
The Site

Gian called the friend.

"Bro, I have something to tell you."

"What's that?"

"Look for any evidence that will prove congressman Dela vega was involved in any anomalies."

"For what?"

"I want revenge even in the simplest way."

"Is that don Jaime's order?"

He took a deep breath.

"Yeah, he wants an ace in case the congressman turns his back on him."


"Thank you."

" Alright sir. "

He took another deep breath.

" I remember when I was drunk, I didn't want to mention this, but I was so mad at you then!"

" Why? "

" Mother! I thought it was you I am talking to, that night in a bar. "

" Then who is it? "

" It's Ellah! "

" Stupid! You're a big fat ass!"

" That's because you didn't come and pick me up.

Idiots, the staffs said they're finding contacts on my phone, and they saw the name Boss then boom they called her! "

Vince laughed out loud.

" It's really your fault, bro, if it were darling, I must have been called because my name is "brother" in your contact list. "

" Darling? Don Jaime will choke me when he found out, a fool! ”

“ Wohoa! He's scared of grandpa!"

"Fucker! "

" All right, bro, say grandpa Jaime!"

" Stupid! "

Vince laughed heartily.


Ellah's bodyguard was driving quietly while they were on their way to the site.

She fell asleep while sitting next to him.

It was almost five hours from the city to the province where the tunnel is located.

Once a month she visits the site.

This time, it's raining hard.

She woke up feeling cold.

She turned to her bodyguard.

"Gian, where are your parents?"

"They died a long time ago."

"Oh, both?"

The young man nodded.

"How? I mean... "

" My mom had leukemia, then, she died, dad couldn't cope with depression, he also got sick and died too."


Gian has been her bodyguard/driver for a month now, but this is the first time she asks about his life.

"Who's taking care of you?"

"My grandmother. "

"Then where is she?"

"She died ten years ago. "

It turned out that his bodyguard was an orphan, and she didn't even notice.

"My parents died in a car accident, both so grandpa raised me. "

They both sigh.

"Mind if I ask you again? "

"What? "

" Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

The young man turned to her.

" I'm waiting for you. "

" Hmp!"

Gian laughed.


After a long travel they arrived atlast.

They were close to the site office, but Gian noticed that no one was there.

Ellah approached the guard.

" Good afternoon Ms. "

"Where are they? ”

“ Ah, Ms. There's a typhoon, they went home early. "

" Why! I came here quickly, but then you'll just say that!"

The man was speechless.

" Maybe the manager is still here?"

" I'm sorry Ms. but he went home too. "

She called the manager through phone. The operator answered quickly.

" Argh! They never told me why! " She almost shouted at the security guard.

" Ms. Ellah, " Gian slowly pulled the lady boss away from the man.

" It's annoying! "

She rubbed her forehead before marching back to the car.

It was Gian who spoke to the guard.

" I'm sorry bro, our boss is a tiger."

The person he was talking to laughed.

" We're just used to it. "

"It's not your fault, and it's not your obligation. But, next time if you can inform her, please do, after all she's the boss, our boss. "

" Yes sir. "

The young man nodded.

" Alright bro."

" Thank you sir. "

After a while, Gian went inside the car and started driving out. The lady boss took a deep breath.

" We can't go home without getting anything."

"We can tomorrow-"

"I have a lot of work in the office and meetings and I don't want to cancel it!"

He didn't say a word.

"I can't sleep here either, I don't have any belongings because I expect to see the tunnel today!"

"Look, you're the boss, open the tunnel so you can see inside."

"Bitch Gian! You don't understand!"

The young man clenched his jaw.

"You're doing the impossible!" he shouted as well.


"Fine! What will happen now?"

As a result they looked for a hotel.

They got an only one room.

To his surprise, Ellah did not complain.

Upon the command of the boss, they bought things and clothes at a department store.

"Wow! You only had one night here, but you bought for three nights?"


Moments later, they were back at the hotel.

Ellah requested for dinner, so they went to the restaurant next to the hotel.

"Good evening madam, sir!" greeted by the woman with a seductive smile while staring at Gian.

She gave them the menu.

She turned around and stood beside the young man.

'What the Heck! '.

" Which one you want sir? " The waitress came closer to see what the young man was pointing at.

" This one, " Gian turned around and suddenly backed away when both of their lips almost collided.

" Ops, sorry," the woman smiled.

" I'm sorry too," Gian said.

Ellah saw it.

Fortunately, her bodyguard quickly avoided.

Ellah glances at the menu again while waiting for the woman to serve her, but unfortunately she didn't do it.

Ellah looked at the waitress again.

She could clearly see that the woman biting her lower lip while staring at Gian who was bent over because he was looking at his phone.

She remembered what Gian said when she once did that.


Ellah cannot take it anymore and said.

"Ms. Are you reading or are you flirting? "

" What? "

Both of them looked at her at the same time.

"Why don't you just tell you're biting your lips? Isn't fucking bleeding?"

The woman was silent.

"Ellah please," the young man pleaded.

"No! That woman is flirting with you, she doesn't even leave your side! " She stood up, Gian also stood up.

"You're rude ma'am! It's painful-"

"You feel pain, but you don't feel ashamed?"

"Ellah please!" her bodyguard restrained.

She turned to the young man.

" Why? Do you want her? If, you're going to flirt just makr sure not in this hotel because there's no vacancy!" then quickly walked out.

"Ms. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, " the young man said to the waitress with raising hand as if he was pleading her apology!

She glared at them.

She doesn't care even some customers were looking.

The young man followed, back to the hotel, and they went straight to the room.

"What is it happening to you? ”

" Can’t you see? That bitch is seducing you! "

" Why are you affected? We're nothing right? Are we?"


"You're acting like a jealous girlfriend!"

Ellah shut her mouth.

'Am I like that?'

"Come on, tell me, do you feel something for me?" the young man approached, she abruptly walked away.

"Don't give any meaning on that, you're my bodyguard, and I'm your boss. And as your boss, I feel disrespected!" she said while pointing at the young man's chest.

"Fine, I'm sorry, I also noticed that I just let her instead, she'll be embarrassed. "

"Really? You almost kissed!"

Disgusted, the lady boss sat down, Gian stepped aside.

"Let's just take it out, is that okay?"

"All right"

Gian came out.

Ellah laid down on the bed.

'Am I jealous?'

Her mind refused.

"If it's unintentional, what's that mannerism?"

The lady boss got up and went to the bathroom.

Moments later, she is sitting on the sofa wearing comfortable shirt and shorts.

When someone knocks on the door, she immediately opened it.

Gian put the food on the table. He noticed that his boss took a bath.

Ellah opened the packed bags.

"It's expensive, huh? Wait, how much is it, I'll just pay. "

The young man laughed.

"You won't believe it, but it's free. "


"The manager said it was the payment of their mistake."



They were eating when Ellah asked.

"How did you do that?"

"I told the manager you're my wife."

Ellah spilled the soup she was sipping, unfortunately it splattered on Gian's chest.


"What the!" Gian suddenly backed away.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, it's all your fault! " Ellah said but still blaming him.

The woman gave him a tissue, Gian wiped his shirt.

"No choice, that's the best reason for them to be calm, see this? It's still free."

"I'm really mad at you, but you're great! What really happened?"

Gian remembered the scene on the restaurant.

Just as he entered the restaurant, he immediately greeted by a woman.

The manager introduced herself and asked for an apology.

"I'm sorry too, but it was just a natural reaction."

"Why? I mean what is she to you?"

"My wife"

The manager stared at him wide-eyed as if his statement is unbelievable.

"Your wife? But that's only her reaction?" the manager exclaimed.

"That's my wife, it's a good thing your staff wasn't slapped."

"I'm sorry sir, please tell your wife, we're sorry, I'm really sorry. I'll just give the food you ordered for free."

"See? I have an instant wife with free food!"


The young man laughed.

Soon they finished eating.

Gian looked at the queen size bed while thinking he could sleep in the car, and it's alright.

He slept in the middle of the forest anyway.

"Or how about that, you're full, I'll leave you."



The woman whispered and he was shocked.

"What? No way!"

"All right please?"

He shook his head.

"Eh why don't you?"

"It's not good for us to sleep in the same room, you're a woman, I'm a man " he explained as if talking to a child, and he was the father.

" Why? Would you do something on me? "

She barely came closed.

He was suddenly alarmed and stepped back.

" N-no! " He defended.

" Nothing. "

" But, because ... "

Ellah faces him formally.

" Mr. Villareal, as your boss, I command you. "