COMPLETED Getting engaged at a young age had been a nightmare for Alexander, so he stayed away as much so he could shirk his duties. Camellia, on the other hand, looked forward to the day they would get joined in matrimony forever. So when Alexander came back without acknowledging her existence, Camellia took it as a challenge to make him fall deeply in love with her.
Camellia stood beside the lamp post at the park while Alexander went to grab drinks for both of them. From far she could see a family of three. The daughter looked like she was four years old. She smiled without her realizing it. If she protected herself well at that time, their kid might have the same age as the girl now.
The wind that passed through her face made her eyes blinked faster. She was too focused on observing the family she didn't even notice that someone was beside her.
"Lovely, right?"
The question startled Camellia. She moved a step back looking at her side. Seeing the woman who was standing there, her mind puzzled. The woman was wearing clothes that looked sophisticated even though the wrinkles on her hand gave away her age. As she couldn't see the face properly because it was covered by a big floppy hat, Camellia peeked a little, trying to have a look. "Excuse me?"