
Wanjie Chat Group: Ten Thousand World Chat Group In Mondaiji!

Here, is the world of Little Garden where millions of gods exist! Ye Luo, who came to Little Garden, was just about to work hard to revitalize the power of the community. But he suddenly received an invitation from Wanjie Chat Group Wakaba Hiiro: "You tell the worst god in the universe that she is not bad?" Narutaki: "I need powerful warriors to help me destroy that abominable decade!" Butterfly Ninja: "By the way, are humans really not the opponents of the ghost king?" Since then, new changes have appeared. Established a cooperation with the world of Food Wars to manufacture spirit soup and medicinal diet. In the world of kiva, he gained the power of the dark kiva and the sword of the demon emperor, and was mistaken for the ancient king by the blood-tooth ghosts, who ruled the world. Build an elite kiva series of knight hunters, bear the name of knights, and rebuild the Little Garden knight army! Plant spiritual plants, and cultivate the Qijera flowers in the Tiga world on a large scale to create gift items - life medicine, Featuring: High quality edit and Top-quality grammar! *** Author: Upsetting Editor: Peinace Pat reon: pat reon.com/peinace

Peinace · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Little Garden Nobles- Moon Rabbit Clan

It turned out to be the two deer that Ye Luo had hunted before.

One was given to Nakiri Erina in the chat group.

The other one was brought back and made into hot soup and barbecued meat in a big pot.

In addition, several little rabbits were also brought back, but Ye Luo forgot that the Black Rabbit, a member of his community, was a member of the Moon Rabbit clan.

If she sees it, won't she tear him alive?

That's why Ye Luo wanted to run away quickly, but the black rabbit was unusually angry.

And the black rabbit who found the little rabbits on the ground exploded in an instant.

Her originally black and shiny hair also turned into pale red, and an astonishing aura emanated from her body, chasing Ye Luo angrily.

"Ye Luo, don't run!"

"Look how I fix you today!!!"

Ye Luo, who knew he was wrong, heard the shouting, even quickened his speed and ran inside the community station.

Black Rabbit is also following him!

Only the children were left watching this scene helplessly.

This kind of situation always happens here, and the slapstick between Black Rabbit and Ye Luo is also a nameless daily melody.

Then I heard the chaotic sound of ding ding ding and the shaking of the house.

Or the sound of collapses and rubble rolling.

The original dilapidated house was crumbling under the power of the black rabbit, and the stones kept falling.

Fortunately, the house in that direction has long since been unoccupied, and it belongs to the area that was to be demolished.

Otherwise, the collapse will make the children worry.


Everyone also admired Ye Luo's endurance and speed. He was able to escape from being caught under the chase of Sister Black Rabbit.

You know, Black Rabbit is a noble of Little Garden.

So everyone thinks that it may be that Sister Black Rabbit is a kind-hearted person and often lets Ye Luo big brother.

After all, the two of them ran away all of a sudden, and they couldn't see what happened behind them.

And only Ye Luo knew that even if Black Rabbit exerted her strength to speed up, she would not be able to catch up with his speed.

So many years of absorbing natural energy is not in vain.

How can you do it if you don't take the initiative to strengthen the ability to run and run outside the box garden!

If the ability to escape is not good, you will not know where the corpse is in the wilderness.

I don't know how many people were itching for Ye Luo's speed, but they were all killed by Ye Luo.

However, that was a long time ago.


Inside the community residence of "NoName"

So in the end, the matter could only be settled, and only the black rabbit stared at Ye Luo angrily, as if she wanted to devour him alive.

"Woo! Damn Ye Luo!"

"Don't get caught by me!!!"

A helpless Ye Luo sat on the other side and could only spread his hands.

"Okay, Black Rabbit, I promise, I won't catch any rabbits again in the future."

"This time, I also forgot. Otherwise, it would be fine to catch some other game."

"Hmph, I hope so."

Black Rabbit with her waist tucked in could only stare at Ye Luo angrily. For a moment, she suspected that her Little Garden nobleman status was a fake.

In other words, Ye Luo must be hiding something.

At the beginning, Lord Canary seemed to be very interested in Ye Luo. Did she give him some treasure to increase his speed?

At this time, the children also started their lunch time, and I have to say, with some vegetables bought before and these meats provided by Ye Luo.

The days of poverty and poverty have become more comfortable.

With meat and vegetables, nutrition is sufficient.

There are also ample water resources.

At this moment, Ye Luo felt like someone was calling him in the chat group.

If I clicked in and took a look, I found that it turned out to be the previous Nakiri Erina.

Chat group…

[Erina Nakiri: Ye Luo, Ye Luo, Ye Luo, I have already prepared the venison you sent, and I have to admit that it tastes really good!]

[Erina Nakiri: If you are free in the future, we can establish cooperation.]

[Erina Nakiri: By the way, I also studied how to better stimulate the nutrition in the meat, so that the eater can better absorb it and strengthen the body.]

[Erina Nakiri: Give you a taste.]

[Ding, member Nakiri Erina sent a red envelope.]

[Ye Luo: Oh! Is there still such an operation? As expected of an elite chef, a beautiful and kind person, thank you.]

[Ye Luo: I'll try it and see how it goes.]

[Nakiri Erina: Hehe, it's okay.]


After clicking to claim, a bowl of broth appeared out of thin air in front of Ye Luo.

Compared with the ones cooked by children, this bowl is perfect in terms of finished product, color, and aroma.

And it was emitting hot steam.

Ye Luo took a deep breath, a little intoxicated.

Is this the world of the Spirit of Summer Medicine? It's really good.

"ε=(ο`*))) eh???"

The black rabbit on the side was dumbfounded, she just turned her head, Ye Luo has an extra bowl of broth here.

Suspecting that she was hallucinating, Black Rabbit subconsciously rubbed her eyes with her own hands.

Then stopped.

"Wow, why is this still here? It's exists!"

"Ye Luo, where did you get such a big bowl... woo woo woo."

Before Black Rabbit could finish speaking, she felt that her mouth was blocked by something.

It turned out that Ye Luo fed her a spoonful of broth and prevented her from speaking.


The black rabbit's eyes lit up as she slowly drank the broth. Compared to the one she usually made by herself, the broth tasted much better.

At first glance, it can only be cooked by people who are very good at cooking.

Could this person be Ye Luo?

When did he have such good cooking skills?

Black Rabbit Doubt.jpg.

But even so, it would be rude to suspect him.

"Do you still want to drink?" Ye Luo's voice came over.


The black rabbit, who completely forgot about the accusation, took a few more sips obediently, and felt the taste of it.

So fragrant and sumptuous!

I have to say that the several ingredients added here perfectly release the flavor of the venison, and it has a higher momentum!

Very tasty.

Seeing the reaction of Black Rabbit, Ye Luo also took back the spoon and drank it himself. If someone can be fooled, he can fool her. Anyway, Black Rabbit's temperament is not the kind of person who insists on breaking the casserole.

Mainly because Ye Luo was sure, the center of the little garden didn't react at all to him receiving things from other worlds like this.

Either Little Garden didn't notice such a small thing, or the way the chat group was sent made it impossible for Little Garden to notice.

Either way, it's a good thing for Ye Luo.

You can now transfer items at will.

Seeing the scene of Ye Luo drinking the soup, Black Rabbit's cute face immediately turned red, and there was steaming mist on her head.

That's the spoon she just drank from.

Now that Ye Luo drinks again, isn't it...

Damn, how can this be!

The angry black rabbit could only sit here alone, staring at Ye Luo again.

It made Ye Luo laugh a little, this rabbit is so cute, and such a personality makes people unable to stop teasing one or two.