
Wangxian emotion


anonymouscat123 · TV
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7 Chs

Love... wangxian

Love is not enough. If love is enough, your life is in trouble. But if you seek love is enough, so it's enough. It's not what you think you have is enough, it is what you know you have, so that's enough...

Love is a divine secret. Only the ones who reached the other margin Know what Real Love is...

Love is pure strength happiness lust passion feeling like nothing in the world can bring you down,love is accepting someone for who they are rich poor big small flaws .love is feeling 100% complete inside...

Wei wuxian always seek for love, but he only gets his true love with Lan wanji, and how they complete each other even without saying a word, they care for each other, when sacrifices his own happiness to save wens and stay separated from lan Zhan, to keep him safe, and not to drag him in all this, their love is so pure and enough, that he reborn to complete their incomplete yet complete, their love story.

To feel the depth, you don't need to stay at the depth, not all the emotions need to be burned out of your body, some need to be kept within the depth of the heart.

What's right? What's wrong? Who decides? Who doesn't? What's gonna be right can also be wrong, if that's true, then what's wrong to you can be right too, but in the end both right and wrong will die, and buried deep under the soil, cos the end will be undefined yet true.

I love the way wangxian story the untamed taught us not to judge anyone so quickly, and as I said what's right? What's wrong? It's no one who had this right to decide except you, yourself, or the god.

Wei Wuxian death, Lan Wangji situation, pov. by author:

Come from those stars, the earth cannot bear your parting In your eyes the pain of the imprisoned melody in the hearts of the lovers

It is the way of life that buried all the steps of ancestors and made them forgotten

Oh dreamy bride of heaven, do not cry, because the handkerchief of love does not conceal the complaints of lovers...

Author :- I believe you guys enjoy it, as much as I enjoy watching wangxian (the untamed) it's the story which depicts the love, lu$t, sacrifice and regret, without even speaking a single word wei wuxian and Lan Wangji fight their own battle, the separation crushed Lan Zhan heart yet he waited for 16 years for his love to be back.

A true love don't always needs words to express, but sometimes need actions to speak far more than words and eyes to express the sincerity to depict it's existence in one's life.


Love challenges you, sometimes it is the road not taken which is the true love a lover will never see or hear and still exists on higher ground and deeper spirit...

Trust the process, and lead with your heart - habitual intervention of all that is natural, is the interruption of fate...