
Wanting the killer girl

Warning Mature minds It contains sexual content. Betrayal. Love. Desire. Lust. Lies. Deceipt. Revenge. Justin Lionel was a ruthless killer, an assinator, until Violet Randolph came into his life as a spy sent by the secret service.... Violet became his killer, his own obsession....... The assassin wanted her at all cost...but Violet was after something else... Read on to know what Violet really wanted from Justin.... If you like the book, drop a comment...

Shalom_Onyeanwusi_9833 · Action
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His money's benefit

Violet entered her Peugeot sedan and drove consciously looking at the mirror to make sure no one followed her.

A black Lexus car took off behind her, distant enough for her not to see. Violet increased her speed but Justin drove slowly, with enough concentration. There was no need for him to rush, his prey was in front of him and there was no escaping for her.

The red Peugeot stopped and Justin heard her tooting the car horn. He packed his own car far away and carefully took notice of Violet's moves. He came down from his car and walked to the gate when Violet entered.

The gateman tried stopping Justin from entering, but as usual he bribed his was in with his excessive money.

Violet noticed the gate hadn't been locked yet, "lock the gate!." She commanded as she started walking to her house.

"Blatant liar," Justin whispered, but to her hearing.

Violet turned around in fright. She rested on her car in support, she stared at him, her brown eyes widening in fear and her hand covering her mouth.

"Why do you look so scared, angel?" His voice sounded so sarcastic, "is your guilty conscience pricking you? Or are you surprised to see me here?"

"How the hell did you get into my house, you scoundrel." She said in sharp tone.

"Why don't you figure that out? You are smart enough."

She flinched. "What are you talking about?" What have you done to my gateman?"

Justin smiled, "don't panic angel, I didn't kill him, I just paid him off the same way you were paid off to get to me. We are the only beings in here."

"Why are you here and what do you want from me?"

"Why did you lie to me?"

"I never lied to you."

"Oh yes you did," Justin shouted. "Chloe Wilson is not your name neither are you a prostitute."

"I didn't lie to you, I only wrote you can call me Chloe, as for my occupation, you were the person that jumped into conclusion. I never told you I was a prostitute, you called me that yourself."

Justin moved to her and ran his hand around her waist. "How much did they pay you? I will triple the money."

Violet gulped down her saliva. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Stop with all your pretence darling. You are lucky I am crazy about you, else I would have squeezed your breath off this lovely neck of yours, I want you and I'm ready to pay any price."

"Are you sure?" She asked in hesitation.

"Yes, I am."

"The price is that you have to spend your miserable life in jail," she said through gritted teeth.

"Calm down angel. You don't know the worth of what you have until you lose them."

Violet's face was a smug.

"What did you do with my phone? Did you think I wouldn't find out?" He laughed. "Certainly not," he answered his own question.

"There's nothing on that phone that could implicate me. It has solid proofs but none has any link to me. None of my identification details are on the phone. Too bad angel, I'm always a step ahead of my enemies."

There was expression of Violet's face.

"Don't be too sure. Someone contacted you earlier on and once we track him down, it won't be long until you will be locked behind bars."

"So you think you can implicate me?"

"Of course, the Secret Service are tracking the last caller...

Justin interrupted her with his loud laughter. "How are you going to track him down? It won't be possible, that man is way too smart to let his guard down. I have an advice for you angel, spend the night with me and steal another helpful information because you won't get anything from that phone."

"I lost ten million today in order to find you, so why not give me a good reward. The Secret Service are only using you. They have given you some payments and you think it all ends here. No my angel they will receive more from you."

Violet's space rumpled in anger

"They would have even asked sex, if you weren't a dirty, sneaky harlot," Justin spat out.

Violet's face stiffened, "harlot?*

"Being an harlot is better than having my hands stained with the blood of innocent people, ruthless criminal..

He grabbed her so violently, his face very close to hers. Violet's mouth hung open, her eyes flickered and she looked scared out of her wits.

"I m not just a criminal, I'm a killer. You would have been dead by now if I wasn't much crazy about you."

"Believe me angel, I'm ready to give you more than they have offered, all you have to do is be my woman."

She loosened herself from his grip. "Fifty million and I will do whatever you want."

"Deal then."

"Yes," she snapped.

He held her waist close to him, staring at her with his charming eyes, then he kissed her. Violet stood on her toes and wrapped her hands around his neck and reciprocated his kiss.

"I want more of you, angel." He whispered in a sexy tone.

I'm all yours," she replied in her angelic voice.

"Oh angel," he moaned and kissed her wildly, yet passionately.

"You angel still doesn't know your name," she spoke once the kiss was broken.

"It doesn't matter whether you know my name or not. It doesn't make any difference, does it?" He was suspicious of her inquisitiveness.

"You know my name, so why can't your angel know yours," she said in a flirtatious manner.

"My name is Matt, Matthew Philip," he lied to her. He wasn't the type to easily trust anyone.

She smiled at him. "Matt, I love the name, it suits your handsomeness."

"Thanks angel, I...."

"Griiin," his phone rang, interrupting his sentence. He answered the call at once.

"I will be there in not less senthan thirty minutes time," he said over the phone and hung up.

"My angel, I have something important to attend to. Wait for me at Rhowda hotel."

She smiled cheekily at him. "I will, bye."

He left.

She dialed a number when she was sure he was completely gone.

"Hello sir," her voice was shrill. "I haven't received the money yet."

"Vio the proof is pointless, it has no link to anyone," the man said ferociously.

It hit her immediately, "Matt was right. He never left a trace for his enemies.

She walked into her house and straight to her room.

Justin Lionel had finally gotten his girl, his angel and turned her to his prey, or so he thought. He had deceived her with his fake feelings and cheap lies but he didn't regret it. He knew that his attractive angel couldn't be trusted. His motto was trust no one and live long. Trust someone and live short..

His plan was to make his angel fall deeply for him and remain loyal to him. Fifty million was enough to buy her to make his angel serve him faithfully. All he intended to do was buy her trust. She had messed with him by trying to play such a trick on him. She wanted to expose him and now he would make her pay for it. He stopped his car in front of a hotel and came out of the car. He entered the hotel and walked to the receptionist with calmness.

"Hi beautiful, I am looking for Mike Cassey. Can you please tell me his room number."

"Who are you to him?" The receptionist asked, pretending to not notice his charming look.

"I'm his son's friend," he dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out an ATM card. "This is his card. He plans on renewing his ticket, so he could stay longer in the hotel but how can he make payments, if he doesn't have his card?"

"Wait here while I give him a call," the receptionist said, gesturing to the visitor's seat.

"Go ahead," he said, smiling charmingly.

"He is not picking my call."

"Oh yes I remembered him telling me that he was sick, so that must be the reason he is not picking. I even brought some medicines for him," he said, showing her some drugs.

"Ok. His room number is 321. Please you have to be quick, I can't loose my job because of you."

"You won't sweetheart." He smiled and left for room 321.

"Excuse me," Justin said. "Please where's room 321?"

"Down the corridor," the voice replied.

"Thank you."

As he walked to the room, he hummed to himself as though getting ready to pull off another stunt. He reached the door, "1 .. 2 .. 3," he counted and pulled the handle. Then he walked in.

"You have drank a lot and can't even tell your death, Mr. Mike."

Mike stood up in alert when he heard the voice. "What are you doing here? I have seen you before."

Justin smiled. "You are drunk, so how can you tell whether you have seen me before."

Mike frowned and said, "I can't forget the face of the person that killed my son."

"Wow even in your drunk state, you still remember your son's killer. Soon there will be no one to remember about your son's death." Justin dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a drug, then forced it into Mike's mouth, down his throat. "Goodbye Mike, till we meet in hell," he said and went away.