

"I hate my life, why can't I be happy" Natrine Kana is a loving and caring lady who is always challenging and strong in any situation. She lost her father at a very young age and became depressed because life had never been easy for her. She came from a middle class family and as the only daughter and child, her only job was to keep her mom happy. She met Dylan some weeks after her father's death and since then he had became her backbone always showing her love, compassion and care. Dylan was the definition of a perfect boyfriend, whose only job was to see a smile crawl to the lips of Natrine. He was the romantic type who loved Natrine compassionately. Their love kept blossoming for three years till Dylan demanded for a break up. Once again she had to lose a loved one and this time it was her one and only Dylan which made her heart shatter into pieces. She decided to never fall in love again and just concentrate on her work. But all that ended when she had a night stand with a stranger which she later found out to be her boss, the CEO of the top companies in ten different countries. An eligible bachelor, successful tycoon, a sinfully handsome man and also rumoured to be a devil at work. Since then her entire life became a fairy tale. WARNING: Explicit mature content and the book is also a work of fiction. Image by freepik.com Read my other works in order not to miss out of a world of fantasy.

Derin_Asha · LGBT+
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69 Chs

Does he care???

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I was sitting on the cozy sofa in my room with my laptop on my laps after having an annoying conversation with Lara. I tried to focus on supervising some works completed by some staffs earlier. When suddenly, I heard a loud scream not any usual scream but a scream of pain. I opened the door quickly because regardless of who it was I had to help the person. The first person on my mind was Natty because she was opposite my room and the sound seemed near. I tried to open the door of her room but noticed it was locked from inside. I immediately called one of the porters around to help with the card to open the room.

In no time, the door was opened and I couldn't find her anywhere in the room, I noticed the door of her bath room opened and saw her lying helplessly on the floor.....blood rushed from her head.

I lifted her up immediately noticing she had fainted and placed her on the bed then I dialed the hotel emergency service to send me a doctor as quick as possible. I quickly wrapped her in her bath robe and after some time that felt like a thousand years, someone knocked on the door and I guessed it was the doctor.

"Please hurry it's am emergency", I said in a cold but shaky voice. I took the doctor to Natty and in a swift of an action he started treating her.

"Mr Anderson thank goodness you saved her in time or else her condition will get more complicated than this she might even suffer from laceration, skull fracture or even more, she has already lost a lot of blood and sprained her ankle so she will need a lot of rest and please she might experience dizziness, weakness and numbness or even severe headache or pain in the head so as I said before she will need lots of rest", he finally concluded.

" Is she okay now?"...."Is her ankle okay?"...."Can she walk?".... "Does she have any dislocation?".... I asked all those questions in desperation.

"Mr Anderson all she needs is rest, more rest and less stress and yes she sprained both her ankles and might be unable to walk for now" I have given her some injections to relieve her of the pain and some sleep enhancers too. The doctor said and excused himself. After he left, I sat on a stool near the bed and studied her face and her forehead which was neatly wrapped with a bandage. She looked beautiful even in pain, she was just too perfect... perfect for everything.

I kept on studying her face and caressing her hair for a long time till a message beeped on my phone. I checked it and saw that it was a message from Lara.

"It's 3pm Mr Anderson we are all waiting for you patiently", the message read. I heaved a sigh of relief mixed with stress then I took one final look at the little beautiful figure sleeping peacefully on the bed before I left for the meeting"

__To be updated soon 😜😜

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