

"How does Nie Huaisang deal with his stupid brother? There were clothes all over the room, underwear just hanging out of the drawers." thought Jiang Cheng

"Jiang Cheng, come over here."


"Try on my black skinny jeans, with that white t-shirt."

Jiang cheng takes the clothes to the bathroom to change, he comes out looking fresh.

"No, I don't think that is the right outfit. Let's see which one outfit will look on you."

"Come on Wei Wuxian, hurry up."

"Calm down princess."

"I'm no princess."

"Here take this beige pants, gray t-shirt, and this black flannel."

"This better be good."

Jiang Cheng goes back into the bathroom. He took off the clothes that he was wearing and put on the second outfit that Wei Wuxian gave him. He looked in the mirror and thought he looked pretty good.

"What am I doing? Getting all dressed up for a guy who probably hates me now," muttered Jiang Cheng

"Jiang Cheng, what's taking so long?"


Jiang Cheng walks out of the bathroom.

"Wow, you look good. Lan Xichen will faint after he takes one good look at you."


The thought of Xi Chen fainting made Jiang Cheng blush all the way to his ears. Wei Wuxian smirked, he knew just how to make his brother embarrassed.

"All that's left is for me to get dressed."

Wei Wuxian grabbed a black and red hoodie, a black pants with a red belt. Wei Wuxian doesn't go to the bathroom to change his pants. He does it right in front of Jiang Cheng.

"Hey, go to the bathroom and change."

"What, we've seen each other naked before."


Wei Wuxian finishes changing, goes to his makeup area and finds a red lip tint. He put a light coat on not wanting the color to be vibrant.

"You want some lip tint, Jiang Cheng?"

"Um sure."

Wei Wuxian walks over to the now sitting Jiang Cheng and kneels down to help apply the lip tint.

"You look ready to party Jiang Cheng."

"Shut up."

Wei Wuxian looks at his phone it was 11:20, they needed to hurry up and leave.

"Come on Jiang Cheng, we need to leave."

"Okay, okay."

The boys walked down to the entrance of the school, from there they walked to the nearest train station. They waited for the train for 10 minutes, the train ride wasn't long. As soon as they got off the train they started to look for the place on google maps. It was a 5-minute walk from the train station.


Lan Wangji turns around seeing a man running towards him with flailing arms. Jiang Cheng walking behind him shaking his head.

"Wei Ying, no running."


Jiang Cheng looks up to see Lan Xichen, they looked at each other for a couple of seconds before looking away.

"Jiang Wanyin, glad you can make it. You are looking nice today." Lan Xichen said not looking at Jiang Cheng

Jiang Cheng was shocked, why was Lan Xichen still calling him by his birth name. He wanted Lan Xichen to keep calling him by his first name.

"Hey, Lan Xichen."

Wei Wuxian could see the heavy tension between the two.

"Guys lets go and eat."

Lan Wangji puts on his mask and some fake glasses. They enter the restaurant and asked the host to give them a private room. The host looked confused, Lan Wangji slipped his mask down a bit to show his face. The host was surprised and said that the private room would be ready in a couple of minutes. When they get into the room, Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng went to get food. Leaving Lan Xichen and Wei Wuxian alone.

"Lan Xichen, what happened between you and Jiang Cheng?"

"I know that it is wrong, but I feel something towards Jiang Cheng."

"I knew it was something like that, why him though? You know he is a guy right?"

"Yes, of course I know he is a guy. I know it is wrong, but love is a feeling one would feel toward another person whether they are female or male."

"I'm glad that someone like you is looking after my brother. He doesn't know how to show his feelings, but I'm sure that he likes you too."

"Oh, you and Jiang Cheng are brothers."

"Yeah, I got adopted into the family when I was 6."

"What happened to your parents? If you don't mind me asking?"

"It's fine, it was a long time ago. My parents got into an accident and there was no one who wanted to take care of me. All of my relatives found it too much of a hassle so I ended up going to an orphanage, one day I went outside and got lost. After a couple of days wandering around Jiang Cheng's father found me."

"Oh, you poor thing."

Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji came back from getting food. Lan Wangji looked from one person to the other.

"What were you guys talking about?" asked Jiang Cheng

"Nothing, just guy talk." Wei Wuxian said winking at Lan Xichen

Lan Wangji saw this, something in him began to boil. Something that he didn't know how to describe.

"Ooo salmon my favorite, Jiang Cheng why didn't you get the wasabi?"

"Not everyone likes spicy okay."

"But it's better to eat raw food with wasabi, it kills the bacteria."

"Then go get it yourself."

"Fine." Wei Wuxian said getting up to go get wasabi

Wei Wuxian came back and began to eat. One wouldn't have guessed that he just ate food 1hr ago.

"All you like to do is eat, you better not think about getting any alcohol. Wei Wuxian, it's not my fault if you get a stomach ache tomorrow and won't be able to go to the audition."

"Okay, mom."

"Wei Ying, eat slowly."

Lan Xichen sees this and wonders if Wei Wuxian will be the one to melt his brother's heart.


"Wang Ji, I see you are very close to Wei Wuxian?" Lan Xichen whispers to his brother


"You even call him by his first name."

Lan Wangji's ears grow a tad red.

"It's okay if you like him, I will not judge."


Wei Wuxian was curious about what the brothers were whispering about. But he didn't to be rude

"Lan Xichen, how come you didn't go into the acting industry like Lan Zhan?" asked Wei Wuxian trying to ease the tension

"I want to guide the next generation of artists. I got scouted before but I turned it down."

"Oh, that's cool."

"Watching kids like you and Jiang WanYin growing as artists are all I need. I need no money or fame. Every one of my students are special to me, they are the future of the music industry."

"That's great, my parents were into music too. That's what Jiang Cheng's dad said."

"So music runs through your blood."

"I guess so."

"How about you Jiang Wanyin, what got you into music? Was it Wei Ying that got you into music?"

"Why did Lan Xichen call Wei Wuxian by his first name, why won't he call me by mine? Why does it bother me that Lan Xichen calls me by my birth name now? Do I want to be called by my first name? Do I actually like Lan Xichen? Why is this so confusing?" thought Jiang Cheng

"What's wrong Jiang Cheng?" asked Wei Wuxian seeing Jiang Cheng looking frustrated

"Jiang Wanyin?"

"Again, why doesn't he call me Jiang Cheng?"

Jiang Cheng was getting mad, all of a sudden; he snapped.


"Jiang Cheng, quiet down. Even if we are in a private room, we are in a restaurant," said Wei Wuxian

"Shut Up Wei Wuxian, you don't know how I feel. The guy who you like is right there. But the guy who makes me get mixed feeling isn't even looking at me."

Jiang Cheng started crying, something in him just snapped. Everyone was silent for a while. Wei Wuxian took Jiang Cheng to the bathroom to clean up his face. After a while, Lan Xichen got up and went to the bathroom.

"Jiang Cheng, take a deep breath. It'll be okay, Jiang Cheng."

"Sniff~ no it won't. Lan Xichen probably hates me now."

Lan Xichen comes into the bathroom.

"I'm going to go back now, don't want Lan Zhan worrying or anything," said Wei Wuxian to Jiang Cheng

"Please be gentle with him." Wei Wuxian whispered to Lan Xichen

Lan Xichen gave a weak smile, Wei Wuxian went back to the table. Lan Wangji looked up and saw a sad Wei Ying.

"What do you want?"


"Then go away."


"I said GO AWAY!"

"No, we need to talk."

"There is nothing to talk about."

"Yes, there is."

Jiang Cheng tried to walk towards the bathroom door. But Lan Xichen grabbed him by the arm and pull Jiang Cheng backward. Jiang Cheng ended in a tight embrace by Lan Xichen. Lan Xichen kisses Jiang Cheng, but Jiang Cheng pushes away.

"Let me go."


"Lan Xichen, LET ME GO."

Jiang Cheng starts to hit Lan Xichen's chest, trying to break free from Lan Xichen's strong and warm grip.

"Jiang Cheng, calm down."

"Oh, now you call my name."

"Jiang Cheng, you were the one to say that I shouldn't talk to you in public."

"I didn't mean for you to stop calling me by my name."

"I'm sorry Jiang Cheng."

"Did you think about how those words you said to me that day affected me?"

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, Jiang Cheng."

Lan Xichen goes in for another kiss, it was soft and slow. Jiang Cheng took a while to register what was going on. But slowly he melted into the kiss. They had to part to get some air.

"Please don't ever leave me Lan Huan."

Lan Xichen was surprised, Jiang Cheng just called him by his first name. He didn't know how he figured it out, but hearing it made his warm inside.

"I would never leave you, Jiang Cheng."