wanting the killer girl

Warning Mature minds It contains sexual content. Betrayal. Love. Desire. Lust. Lies. Deceipt. Revenge. Justin Lionel was a ruthless killer, an assinator, until Violet Randolph came into his life as a spy sent by the secret service.... Violet became his killer, his own obsession....... The assassin wanted her at all cost...but Violet was after something else... Read on to know what Violet really wanted from Justin.... If you like the book, drop a comment...

Shalom_Onyeanwusi_9833 · Action
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One night stand....

Justin Lionel walked to the hotel. He smiled at himself. He had finally devoured his prey. As he ordered for a glass of whiskey, so did a lady too.

He turned to see the lady with such soft and angelic voice. Then he ordered for another glass, over and over again, until he had completely gulped down five glasses of whiskey. Then he made his way to the angelic lass who carried her drink and walked away.

"Excuse me angel," he said. It was in his nature to attract ladies to himself, especially with his voice. This angel in front of him wasn't the first in his life, she was indeed one from a million others.

The lady turned.

"It is not called upon a man, to ignore an angel like you. And even if that happens, no angel has and will ever ignore me."

"Quite disappointing, I will be the first to break that rule then, but if you are so adamant, you can find me in room 602," the lady said flirtatiously.

Justin's hand raked his hair, as he smiled. "I deserve to know your name at least. What do I call an angel like you?"

The lady had started walking away, it was quite noisy in there.

"When you meet me, I'll tell you."

"Okay. By what time then," Justin shouted.

"Whenever you feel like," she said. "Twelve is not bad though," she added, then walked away.

Smiling, Justin walked back to his seat.

"Give me five more glasses of whiskey, I am bound to get drunk tonight."

The hotel attendant nodded and followed his instruction.

"Where can I find room 602?"

"Up the stairs, left corridor," the young attendant directed.

Justin nodded to him

"Nature always gives me a gift whenever I pull a stunt," he murmured to himself in self accomplishment.

The young, fair, handsome and dashing twenty six years old ran up the staircase, as he thought of his handsome price. When he got up the stairs, he saw about two hot and sexy angels. He would have had his flirtatious way with any of them but he was bent on finding the angel that took his heart with just her voice. He turned to the left corridor and began walking straight. He didn't even bother to check his time, all he wanted was his angel. He started feeling dizzy because of the too much alcohol he drank and it made him stagger. The two angels he met on his way cam to him and started running their hands on his body seductively. He was hallucinating. The whiskey he drank was over powering but these angels were more than over powering.

A lady walked in between, approaching Justin. He was sure he wasn't hallucinating this time around, it was his angel who was approaching him.

"If you know you can't stand being drunk, then why do you drink?" His angel snapped.

"Girls let him go at once," she ordered the two angels that readily planned to take advantage of him. The girls stepped back and went away.

"Did you see? Those angels couldn't resist me, I am just too charming to be ignored," he boasted in his drunk state.

"They obviously thought you were their gain," she counter attacked his words.

"What's gain?"

" Profit. A man who would give them money for a night pleasure."

"So what are you?"

"I'm just a girl who uses her body to earn a living," she replied.

"A prostitute?" Justin asked.

"No. A desperate girl."

"Then be my woman and I'll pay you twice of what you earn in a year," Justin volunteered.

"Sorry to disappoint but I have got a much better offer."

"From who?"

"It's non of your business," she said, walking away.

"Why do you always walk away?" He asked, jogging to her in order to catch up with her.

"Be quiet and follow me."

"Command me all you want lass but if I don't have you tonight, I will be as good as dead," he muttered.

She grabbed his hand and walked into her room, then she locked the door.

"Stay here, I'll be back," she said and walked into the closet.

When she came back, she was putting on a silky transparent gown. Justin could see her naked figure in the gown. Her shape wasn't the best in the world but in his eyes it was perfect. Sizeable boobs, big butt and a flat tummy. The twenty two years old lass had something he would call a seductive shape.

"Bless this meal and satisfy me," he prayed as he sunk to the bed. He watched her approach him in a sexy manner. Her pert little face so beautiful.

She leaned to him and muttered, "I am all yours."

"Forever?" He heard himself ask.

"No jerk, just for tonight," she said, then pushed him on the bed and climbed on him.

He ran his hand up her laps and under her gown. "You have got some pretty shape in here," he praised in a hoarse tone.

"Show me how manly you are," she brought her lips to his ear.

Immediately she said that, he swirled her around and thrust into her with all of his might. This woman was different from the many others he had tasted. He needed to prove to her how good he could be and yes he gave it to her real good. She would never forget she had sex with him.


When he woke up she was already gone. The only thing beside him was a little note. He smiled to himself, "this girl is damn hot."

He opened the paper and read out. "I loved every bit of you last night. Never have I had such good s3x in my life. As for my name, you can call me Chloe."

He laughed feeling proud of himself. He went to the closet, took his bath, brushed his teeth and freshened up. He left the room and paid his bill.

As he left the hotel, he wondered if he would ever see his angel again. She left him with nothing but a paper. At least she could have dropped her contact, he thought.

He stopped a cab and entered.

"Where sir?" The driver asked.

"Field lane," he replied. That was his place of work.

The driver took off.

Once the cab man got to his destination, he paid the man and alighted the cab.

He looked around, making sure no one saw him entering into the lane, then he walked to a gate and entered it. A guard opened the glass for him, he walked in, rushed to the elevator and pressed some buttons. He walked into the elevator and pressed in on the button again.

Once it stopped at the fifth floor, he stepped out and rushed to his office.

The unnecessary stares he got made him realize he was still in his yesterday's cloth, looking untidy and unkept. He walked into his office. A man was sitting on his chair. The chair was turned back, so he couldn't fathom who the person was.

"Who are you?" Justin asked, shutting the door. The man quickly turned the chair. There was a look of surprise on Justin's face.

"Are you surprised?" The man on the chair asked.

"No, I'm not but you should have called me before coming," he replied, walking forward.

"Well I did call you a number of times but you didn't pick," the man said, standing up. He wasn't as tall as Justin, he was a dark old man, he was around 60 years or above, with his hair and beards grey..

Justin searched his pocket for his phone. He remembered putting it in his pocket before entering the hotel.

"By what time did you call me?" He asked in curiosity.

"Three O'clock."

"Three?" Justin sounded perplexed. Was this Chloe's doing? He thought.

"And did anyone answer the call?" Justin asked.

"Not at all but I received a message from you, telling me that you are busy and not in the mood for calls," the old man stated.

"Where is your phone?" Justin asked. "Show me the message," he added.

He showed the message to Justin.

"So what do you want?" Justin asked him.

"I want to know if you killed the person."

"Yes I did. Can I have my payments now?"

"Yes but I need prove that you killed him," the man said.

"The proof is in my phone and my phone has been misplaced," Justin yelled.

"You had better not be kidding me. If anyone lays a hand on that phone, then Justin you are damned," the old man threatened.

"I'll send you the proof later, all I need is my payment," Justin said in annoyance.


"The proof was duplicated by me," Justin stressed.

"Send me the proof and I'll pay you."

"This is not the first I have done a job like this for you, bear it in mind that I don't slack in my job. If all you need is the proof then I'll send it to you before tomorrow. You can now leave my office.

The man walked to Justin and tapped his shoulder, "be careful little Justin, no one should crack open our big secret. I might find a way to get myself out of this mess but believe me, you will never. Remember it's my money you are living on.

Justin laughed in a mocking way, " trust me your secret is safe with me but I need you to know that if I go down, I'll make sure to drag you down the mud with me. Now leave from here and never step foot into my office, ever again.

The old man smiled, showing his yellow teeth, "Goodbye."

Justin sat on his seat thinking of who sent the message to his client with his phone. One thing was very clear, who ever sent the message, had his phone and had tampered with his phone password. His phone contained do man criminal ordeals and he wasn't ready to be put behind bars for his dirty secrets.

His first suspect was his angel, Chloe. He made up his mind to go back to that hotel. There's one notable thing about Justin, he prefers going to a hotel once. He was an assassin and he wasn't planning on leaving any clue for any damn person, especially his enemy.