
Want to Escape from GOLDEN CAGE

Name: Want to escape from golden cage Author:AHN status: Ongoing. ________________ Evan, who was an ordinary recessive omega lived with his father and sister. He worked hard in one of the world's most popular enterprise. And wanted to give his omega father and beta sister a better life. His dream was to marry his childhood sweetheart and unrequited love, to live a peaceful life. But everything changes when his boss, an dominant alpha, wanted to meet him and claims to be his fated pair. What will happen to Evan, when he have no choice but to marry his boss? What will happen when between Evan and his boss? Read the novel for the answer. ______________________ -please don't repost my novel without my permission. -The pictures used here are not mine. -story inspired by a native novel. -Available in watpad and Webnovel. ___________________________ Tags:- #bl #malepregnacy #romance #romance #drama #alpha #omega etc.......

Ahana_405_AHN · LGBT+
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17 Chs

Chapter 13 - Formidable Williams

Evan and Matthew were sitting outside the lawyers office. They already called Evans friends. His friends introduced him to a senior lawyer. And informed about the blackmailing  marriage problem.  They reached earlier than the time decided. And was waiting for the meeting to End.

Evans' hands began to sweat. Matthew saw Evans distressed look and confronted him with his eyes. After a while the client left and. They were called in by the assistant.

After entering the office Evan saw a dark yet handsome young man sitting on the couch opposite to the working table.

Evan knows that. This person is Rai and Beta. Evans college friends senior. Rai is well known lawyers

Matthew greeted him. Rai was wearing an etiquette black suit with white shirt. It made his look more majestic. His eyes were sharp just like an advocate. Who can see through anybody's mind. But  compared to Williams it was nothing.

Rai smiled at Evan. Evan smiled and nodded back.

Three of them sat on the couch.

Rai looked at both of them. And ordered his assistant to bring something to drink. His assistant nodded and left the office.

Rai looked at Evan and said.

"You don't need to worry. My junior informed me about what happened." Evan looked towards Rai in hope. Rai smiled and said to both of them.

"Blackmailing someone to marry using an agreement is something against the law. And also you and the opposite party signed an agreement right". Evan nodded

"Whatever the agreement is. And who ever created it. Their will be always some loopholes. Which we lawyers use to fight against the opponent. And of course I won't allow anyone to disrespect my client." Rai said in a friendly manner.

"Did you bring that agreement copy?" Rai asked seriously.

Matthew took the envelope from his suit and passed it to Rai.

Rai took the envelope. And began to seriously study the agreement. After reading for some time. Rai's face began to pale. His hands start to shiver. His facial expression darkened. He looked at Evan and Matthew in disbelief.

"The person you signed this agreement with is the chairman of DLW , Mr. David Leon Williams . Isn't it.?" He asked as if he wanted to confirm once more.

Matthew already got a bad feeling, after seeing Rai's expression changing. Even so, he answered .

"Yes. He is Evans Boss. And the person who blackmailed Evan for marriage."

After hearing this Rai began to sweat. He rubbed his temple. He sighed and looked and both of the.

"Sorry Mr. Mathew. I won't be able to take this case."

Matthew somewhat guessed this. But he was still surprised.


Evan began to tremble... He asked in low voice


Rai shook his head helplessly.

"Nobody will take a case, which is already determined to be a failure."

Matthew and Evan looked dumbfounded.

Rai Explained

"Davide Leon Williams is a person who no one wants to challenge against. He is not someone who we can offend."

"At a young age , he took over his father's company and within a few years he developed it to an extent where nobody was able to surpass him.

Many people tried to harm him. And made anonymous calls against his company. And many income tax raids occurred in his company. But not a single thing they got. In the end they will ask for his forgiveness. And will be Black listed by him. Their whole life will turn upside down. Nobody succeeded to touch even the tip of his hair. Not a single proof against an illegal  activity can be found.''

He looked at both of them and continued

"Mr Williams studied many subjects,  and got diploma and doctorate in it. It includes LLB,MBBS,MBA, Accounting, Economics and so on... His brain is like a computer. Which saved each and every detail.  He is better than the best lawyers in our country in clause, sections and laws."

He looked at the document.

"That type of brain is the one who made this document. Whatever we try we won't be able to find any loopholes in it. Instead we will be one a dead end. And also his assistant Mr. Morris is also one of the leading advocates of our country. Who never failed any cases he took over. Though he now works as Mr. Williams' secretary. Nobody will be able to Win against those two."

Matthew looked more disappointed. And Evans' body was shaking. Their every way of escape was collapsing.

"In this document look at this part.

'Party B borrowed money from Party A . And will pay back it by working for party A.

Party A won't take interest for the money they lend.

If party B goes back in the above condition. Party B has to pay back 10 times the amount Party A lends or party B has to Work for Party A, for whatever job party A assigns without question.

And party B can't back down from the Job assigned '."

Rai put down the document and asked Evan.

"Didn't you sigh after reading it?"

Evan bite his lower lips and nodded

"Nobody forced you right"

Evan shook his head.

"So that's it. You guys heard right. Now Mr Brown is unable to pay back the money by working for Mr. Williams. So you have 2 options. First to pay back 10 times the actual amount. Which is impossible for you looking at your condition. Even if you two sell all your property. You won't be able to pay back. Then the only option is do  the job Mr. Williams assigned. He was assigned the job to become his wife. For Williams being his wife is considered as a job. And there is nothing illegal about it."

Rai looked at Evan. Who is in  verge of crying.

"Mr. Evan, Mr Williams is a person everybody fears, respects and looks up to. Including me. Being his wife is a very respectable position. So, I recommend you to think about this marriage proposal. I can only say you are lucky"

Matthew was angry.

"No. I don't want to". Evan said.

Rai sighed

"Sorry Mr.Matthew , Even if you are my junior friend. I can't put my career in danger. Not only me. Not a single lawyer will fight against Williams. "

Evan jumped up from the couch and. Ran out of the office. Matthew took the document from the table. And run behind Evan.

Matthew saw Evan running toward the highway. As if  he had no intention to stop. Suddenly Matthew felt a bad premonition. And run towards Evan with all his might.

"EVAN" He cried out.