
Chapter 1

As walk to the beach I notice the heroine talking to someone I observe them and listen.

"So youre new here?"she asked.

"I am"

"So what do you want to ask?do you need help?"

"I was just asking if you tour and guide me here on Ruès"

"Sure why not"she said and smile lightly maintaining a calm expression.

"Its gonna be hard"I whisper.

This heroine is hard to compete but since I already plan to be a man I wont back out.

I then walk and run and purposely bruise myself.

"Ouchh it hurts"

Easily got everyones attentiion especially the heroine.

"Wait a second"she then approach me.

"Are you alright"

"Its hurts I cant walk"

She was about to carry me but I stop her.

"I am heavy it will drag you down"

Seeing that she was helpless the man that she had conversation last time carry me.

"Send me to nearest rest house"he nodded.

"I will help him first"


Before she can speak that man already brought me.

As we arrived I asked him.

"Can I say something?"

He nodded.

I then made my move I went closer to him and whisper to him "I know what you want"

"What do you mean?"

I then hold and pinch is right ear and said.

"First you are not new here since you managed to carry me to this resthouse."

"2nd if I expose you she will be cautious and alerted to you"

"3rd I wont say anything unless...."

"Unless what?"

"You do something to me in exchange"

"What is it?what do you want?"

I smile evily and slowly touch his adams apple.

Secretly put a hidden camera in my right hand.

"I want to try it on your neck"

"What do you mean?"

"You should agree first or else I will scream that you did something on me."

"Fuck"feelimg angry he still thinking something.

"Oh come one it just one request why would you have to be scared"

"Just tell me what do you want me to do first?"

I then went closer to him that my breathe almost closer to his lips in just one inch.

I insist keeping my self not saying but I approach him and kiss and suck his neck making him startled without his permission.

He cant react after that its too late

"Stop"he look at me like he was in pain.

I then distance myself "okay"

For some reason I pity him because his tears are falling.

I then lick his checks so it wipe the wet tears.

Then "bye"I then put my card number on the couch and left him alone