
Want to Be Protagonist

A 20 year old man is reincarnated into a fantasy world, he doesn't know why he can die. In that fantasy world, he expanded his knowledge and found something called an achievement. Achievement which is a supernatural power, which is only available in a grimoire. To get a grimoire the user's age requirement must be 15 years. When he reaches the age of 15, he is very excited and tries to become the main character in that fantasy world.

Nuggetless · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Practice Using Achievements (2)

But, here my right hand feels numb I don't know the reason.

I jumped backwards at a distance of fifteen meters.

Looking at my right hand that turned blue and couldn't be moved.

It's numb, I can tell it's happening because I can't really bear the coldness of Audrica's achievement.

I've felt this way before too, maybe when I hadn't reincarnated into this world.

In the past, I was taking drinks in the fridge freezer. At that time, my hands turned blue from the cold when I touched the ice in the freezer.

I didn't expect that Audrica's achievement was extremely cold ice. It's even colder than ice in general.

"Wow? What is it?"

Elivia asked behind me.

"Ah no. Look at my hand."

I showed my right hand to Elivia who was behind with Lohem.

They were surprised when they saw that my right hand had turned pale blue.

"That? Your hands are frozen?"

"It seems so."

"Brother, are you okay?"

"Relax, I'm fine."

Even so…, I didn't expect my hand to freeze like this. Even though before when he punched me using the first achievement.

I don't feel anything, does that mean every level of achievement he has. The cold temperature of the ice that is released will also get colder?

Can my achievement also do that? My achievements can eliminate the power of other people's achievements.

If I use high-level achievement, it will also get stronger the power to remove it?

That sounds really interesting.

"Here mother heal."

"Hmm ... Yes, please."

Elivia raised my right hand, and she also turned her right palm towards my right hand.

"Fourth Achievement ── <Healing Light>!"

My right hand suddenly glowed as Elivia said her fourth achievement.

Also, Elivia's fourth achievement is different from the previous one. Does the fourth achievement have many types?

As the glow of my right hand's light faded, it was visible that my right hand had changed back to what it was.

And it's also not numb like before.


"Somehow, this is amazing. My hand became normal."

Elivia smiled after hearing that, and Audrica also came over here.

"Yosh, next Elivia attack Audrica using the fourth achievement."


He's really merciless, damn dad it turns out he has a really terrible side.

"Don't worry, if the strength of Edric's achievement is conquered by him. That means he can also frighten your powers. Just now, your power was easily lost when you touched Edric's second achievement."

"Fine. If Audrica gets hurt, I'll beat you up. Audrica, get ready."

"── Eh? Well!"

I moved away from them, and Audrica took a few steps back to keep her distance.

Audrica's body is still covered in snow particles, which means her second achievement is still active.

"Fourth Achievement ── <Light Shoot>!"

It was the same achievement it used to attack me.

A magic circle appears in front of Elivia with light particles gathering in front of it.

Audrica prepared with a serious face, and then Elivia started shooting the magic circle at Audrica.

The light particles that were in front of the magic circle were shot like a gun.

Its speed was immeasurable, it was extremely fast and directly hit Audrica's body which didn't have time to react.

Audrica was thrown quite far because of Elivia's fourth achievement.

Eh? What? Why? Why didn't he react from Elivia's attack? Isn't it the same speed as before? Previously I could catch that attack, so why didn't Audrica react?

We immediately ran towards Audrica who was thrown quite far due to Elivia's fourth achievement.

"Audrica, are you seriously injured? Let mother heal you."

"Mother, I was only slightly injured."

"You are bleeding, let me heal you. Fourth Achievement ── <Healing Light>!"

Elivia's two hands aimed at Audrica's body were shining very brightly.

"This is all your fault Lohem."

"Uh, me?"

"That's right!"

"Dad, mom don't fight."

"Don't worry, we didn't fight. Mother only scolded your stupid father."

Elivia said that while patting Audrica's head.

"Well, this is indeed my fault. Forgive me."

Lohem said while bowing his body.

"No, it's not father's fault."

"I thought Audrica could withstand Elivia's attacks like Edric. It turned out that he couldn't, even though before that Audrica was able to beat Edric."

"Ah, about that father. Achievement Audrica can produce very cold ice, but logically ice cannot freeze light. Unlike my achievement, darkness can devour light. That's why mother's attacks disappeared."

"Oh, I see. But, doesn't that mean that your darkness can also swallow ice?"

"Well, that's true. However, I'm only using physical attacks here, so that's why I got cold from coming into contact with Audrica."

"That's great my Edric, you're such a genius. How about we eat something before continuing our practice again?"

"Yes alright."

We walked near the house, and Lohem picked up a rug that was rolled up near the house.

She opened the carpet and tidied it up, we immediately sat down on the carpet while Elivia took the food to be served here.

Very good food that Elivia made, there are various kinds of food that she makes.

Soups of meat, vegetables, grilled meats and grilled fish. Of course this is also supported with rice, eating without rice is less enjoyable.

Elivia distributed the rice using a bowl to me, Audrica and Lohem. After that she also made rice for herself.

"Enjoy your meal!"

I poured a bit of the soup on this rice, and took some of the roasted meat that was combined with the rice.

I immediately fed this, this is very good. The most delicious food in this world, 5 years after I was reincarnated.

I always eat food like this, it makes me very satisfied. Because in my previous life I never felt anything like this.

After eating we got ready to practice again, Lohem and I cleaned the dining area and the carpet that had just been used.

When finished cleaning it we returned to the training ground earlier.

Audrica and Elivia were also seen there, Elivia used a white sword and kept attacking Audrica who used her second achievement.

It seems like they practiced before we arrived, I wonder where Elivia got the sword from.

I've never seen a sword like that before at home.

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

Few minutes before.

Mother and I were sitting under a big tree, a very big tree filled with green leaves.

"Mom help me practice."

"Hmm? That's fine but, are you sure?

"Yes, of course. But, I want you to use the third achievement only, can that work? I'm curious about the form of the third achievement."

Before training with big brother, I want to see the third achievement first and understand the basic concept.

Because I feel a little doubtful about this, most 15 year olds can't use the third achievement.

They immediately crumbled when they tried to use the third achievement, because basically their bodies were still weak like my father said before.

When using an achievement, all magi around are absorbed according to the capacity needed.

Magi is an energy that is everywhere like water, air, soil and living things.