

It a entailing story of how lineage battle to find peace but we're later forced to go back to the kingdom days

Lawanson · War
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1 Beginning of World war 1

It was a peaceful morning until the White House received an emergency that 3 planes were down and protesters had filled up the front gate of the white house waiting for the president Larry to give a speech only to realize that he would try to cover it up.When he got to the announcement center he covered it but the citizens pressured him so he declare a calm war against Russia that only there kingdom Knew about.They invited the president but his secretary was the one who attended,they asked him questions about the attack and he tried to lie,so he was gunned down with his guard

The Russia president was furious about his missing secretary so he sent out guards to find him, where one of the guard who was searching the lake saw the secretary's dead body alongside with his guard,but wasn't able to report because he was killed by the Scotland army,they sent one of there alies who was dressed in the dead Russia guard uniform to spread fake new to the president that his secretary was okay.He was able to lie to the president and also spie on there army .

Then when the attack day came the Scotland army went to Russia barracks were they surrounded the camp and killed all the army.The Scotland's plan was successful without a tip on them they sneaked out of Russia.

While the Scotland citizens celebrated the Russia citizens mourn the dead But with good comes bad,the president of Scotland believe there plan would backfire so they were ready for it.But will they really get what was about to hit them.