
Wanjie Fishing System

One piece fan-fiction Traversing in one piece with wanjie fishing system

MD_Nurnabi_Islam · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 6

Zhang Jun stood outside the small house, thought for a moment, and turned back to the small hotel.

Now that he knew the address of misoga, he didn\'t have to hurry to get the map back. He was curious why the submissive boy would be a thief because of a map.

Early the next morning, Zhang Jun came to the wharf unsteadily.

The navy ship he sank yesterday has disappeared. Only a few navies are fishing for something at sea.

Zhang Jun, who was still curious about the world, began to observe everywhere and unknowingly walked near the naval camp.

"Stop! Boy, you\'re not local, are you? Where did you come from? When did you come? Cooperate with us to check!"

Just then, a team of Navy passed by. Seeing that Zhang Jun was well dressed, the leading Navy kept looking around, and stopped with doubts.

"Sir, I\'m from baihang village. I don\'t seem to have done anything?"

Zhang Jun frowned and said coldly that the Navy had nothing to do! Does Uncle Zhang look like a bad man?!

Now Zhang Jun doesn\'t realize that he is the "bad man" who destroyed a lieutenant colonel\'s ship yesterday

"Hmm?! baihang village? I haven\'t heard of it. Now I suspect you have something to do with yesterday\'s shipwreck. Please follow us to the naval camp for review! Otherwise..."

Looking at the way Zhang Jun didn\'t pay attention to him at all, the leader of the navy was angry. While talking, he pressed his hand on the handle of the knife around his waist, and pulled out his knife at the sight of discord.

But he also found the right Lord. The fate is really wonderful!

"This young man is really poor. How did he provoke famon? He is a famous bully..."

Listening to the whispers of the onlookers, Zhang Jun probably understands what\'s going on. FA Meng is really a jerk. No one is allowed to refute if he has nothing to do!

Zhang Jun was just about to do it directly. Suddenly, his Yu Guang saw a figure running towards them.

"Stop, stop... Hoo, sir famon, you have a large number of adults. Don\'t worry about my cousin. He just came to our Cote island for a few days and doesn\'t understand the rules. I apologize for him. By the way, we honor you... See?"

A young man with a big satchel and staring at a compass hat panted, took out a broken money bag and handed it to famon.

"Good boy! Is this your cousin? Tell him not to wander around when he\'s okay. He doesn\'t have eyes!"

Famon grabbed the purse, weighed it, said with disdain on his face, and then swaggered over with a team of people behind him.

"Why are you stopping me?"

Zhang Jun shook mi Suoga\'s hand and said with a frown.

How dare you humiliate these scum whose combat effectiveness is just over 100?! Be careful, he beat them up. He doesn\'t even know his mother!

"My boss, what are you doing to provoke this bully? He\'s the son of lieutenant colonel Faxi! How can you gain a foothold on gossie island if you provoke him?"

Misoga said helplessly.

Zhang Jun was thoughtful when he heard this. It turned out that fameng was the son of FASI, the garrison navy of the island. No wonder no one cares about his prowess on the island!

Suddenly, Zhang Jun remembered something, turned his head and looked at misoga without talking.

Misoga was so flustered by his stare that he lowered his head and dodged not to look at him.

"Come with me"

They were silent for a long time. Zhang Jun suddenly said, and then turned and strode away.

Misoga bit his teeth in the back and looked like he was dying. He followed him in small steps.

When we arrived at the hotel, Zhang Jun was still sitting, and misoga stood aside with a bow.

"Go ahead."

Zhang Jun tapped the table with his fingers and said.

"I\'m sorry! I, I just want to copy it and then secretly return it..."

Misoga\'s face turned red. I don\'t know why he looked at his peers, but he felt a force from Zhang Jun

"I don\'t want to ask this, I want to ask why you stole this map?"

Zhang Jun smiled faintly and looked forward to misoga.

He hopes to hear the answer from misoga!

"Because I have always been an outstanding navigator, but I was not selected by the Navy like other partners to receive professional education..."

Misoga was puzzled when she heard Zhang Jun\'s words, but she still said it obediently.

In fact, misoga himself didn\'t notice. When he talked about his ideal, his eyes were full of light!

"Ding, trigger the mission and accept the dream navigator misoga

Task reward: ordinary bait * 1, inferior bait * 10 "

Suddenly, misoga\'s voice just fell, and the sound of system machinery came.

Zhang Jun looked happy and had another task! Moreover, the reward for this task is actually quite rich. At the same time, he also noticed that the system seems to be getting more and more perfect.

It seems that the true face of this system has just been unveiled!

He smiled and nodded. Zhang Jun looked at misoga differently.

"I said Xiaomi, cough, do you want to be a Navy or a sailor?"

Zhang Jun looked at misoga with a smile, patted him on the shoulder and said softly.

"Be a sailor, of course! The navy is not all good people..."

Misoga looked at Zhang Jun, felt his back a little cold, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said firmly.

"Good boy, come with me. I\'m the man who wants to be the pirate king! I\'ll make you the greatest sailor!"

Zhang Jun said with some bad taste, but this is really his real idea. One day he will stand on the top of the world and look up to the heroes!


Misoga slowly took the map out of his bag with a questioning expression.

"Well, I\'m sorry. I\'ll return the things to you now. I\'ll go first if I have something else to do. You can come to me at No. 60, west of the city if you have something. I\'ll certainly do my best to help you..."

Then he walked out while talking, leaving Zhang Jun alone behind.

"It\'s a little embarrassing... But you\'re sure to go with me!"

Zhang Jun touched his straight nose and said confidently.

Recalling the previous naval ships, it\'s time to do another thing first!.

Sorry for late update.i was under stress.

MD_Nurnabi_Islamcreators' thoughts