
Wanjie Chat Group: Ten Thousand World Chat Group In Mondaiji!

Here, is the world of Little Garden where millions of gods exist! Ye Luo, who came to Little Garden, was just about to work hard to revitalize the power of the community. But he suddenly received an invitation from Wanjie Chat Group Wakaba Hiiro: "You tell the worst god in the universe that she is not bad?" Narutaki: "I need powerful warriors to help me destroy that abominable decade!" Butterfly Ninja: "By the way, are humans really not the opponents of the ghost king?" Since then, new changes have appeared. Established a cooperation with the world of Food Wars to manufacture spirit soup and medicinal diet. In the world of kiva, he gained the power of the dark kiva and the sword of the demon emperor, and was mistaken for the ancient king by the blood-tooth ghosts, who ruled the world. Build an elite kiva series of knight hunters, bear the name of knights, and rebuild the Little Garden knight army! Plant spiritual plants, and cultivate the Qijera flowers in the Tiga world on a large scale to create gift items - life medicine, Featuring: High quality edit and Top-quality grammar! *** Author: Upsetting Editor: Peinace Pat reon: pat reon.com/peinace

Peinace · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Wakaba Hiiro's Newcomer's Gift

What the hell?

Wanjie chat group?

Could there be such a thing?

Can't the center of the garden be aware of it?

Ye Luo was surprised by this sudden voice. Does it mean that there are members from different worlds?

Chat group, of course he understands what this means, anyway, the previous life is also from the world of science and technology.

Since it dares to claim to be connected to other worlds, this is also a huge opportunity.

Maybe, even more exaggerated than the chance of being born in the world of Little Garden!

If the Canary and the complete Arcadia were still there, Ye Luo would definitely take off, and it would not be impossible to even reach a four-digit field.

But now it's gone, there's nothing left.

Both backers and resources have been cleaned up by others.

It's even harder to get stronger.

As a result, now, a new way out has come!


"It's really a way of heaven. Oh, Ouroboros, I'm very jealous of you, and I don't dare to be discovered by you."

"However, in the chat group, is there any way you can handle me?"

"Agree to join."

[Ding, Ye Luo joins the Wanjie chat group]

[Ding, Tony Stark joined the Wanjie chat group. ]

At this time, the group members who were still chatting stopped talking and watched curiously.

[Nakiri Erina: Oh, is there another newcomer in the group, rare guest.]

[Nakiri Erina: But if you don't have good cooking skills, you won't be in my eyes.]

After all, she hopes to meet chefs from other worlds, preferably with an excellent culinary system that is different from their Food War World!

That would be cool!

You know, every day she tastes the things made by those mediocre people, she will vomit.

[Narutaki: Miss, you should be more restrained. Everyone is from different worlds, so you don't have to be a chef.]

[Narutaki: I do hope that some powerful members can come to help me defeat the guy who destroyed countless worlds! Otherwise, the world will fall into the crisis of destruction!]

[Narutaki: Oh List! Decade!]

Thinking of this, Narutaki's teeth itch with anger!

Definitely, we must stop that guy's actions!

[Butterfly Ninja: Everyone, good morning on a new day.]

[Nakiri Erina: Sister Butterfly, good morning, is it actually morning where you are? Sure enough, our time is out of sync.]

[Nakiri Erina: I've finished my lunch]

At this time, compared to Ye Luo, who was curious about the true identities of these group members, another group member couldn't help but speak up.

[Tony Stark: Crisis to destroy the world? What a joke!]

[Tony Stark: With me, Tony Stark, there wouldn't be such a day!]

[Tony Stark: Speaking of what kind of technology level you guys have? My Jarvis can't even detect it. Okay, I approve of you.]

Tony Stark, with his legs crossed, looked a little suspicious at the moment. This thing called the Wanjie chat group suddenly appeared in his head, and he was startled as soon as it made a sound.

And a bunch of weird things these people in the group said.

What destroys the world?

What cooking?

Where is this going, what are you talking about, there must be something wrong with your head!

But Tony is more curious about what kind of technology this technology is.

Virtual dive? Telematics implant? Virtual reality involved?

As soon as the chat group appeared, the vigilant Tony Stark contacted his smart housekeeper, Jarvis.

After all, there are quite a few competitors who have malicious intentions towards him, and he doesn't even know when they were recruited, which is really funny.

But after some testing, Jarvis came to the conclusion that his body was normal, his brain was functioning normally, and there were no strange instruments and signal bands.

It is completely healthy male level.

That's kind of interesting.

And he can't discover the technology of what they are using?

[Tony Stark: As long as you are willing to come to work in our company, there is money!]

[Butterfly Ninja: Hey? This newcomer, what are you talking about?]

[Nakiri Erina: Laughing to death, where's the idiot? the newcomer who has been in the group for a long time is an idiot, I hope the other one can be normal.]

Are you still working in his company?

How many bosses begged her Nakiri Erina to give a good review, but couldn't get it.

[Narutaki: ...Sigh, it seems that he is from the ordinary world again. By the way, his mind is not very serious.]

[Tony Stark: ???]

[Tony Stark: Are you looking down on me? Let me tell you, I am a billionaire and an arms manufacturer, and I am also known as a genius inventor, the contemporary Da Vinci!]

[Tony Stark: It's rare for ordinary people to meet me!]

[Tony Stark: The opportunity is here, I hope you cherish it, not everyone has a kind heart like me.]

Speaking of which, Tony Stark also showed a self-motivated look.

No one knows kindness better than him, no!

[Butterfly Ninja:...]

[Nakiri Erina: ...Seriously, if you really have nothing to do, go find a jail now.]

[Tony Stark: You!!!]

There seems to be a lot of excitement because of the newcomers joining the group.

Another member came out, and she also had the title of administrator, Wakaba Hiiro. Compared with the names of other members, it seemed much more noble.

Such a big guy.

[Wakaba Hiiro (administrator): Oh, it seems that a great genius has come. I am really shocked as an ordinary female high school student.]

[Wakaba Hiiro (administrator): Well, as a welcome to join the group, I'll give you a gift.]

[Tony Stark: ???]

[Tony Stark: There is such a good thing? But seeing your attitude is so good, I will reluctantly accept it. Although it doesn't feel like an item that can make me look at it.]

As soon as he heard that someone in this group finally knew each other, Tony became a little smug.

Look, there are still interesting people after all.

Not like the one before.

The yellow haired girl.

But how did you get that gift?

He is now in the seaside villa where he is on vacation.

Before Tony could finish thinking, a hint came to him.

[Ding, the administrator Wakaba Hiiro gave a gift, do you want to receive it?]

"Wonderful, get it! Of course get it!"

"I didn't expect to have a gift, what kind of technology is this?"

"Wait! Ahhhhh!!! My eyes!!!"

After a ray of light, there was a scream of Tony Stark in the villa.

"Today is another happy day."

On a planet in a certain world, a girl dressed as a high school girl smiled.

Marvel world, after a while after the comatose Tony woke up, he rubbed his slightly confused head.

At this moment, his assistant Xiao Chili was in front of him at the moment, looking at him with strange and strange eyes, and said:

"Boss, are you awake? You are already a girl."


"Do not!!!"


[Wakaba Hiiro (Administrator): Very good, I already gifted a new group member, and there is another one, don't you come out and get to know everyone?]

[Wakaba Hiiro (Administrator): As a benefit for joining the group, I can also give you one.]

[Ye Luo: ...that, can I not?]