
Wanting More (Naruto Fanfic)

Yoshiro - “Only with experiencing pain and anguish will ones true self come out.” Remembering little of his past life, The MC steps in the world of Naruto and adventures to put his name in the history of this anime world. Having to live alone and survive on his own. Hardening both mind and soul, Yoshiro has a decision. Live a peaceful life and harbour life or Live a chaotic life and eliminate life. Either choice has it up and downs but in the end, fate decides it for him. I do not own Naruto, I only own the OC.

TruckkunJr · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Getting notification of the now awaken Yoshiro. Hiruzen without knowing, Danzo and the Advisors called for a meeting with Clan Heads and Civilian Council. He was angered by the audacity of his best friend and the advisor for not asking him for authority to call a meeting.

Now all Clan Heads, Hiashi, Inoichi, Shikaku and Choza on the left in their clan head seat. Only the Senju and Uchiha Clan seats were not occupied. On the other side were the Civilian Council. At the top of the table was Hiruzen and his Advisor's next to him.

"I've called for this meeting, to talk about what will become of the Uchiha Clan." Danzo said in neutral voice, not showing any hidden meaning behind wanting the meeting to happen.

As everyone heard what Danzo said, all of the room was quiet with no talking. Most of the Clan heads showed some emotions mostly sadness for the loss with Hiashi showing nothing, expected from him.

On the other hand, the Civilian Council even though showed some remorse, had a glint of ambition in their eyes which was noticed by Hiruzen, who frowned at this. He clearly knew what they were thinking, who wouldn't take a leap at having their kids have children in the future with a clan such as the Uchiha Clan.

"Because of the almost Eradication of the Uchiha Clan. The Clan has now only Four survives. Three of them being females, Itsuka the defect that massacred the Uchiha Clan, Mikoto of the Substitution and her daughter, Sayaka Uchiha." Danzo kept on his neutral tone while giving hints to the individuals in the meeting.

"Now having one of them leaving the Village. We only have Three Uchiha's that is currently staying in the Village. One of them, the only male of the Three, Yoshiro Uchiha, has only came out of his Long Unconscious state. But is now because of a Genjustu, has Severe Trauma against whatever had accrued in it." Everyone sighing somewhat at relief of not losing another Genius. Their still was some bad feeling going down most of the Clan Heads spine.

"Not wanting to lose a precious Bloodline such as the Sharingan. It has been spoke that the Three Uchiha's will be put in the Clan Restoration Act." Danzo opened his one eye scanning the room to see the faces of each person in the room. Until everyone's heads turn to a loud sound at the Hokage's seat.

"DANZO!!! I have gave no order of such a thing. They have only just survived a massacre and saw all their friends and family died." Hiruzen shouted angrily while staring into Danzo's eyes with a scrutinizing glare. He had already been in a similar situation with Kushina being a Uzumaki.

Breathing in deeply. Calming his anger, Hiruzen looked back at Danzo. "I make the Decision, not you. Remember who the Hokage is before you dare speak without my authorization."

"Hiruzen... Do you really want the bloodline to become extinct?" Danzo countered back with a submissive voice, underneath the disguise Danzo was clicking his tongue with rage.

"No. I do not. But, I won't make Neither of three into Breeding Machines." Clan heads hearing this, nodded with understanding and praise for him.

Not able to seem like a disgusting being. Danzo didn't reply neither the Civilian Council. At this point, Hiruzen tried to think of different ideas to resolve this issue. He knew that either way, he would be pressured by the Council in the Three being put in the Restoration Act.

He needed time while at the same time. Respecting Itsuka's wishes of taking care of the Three. Coming up with something, even if it seem weird. It was better than making them baby machines.

"To keep the Bloodline going, Yoshiro will be placed in the Restoration Act when he becomes of age. Sayaka and Mikoto will have his kids, similar to the Hyuga Clan, so they can keep their bloodline pure. If you have something to say, then say it." Speaking with Authority, Hiruzen got no rejection or voice ups. Only the weird approval of the Family heads that saw what the Hokage did.

After the meeting was over. Hiruzen was in his office waiting for the Arrival of Mikoto. Hearing footstep's to the door and the opening of it. Hiruzen hided away his precious book and looked at her while taking his pipe away.

"Lord Third." Mikoto bowed witg Politeness. Seeing this, Hiruzen grew a frown which he hid away as quick as it showed. Guilt was placed on his shoulders.

"Please sit Mikoto." Hiruzen gestured with a serious face.

Sitting down opposite him, Mikoto became nervous from noticing the expression on Hiruzen's face.

"Not being rude, Lord. But why have you asked for me?" Mikoto tried to speak as calm as possible. Which Hiruzen being in 3 Wars saw easily.

"*Sigh* It is about the situation with the Uchiha Clan." Hiruzen couldn't help but sight. Mikoto growing increasingly Nervous, didn't know what to say.

"It has been decided this morning that Yoshiro will be placed in the Clan Restoration Act..." Jumping from her seat, Mikoto was beyond angered showing from the activation of her Sharingan.

"You expect me to let you decide what will happen to my baby boy after he had just awoken from his deep sleep!!! You can think otherwise!!" Anbu dropping down on either of Mikoto for the Hokage's safety. Mikoto was telling with unrestricted rage, which Hiruzen took fully.

Waving his hand to the Anbu to sign that everything's okay. The Anbu member's hesitantly left back to their post but not without keeping a close eye.

"Mikoto, sit down. I didn't get to finish what I was gonna say." Sitting down, still feeling anger and having her Three Tomoe staring holes in Hiruzen's head. Hiruzen yet again sighed tiredly.

"When he becomes of age, you and young Sayaka will become his wife's to keep the Bloodline going." Waiting for the Storm of Yelling from Mikoto, like he expected. Mikoto put on a disgusted face.

"HE'S MY SON!!! YOU WANT ME TO SLEEP WITH MY FAMILY!!!" Mikoto voice with disgust and irritation, while almost yanking her hair out.

"It is better than you and Sayaka being used as breeding stock for the sake of making babies." Hiruzen replied to her. Shutting her up completely, she didn't neither did she want Sayaka being used as toys for Babies.

"I know. I felt disgust while deciding this opinion, but this is the only way you and Sayaka can live a normal life while having time until he can come of age to accept this situation." Hiruzen said with his voice laced with disgust and sadness.

Mikoto understood that Hiruzen did this for the better of her and her daughter, if it was Sayaka being Yoshiro's wife than she was fine with it but her becoming one as well. To a kid that wasn't even half her age... It gave her a feeling to vomit when she thought about it. But she knows, she would rather have him touch her when he's older than strangers.

"...Thank you, Lord Third..." Mikoto only said while up and leaving out of the office to contemplate about the situation.

Hiruzen could help but put back his pipe in his mouth while sighing tiredly. Turning to look outside, Hiruzen face even looked tiredly while muttering.

"I'm too old for this stuff... Why couldn't I sacrifice myself and not you, Minato." He said while shaking his head, remembering the short period of rest in the Sarutobi Compound.

While Mikoto was walking to the Apartment that she rented for her and her daughter. Opening the door, she saw Sayaka sitting on the dinner table in a depression mood.

"Sayaka, dear. What's up?" Mikoto said while hugging the sleepy Sayaka.

Looking out of the embrace to her mother's eyes. Sayaka had tears leaving her eyes, Mikoto felt helpless. She was forced into a Forbidden relationship with her adopted son and couldn't even stop her other Daughter from killing the rest of her clan. What Matriarch was she really?

"M-Mother...*Sob* W-Why did Onee-chan do that to Onii-chan?" Finally able to barely speak the words. Sayaka didn't know how to feel towards her older sister. Anger, Sadness, Love or Hatred for what she had done.

"That's up to you dear. You decide what you think about Itsuka... But remember that she probably had a reason for what she had done." Mikoto said with care and love. It might sound bad that she didn't get involved with the the two sisters, but she knew that she had no reason to get involved. Only fate can decided what paths they went after this revelation.

"...I... Don't know..." Before falling asleep, Mikoto noticed barely of the New revaluation of the change in Sayaka's eyes.

She had awakened the Sharingan.

The One Tomoe Sharingan, In both Eyes.

[5 Year's Later]

In these 5 Year's things changed drastically in the Village. All the other Clan's took more active role within the Village because of the Uchiha clan's massacre. The Higher ups were more pressuring towards Hiruzen with the Cal Restoration Act, mainly Advisors, Danzo and Civilian Council. But still Hiruzen didn't budge one bit.

As for Yoshiro's situation. He was scheduled through these years for therapy with Inoichi. Luckily memories of his love ones getting raped was gone due to the help of Inoichi, but as for the other memories. He wasn't able to delete them from his mind because of how severe they affect his mental state.

It didn't help because of how bad this affected him, he wasn't able to meet anyone, because of the possiblity of him attacking them out of a fit of rage.

So only Letters and messages from them to Yoshiro was the only way he could hear of them. Letters of their daily life and how they were missing him was sent every single day from Hinata, Naomi and Sayaka. It killed him inside, all he could do was cry tears while constantly Re-reading them to himself.

Weirdly enough after letting his hair grow out and his facial features maturing after puberty. His face was turning similar to Madara but with affect of Sasuke as well. Letting it slide, his hair was very spiky and two short bangs down his front. Sharp eyebrows, handsome face with Dead black eyes.

{A/N: I will post the image in this Paragraph for everyone to see what he looks like.}

Finally the 5 years went slowly. His emotion state was steady so getting the thumbs up to take the Genin test, Yoshiro aced it all getting perfect. He might of not trained but all his skills were the same just a bit rusty, only his Chakra increased into Middle Anbu.

Having his Gear on, Black Sleeveless Shirt that had the Uchiha symbol on back, Black shorts, bandages wrapped around his ankles and legs with Shinobi footwear. Yoshiro had his equipment in his pouches on his waist. Standing at 158cm (5'2) he was taller than his age by Four inches.

Finishing his wrapping around his legs. Inoichi opened the door to his apartment and looked at him with a Fatherly smile. Both of them had grown very close because of their constant meetings and appointments.

"How do you feel?" He asked while leaning on the door.

"I've been better." Inoichi heard Yoshiro sarcastic reply, chuckling at the antic of the boy. Inoichi replied next seriously.

"You might be a Genius, Yoshiro that has power that far exceeds any adult but don't get Arrogant." Inoichi lectured him like normal. Seeing Yoshiro look to him with narrowed eyes than back to wrapping. Inoichi shaked his head helplessly.

"How many times now have you said that? 50? Maybe 60?" Yoshiro said flatly.

"Probably more... But I say this for your own good. I don't wanna see you die because of your stupidity." Inoichi explained jokingly at first than changing his tone more seriously at the end. Turning to the door and leaving.

Yoshiro stopped what he was doing, thinking on what he said. Resuming his wrapping, Yoshiro finally finished it. Turning to the door where his Father figure left.

His black eyes changed to red and black. Sharingan activating than to a yin-yang pattern. Black on the outside with the pattern being red.

This was Yoshiro's Mangekyou Sharingan.

Turning to the front of him. Yoshiro gazed back at his reflection, Mangekyou to Mangekyou. Grin widening. Yoshiro said in a calm tone.

"I won't die. I won't allow it to happen. Only when my love ones life's are secured safely, than I can die a peaceful or savage death.... Until than, the world shall know fear from my name.... Uchiha Yoshiro."

Deactivating his Mangekyou. Yoshiro stood up and left to meet his love ones for once in 5 years.