
Want to Escape from GOLDEN CAGE

Name: Want to escape from golden cage Author:AHN status: Ongoing. ________________ Evan, who was an ordinary recessive omega lived with his father and sister. He worked hard in one of the world's most popular enterprise. And wanted to give his omega father and beta sister a better life. His dream was to marry his childhood sweetheart and unrequited love, to live a peaceful life. But everything changes when his boss, an dominant alpha, wanted to meet him and claims to be his fated pair. What will happen to Evan, when he have no choice but to marry his boss? What will happen when between Evan and his boss? Read the novel for the answer. ______________________ -please don't repost my novel without my permission. -The pictures used here are not mine. -story inspired by a native novel. -Available in watpad and Webnovel. ___________________________ Tags:- #bl #malepregnacy #romance #romance #drama #alpha #omega etc.......

Ahana_405_AHN · LGBT+
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17 Chs

Chapter 4 - Promotion as my wife

"Bu..But why sir. Didn't you called me here to talk about promotion. And if there is no vacancy why...why did you offer me a promotion".

Evan's voice was trembling. He didn't know if he should get angry or cry. He became unable to talk. After seeing Evans' condition Leon smirked.

" You don't need to be this tense Mr.Evan Brown. I only told you that we don't have any vacancies in the company. I didn't say your promotion got cancelled" . Leon said with a smile.

Evan looked at Williams with confusion. His eyes once again lit with hope.Leon continued.

"Yes. I have a job for you. But..." Leon paused and Glanced at Evan.

"But ? What's it sir..." Evan asked impatiently.

"Nothing much. But I don't know if you will take that job"...Leon said it, as it's not important. Evan got more confused.

"I don't understand sir..."

"Well it is a tough job. So I don't know if you will agree to work".

Evan was anxious. He didn't know what to do. Suddenly he was told that There is no vacancy in the company.

His mind was filled with thoughts about how he and his family would survive if he lost this job. Finding a new company in his current condition was nearly impossible.His sister won't be able to continue her studies. And his Father's medical fee. Every thought made him more and more anxious. It made him unable to think about anything else.

"No sir, you don't need to worry. I can do any job you assign". He hastily said.

"Really" Williams frowned. It made him look more intimidating.

"Ye..yes sir. I promise I will do any job." Evan replied in a low voice.

William got up from the couch and walked towards Evan. He bent towards Evan. And leaned close. Evan was caught off-guard. He looked at Williams with fright.

William was looking at Evans' beautiful eyes. Evan felt that he would get eaten by those eyes if he looked at it anymore. But don't know why he was unable to take those eyes which were looking at Williams' eyes.

"Look. I am telling you. You promised me that you will take this job and you should know l, David Leon Williams, will never forgive someone who breaks their promises ". Williams said it in a low and though voice. Which was like a warning.

Evan suddenly felt a shiver through his bones. He Gulped his saliva. How could he not know? Every one who knows David the slightest knows that he never breaks his promises until that person betrays his trust and also he never forgives someone who breaks their promises to him.

Evan was unable to think anything and promised that he would do any job. Now he can't take it back. If he breaks his word then the backlash will be big. Evan began to tremble. He didn't know what to say anymore.

In this thought Evan forgot the face which leaned close to him. Williams looked at dazed Evan and smirked.

He steps back and sits close to Evan.

Evan, who was in a daze, broke from his thoughts and looked at Williams who was sitting next to him.

Evan smelled something nice. But he was unable to know what that smell was and felt comfortable and safe because of this. He once more dazed.

"Then" Williams' voice suddenly made him realise his surroundings. Suddenly Evan moved away. Making the distance between them increase.

William saw this, but he continued talking like nothing happened.

"Then we will continue. I will give you the promotion. And it is a position right next to me." Evan didn't understand what he was saying. And Williams smiled Naughtily.

Is he talking about making me his secretary or assistant.But why those remarks earlier.

He looked at Williams in confusion. Williams' smile widened .

"So now ...You will be promoted as my wife."

Suddenly Evan felt a thunderstruck in his head.

"What ?" Evan jumped from the seat.His voice echoed in the room.

What is he saying ? I must be heard wrong.

Evan was unable to believe those words.

"What did you say ? Did I hear it wrong ?"

Evan looked at Williams .

Williams stood from his seat and walked close to Evan. His eyes filled with affection and Love. He looked at Evan as he was looking at something precious to him. His handsome face became more radiant and calm. He cupped Evans' left chin with his hands.

"You didn't hear anything wrong Evan." He said affectionately

" You are assigned to be my wife. You will become Evan Leon Williams. And this is your promotion." Williams' words were so gentle that they could melt anyone's heart.

But Evan didn't notice that gentleness nor did he noticed the love in those eyes. His mind only echoed the word wife. Suddenly he felt his whole body becoming uncomfortable.

"Nooooo". He shouted and slapped Evan's hand which was on his chin. And stepped two steps backwards and pushed William away.

Williams, who wasn't expecting this, got off guard. He who got pushed only staggered a little because he was well built. He stood there and looked at Evan with a unbelievable look

"What...?" His voice became loud and the gentleness in his voice totally disappeared. His Golden red phoenix eyes ignited.

"What did you say ? " He tried hard to calm himself down. But the fire in his eyes didn't subside.

Evan was trembling. He saw the flame in William's eyes. He became unable to look in those eyes. He looked down on the floor and answered.

"I...I....ca.. can't become your...wi...wife."

His voice was shuttering.

Williams' expression became gloomy.

"Why ?" His voice didn't have any range.

But it was full of disappointment.

"Why, you can't marry me."

Evan's mouth becomes paralysed. He didn't know what to answer. He thought he should say he already has a lover. He doesn't have any confidence to say that. Because he didn't get a specific word from his love and also the parents who are against them.

On the other hand Williams was losing his cool because of Evan's silence. He explode in anger.

"God..damn say something. Why ... What is the reason that you can't marry me ".

Williams' sudden burst made Evan shudder. He was scared... He was trying hard to speak.


Evan felt like he would turn into Ashes because of the fire in William's eyes....