
Chapter Five

In the last chapter we have raised a valid point of what’s the purpose of life, Well once a friend told me, Nothing is absolute and beliefs are merely subjective to one’s perception of reality and existence, for that such beliefs can not be proved or with certainty identified, as the most hardest questions to be answered have a subjective answer nature to it, and personal beliefs and spirituality are one of them, through any scientific method or approach nothing has been proven yet as our minds always drawn towards what’s logical and sensical, but all these spiritualities and faith can only be obtained personally through an entity’s journey through eternal existence, my friend’s philosophical thoughts never cease to amaze me and keep me but wonder to myself is there a hidden power standing beside us filling our souls with faith and strength or is it just our survival instincts?! Well, let’s not get into a dispute here of what’s true and what’s not as only little of knowledge we know, no matter how far we’ve advanced in science and physics some questions remains a mystery and for me personally someone’s beliefs do not cancel the other’s regardless of its authenticity.

With this I might be fluctuated and couldn’t emphasize oodles of my inner thoughts into properly adjusted words, no more loquacity, Thus I leave this for you to contemplate and for your speculations to come in. Let’s move along with our story though and leave all the granularities aside for the power of your mind to compile and process.

John suddenly decides that it was time for him to separate from Ann as he was thinking this while drinking his fifth drink his mind was chaotic and his decision was to come from a void filled with toxins running in his bloodstream. The moment John was thinking about this our Ann here decided to take a walk and see the ranches around as she loved the nature and animals simplicity also she need the break for head clarity, she watches the horses stomping their feet’s galloping around here and there neighing, eating grass, it was beautiful and she really was enjoying the view, On her way back home she was thinking to her self and saying it is going to be a peaceful night. She stepped inside the house and there John was waiting and shouting with a very menacing voice where have you been he said, Ann with a low tuned voice I went for a walk, without her finishing her sentence he struck her face with a meat cleaver and shouted you are not to leave the house. he gone out of control and started breaking things around and screaming and yelling you are not my wife anymore, the voice got pretty much loud that raised the alarm of the neighbors they knew John crazy moods and they ran for the aid of Ann, she was on the floor laying there with a big scar on her head and tears dry on her cheeks, they managed to hold off John and take her to the hospital luckily Alex wasn’t there to see the horror show of what his father has done, Ann instantly remembered her day walking in the ranches and all her happy thoughts vandalized as doctors were stitching her head the pain of what caused by the mad man husband of hers left a hoof-print engraved into her heart and inflicted more torture than the physical pain she’s feeling now and leaving a scar that couldn’t be stitched like the one on her head, Poor Ann.

John was convicted and thrown into jail after all the neighbors testified to what they saw. an arraignment was conducted and he was convicted and sentenced to one year of prison with labor.