
Wanted stories

Hello, these are some ideas that stick around in my head long enough for me to write down or some requests that I got. These are mostly one shots, a place to dump some of my ideas. I hope you enjoy!

0BunnyRabbit0 · Others
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4 Chs





Looking around the brightly lit room with several of her friends just sitting around or talking Toru could feel her heart beating out of her chest. She was standing in the middle of 1-A dormitory's living room and like always, she was invisible.

Only this time, she wasn't trying to bring attention to herself so no clothes accompanied her. Just 10 minutes ago she said good night to her friends and 'went early for bed'. Having a lifetime of practice, Toru silently made her way to the table that Midoria, Momo, Ochako, Eijiro and Aoyama sat around.

There was no important conversation happening that she wanted to spy on, they were just chatting about their days. Slowly and without sound Toru climbed her way onto the table that they surrounded and just sat there, trying her hardest to calm her pounding heart and not breathe too loudly.

Toru sat on that table for several minutes just to make sure she hadn't somehow revealed herself. Slowly her hands started to snake around her body. One hand found purchase on her rapidly hardening nipples and the other snaked down to her secret garden. Slowly, her hands began to build up pleasure with any movement.

Of course, doing it in her room would be more logical and safer, but to her, it didn't bring the same thrill. It started before she started UA, on a normal evening. Like any teenager, she was laying in her bed and watching porn, one hand holding the phone and the other down bellow caressing her lower lips. It was going on for a good while and she was about to reach her limit.

Suddenly her doors opened and her mom came in to talk, nothing important, seeing as Toru didn't hear most of it. Toru was so shocked by her mom's sudden appearance that she froze, her hand fingers deep in her pussy, at least she closed her phone. As her mom started to talk and talk about school and her grades, Toru slowly started to move her in and out, with each finished motion getting faster and faster.

As her mother noticed that she was hardly responding, she came closer to Toru and put her hand on her forehead. Not expecting that contact, as Toru had closed her eyes for a moment, the excitement and shock brought her the biggest orgasm she had to that day.

Her mother left right after that saying something about dinner while Toru was left in the afterglow of her orgasm. A few minutes later her logical brain began to fiction and she wished for nothing more than to disappear into thin air.

Toru didn't need to check to know how wet she was, she was also fully aware of the distinct sound that it would make should someone, like her mom few minutes ago, be standing near her while she masturbated.

Thankfully, aside one or two glances her mom didn't say anything. Despite the embarrassment that came with it, the experience wouldn't leave her mind. And because of that, a few weeks later during class, Toru slowly snaked her hand down under her skirt to have one of her most memorable class.

Her reminiscing got interrupted by Momo leaning in towards her and picking up an empty cup next to her feet. Toru's mind instantly focused on her surroundings. Her heart beat like crazy, her hand not going any slower. What would they think of her if they saw her like this? Just the thought that they could reach out and discover her set Toru on fire.

Faintly, she started to hear a wet sloshing sound coming from her hands. It was faint yet distinctive, only bringing her more excitement. Toru was reaching her high, when out of nowhere Ochako, who was sitting right in front of her, reached out right below her hard working hand and touched the small puddle of love juices that had leaked out calling out "Momo, someone spilled something, can you bring some tissues?"

It was good thing that Ochako moved her hand fast, becouse the puddle increased quite a bit as Toru was hit by a mind breaking orgasm. Still feeling lightheaded Toru quickly moved a few meters to the side to let Momo clean up her mess and catch a breath.

It was on shaky legs that Toru made her way up the stairs, leaving small droplets in her path. As she plopped down on her bed, Toru's hand moved back to her still sticky lips as ideas on what she could do next flooded her mind.

Hello again! Was bored and this plot bunny came to my mind and I quickly jotted it down. Hope you enjoyed it!

0BunnyRabbit0creators' thoughts