
Wangdao : Reincarnated to become the most powerful warrior

Arcadius A young, boy who lost his parents at a young age. He lives with his grandmother. Being poor and unemployed at the age of 25, he is financed by the pension received by his grandmother. His life changes when he dies in a car accident and is reincarnated in another world.

user6772077471694 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 : The beginning

Arcadius, is a young boy Aged 25 year old. He live with is grandmother, after his parents died 10 year ago When their house was burned. This tragedy keeps repeating itself in the mind of the young man who does not manage to advance in life and tells himself that he is the culprit of their Death, This trauma, yours like a rope, he can no longer have the motivation to do anything, find a job, go out with a girl live his life . He is psychologically chaîned.

This afternoon, he returned from a football match with his friends. He is all tired and extremely spotted, arrived home he runs to wash and sits at the table with his grandmother.

-You played a great game as far as I can see. Say the grandmother.

- Yea, of course grandmother. I even won more by crushing my opponents as usual. Say Arcadius

- You really are the best in the world, my young son. Say thé grandmother with à georgous smile.

- I wouldn't say that, I'm not the best grandmother. Say Arcadius

- Why do you put yourself down, my son. Ask thé grandmother.

- In my life, I don't do anything useful. I only play football at the playstation, I can't even help you by finding a job it's really boring shit. replied Arcadius

- Listen, you don't have to put so much pressure on yourself. I am taking a comfortable retirement my beloved son but also you are really the person who lights up my life and gives it a truly meaning Arcadius . Say the grandmother, and grab both hands of Arcadius

- Yes grandmother I know, but sooner or later that will change. Everything will never stay the same, the eventualities are infinite. Say Arcadius.

- Can you remind me of what your grandfather always said ?. Ask thé grandmother.

- He said: Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future and today it is the present. And the present moment is the real gift. Replied Arcadius

- Exactly, you know I really don't give a damn about the future and even more about the past. But these moments of the present that I can spend in peace with those who are dear to me especially you my young son are the most precious. Say the grandmother

- Thank you my grandmother. Say Arcadius

The grandmother smile and kiss her son's forehead, and both start eating and enjoying the moment.

Night falls, grandmother falls asleep but Arcadius decides to go out secretly even though his grandmother had strictly forbidden him to do so. He gets dressed and then jumps out of his bedroom window. His friends are waiting for him outside with their car.

Arcadius gets in the car, and it's off for a boys' trip during the night. They cross the road at high speed even, they grilled the red game causing the pursuit by the local police, Arcadius being an expert at the wheel but also at ambushes. He gets behind the wheel of the car, and gets rid of the police by taking various turns to sow the police who call for reinforcement unfortunately for the young boys. At the end of the tunnel they entered, a huge truck is heading straight towards them. Their car no longer has a headlight due to the different unpleasant paths that have broken the sentences of the car. Sow the police yes, but in a dark, narrow tunnel where their car has no headlight it is really a prevention of a monumental disaster. Arcadius honks, but the driver of the truck does not pay attention, he sings and then what was supposed to happen happened. The truck hit the car violently, The police, who were chasing the young boys, arrived at the scene of the accident. All the young people are dead, except Arcadius who is also about to die. He sees Blurry, one of the policemen pulls him away from the car that was going to explode unlike the other boy, he was ejected some way from the car. Time was running out, and the police decided to save at least Arcadius. The car explodes. Arcadius, is in critical condition, he loses a lot of blood, ribs broken, Legs in pieces. And a piece of metal pierced his abdomen. The Ambulance have come , he was transported urgently. He hears, the paramedics tell him to hold on, and not to give up and that he will get out of it. Arcadius, was desperate and first of all he was in a lot of pain thinking about his grandmother and how much he will now make her sad,

Maybe I'll leave this world now. No, it's really sure I'm going to leave this world. But what will become of my grandmother? Why did I do this, why didn't my little head have the intelligence to stay with her instead of making a ledge that led me directly to death? That life is short and unpredictable. Is What Arcadius Says to himself.

As he is about to be transported to a Block for emergency surgery. He sees in the distance his grandmother shouting his name, crying and running towards him

Suddenly, Arcadius is overwhelmed with tons of emotion. He cries and gets up and runs to his grandmother despite the excruciating pain. The doctors are stunned and try to catch him. But he arrives in the arms of his grandmother

- Grandma, I'm really sorry for all this, will you ever forgive me ? . Ask Arcadius

- what thé fuck you say ?, you are the person I love thé most, my own son Arcadius. Replied thé grandmother crying.

- I have always wronged you, and you have always forgiven me. But right now I'm going to leave soon. Thank you for all mom. Says Arcadius.

After hearing, Arcadius called her mother the grandmother cries a lot and hugs her little son against her, begging him to stay with her, All the memories with his grandmother, his parents their death. Every event of his life paraded before these eyes. And as the last visual of this world, he sees his grandmother crying and begs him to stay, so after a tiny second, he finally leaves this world and dies in the eyes of many people crying for this young boy.

But Arcadius is not actually dead. He wakes up in a dark, empty place. He gets up and wonders where he landed. Suddenly, an entity in the feminine form appears in front of him.

-Where am I? Am I not dead. Ask Arcadius

- Exactly Arcadius, you are definitely dead. Replied the entity

- How do you know my name ?. Ask Arcadius and Approaches the entity closely.

- I am the goddess who is responsible for collecting souls and guiding them to their final destination. I am the representation of death and limbo. Replied the entity.

- I see, you came to take me to my final destination? Will I be escorted to heaven. Ask Arcadius.

- You are really very special unlike the other human and soul I met. Despite the fact that I told you that I am the goddess of death. You do not perceive any fear and madness, you remain serene and moreover you are right in front of me. Aren't you afraid ?. Ask the entity.

- I do not perceive fear as goddess. I have never been afraid in my whole life its must be that. Replied Arcadius.

- No, you will not be led to hell or heaven. Says thé entity.

- Huh?, so where am I going to go ?. Ask Arcadius.

- Before you died, you made a wish, the fact to never die again and to be the strongest and most powerful to protect those in whom you care. Replied thé entity.

- Yes that's right, I wished that. Confirms Arcadius

- Your journey is not over. And you have within you the faculty of vows and you are bound to this concept. You will be transported to an unknown and new world, you will remember nothing at all. From now on, try to live well in your new world Arcadius. Says the entity.

The goddess approaches Arcadius and hold her hand in his direction. Arcadius is enveloped by a white light. It is transported to a new world. He landed in a dense forest. Chest nasked , equipped with leather pants and a sword in hand. Unlike his old life. Arcadius is much more muscular and athletic. The physique as impressive as that of Apollo. He gets up, and starts walking. A new life, for this young boy who once had such a mediocre fate as a prisoner. Will he be able to adapt ?.