

Everyone was watching them, the only one who was not happy with the scene was Madam Yu. She stormed off, into her room. Uncle and Madam Yu had separate rooms, they use to share a room but now that they would always argue; they decided to just get separate rooms.

"Well, I guess that could have gone better," said Wei Ying

Jin Ling was just watching the situation unfold. He looked like he wanted to cry, but Jiang Yanli comforted him; saying that everything was going to be alright.

"I hope she can get over it one day. I know wants me to marry a girl, but I love Lan Huan. I'm sorry to disappoint her but I'm who I am, and she can't change that."

"It will be alright son, I'm sure your mother will come to understand."

"Let's hope."

Jiang Yanli was looking at her brothers with kindness, she never judged people. She has a kind heart, that she even made that cold-hearted Jin Zixuan fall in love with her.

Everyone continued to eat the food that has long gone cold, but they didn't want to throw out the food. So they just ended up reheating the food and ate them. The mapo tofu that Lan Xichen was very good, Wei Ying had to keep on getting more rice so he could have more. Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji didn't really the mapo tofu.

"Why aren't you guys eating the mapo tofu? You are the one who made it Xichen."

"Oh, my family doesn't really eat spicy food. Especially Wangji, he doesn't eat spicy at all."

"Really, I remember this morning that he was eating all the spicy food that I had ordered at the restaurant. Were you forcing yourself to eat spicy food?"

"I'll do anything for you."

Wei Ying was glad to have someone like Lan Zhan by his side. He wants to stay by his side forever.

"Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng, can you go to the living room, I want to talk to Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen," asked Jiang Fengmian

"Why?" asked Wei Ying

"Just do as I say," says Jiang Fengmian

Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan before he and Jiang Cheng went to the living room.

"Do you love Wei Ying?" asked Jiang Fengmian


"Never expected for you guys to meet again. He probably doesn't remember you though."


Lan Zhan had met Wei Ying when they were kids. Even after so many years, he still remembers Wei Ying's smile.

"I never heard of this Wangji," said Lan Xichen


Lan Xichen was shocked, who knew that there would come a day that his brother would keep secrets from him.

"How about you Lan Xichen, do you love my son?" Jiang Fengmian's voice was serious.

"Yes, I love your son. I know that it is inappropriate for a teacher to date a student, but I can't stop my feelings."

"As long as you guys don't get found out, I am fine with it."

"Thank you."

"Uncle, I would like to ask your permission to marry Wei Ying." Lan Zhan had suddenly said

"Are you sure?"

The day after Lan Zhan met Wei Ying at the "Hop Hop Delight", he started to think about why he felt like he had met Wei Ying before. While thinking, he remembered a boy who he met 16 years ago. That boy was no less than 6 years old. The boy would always smile at him, even though he was living a sad life on the streets. He knew then that he wanted to protect this boy and his smile.

"Yes, I have waited for him for many years already; I can't wait anymore."

"This man must really love Wei Ying." thought Jiang Fengmian

"Will you take care of him, will you always be there for him when he needs you, will you protect him, will you always love him and only him, if you can do all of that; then you can marry him."

"Yes, I promise to always stay by his side and protect him."

"Then, congratulation. I give my permission for you to marry my son. You better hold yourself to your words. If I ever hear that you hurt him, there will be a price to pay."

Lan Xichen was once again shocked to think that his brother would be married first. He always thought that he would be the first one to be married. Their uncle had tried to set up dates for his brother, but by the end of the date; the girl would always leave crying. Lan Xichen, never expected his brother to be a heartbreaker. But now, there was going to be another addition to the family, Lan Xichen dreads the time when his brother is going to have to introduce Wei Ying to their uncle. His uncle might just have a heart attack at the mention that his nephew was gay.