
Visiting Spirit Peak (3)

"Before I do this, Yang Xiao must do the two things first. Otherwise I won't do it, even if it pains me to not do so." I said, making it clear that there was an order to these things. "I have given you a hint at what it is I'll be doing, just know I'm only doing this once. And this is the only hint you'll be getting. Any more and you're not man enough for me to use my time this way." I continued with the scathing remarks. 

"Oh my, that's quite bold of you to say. I like it." Dong Su Zhu said, with a slight improvement to her mood all over again. 

"Grandmother, it is what must be done. If he can't even figure out the things he must do here. Then there's no way I'm doing anything that would only end up being wasted effort. I'm in a time crunch after all. From multiple angles. And while this won't set me back too much, It's still time I could be using for something else." I said in a calm and steady tone. I did so in a way that showed I'm not backing down from my stance. 

Yang Xiao was struggling to figure out what kind of situation this was. He was getting beat not that long ago and now he has to do something to be forgiven. Of course he's confused but then he seems to think for a while. So much so, it was like steam was coming from his head. However, there was one more person he could turn to for help. 

Yang Ying Feng was purposefully out of view of both myself and my grandmother. Even Yang Xue, my Aunt, wasn't looking at him. It was at that moment Yang Xiao realized that this was the last chance and also, that he wasn't alone. 

"Yang Xiao, first apologize for your actions. That's the most important part. Do that properly and I'll help with the second part." Yang Ying Feng chuckled, he also realized the situation. 

Yang Xiao trembled for a moment thinking about what he should do here. At this very moment. And then it hit him, he can't just apologize without naming the thing he is apologizing for. His brain started piecing the puzzle together. Then he got into a proper prostration position. 

"I Yang Xiao ask for your forgiveness. I took the love of my life away, your precious daughter. And I did it without your permission. Then I went and attempted to start a family…" Yang Xiao said, it doesn't matter if it was on purpose or on accident. "With her. Such actions are disrespectful to the parents. For all of this I apologize." He continued, tears coming to his eyes. "If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I'd ask for your blessing in marrying your daughter. I love her with my whole being…" He added, trembling internally, yet he felt better. 

Dong Su Zhu was about to speak up and then sipped her tea when she heard the last thing Yang Xiao had said. It was a bit out of order but at least it was honest. "Fine, I'll forgive you and even grant you my blessing. However, you have one more incredibly important thing to do." She said, in a truly demanding way. 

I chuckled a little bit, after all, it was going quite a fair bit better than I had expected. It was a good idea to let grandfather handle that part of the problem. Hopefully the second thing goes smoothly as well. Though, if Yang Xiao figured the first part out, even if with some help he should know the second thing right away. 

"Then from now, until the end. You're no longer, little aunt. You are my martial senior sister whom I love with everything I have. And the woman I desire to be with, regardless of what the world thinks. You are, my love, my dearest, my lover and my soon to be wife. And the mother of my child." Yang Xiao declared, boldly and directly towards Yang Xue. 

Yang Xue, who had been in the most depressed state of mind in her entire life, lit up with joy. Launching herself into Yang Xiao, though she made sure to be careful about the baby she is going to have. The two of them held each other as if the issue had been completely resolved. However, there was still a very huge problem. And that was the generation gap. 

"Don't disappoint me again alright!" Dong Su Zhu said. "And I get to hold the baby first in line after you Xue'er." She continued, passing me her cup for a refill. "You two are still of different generations no matter what way you slice it. Yang Xiao is either in Leiji's generation or my generation. And without a common thing between you it's impossible to really be married." She continued. 

Then everyone looked at me with that look. You know the one, right? The one where they expect something impossible to be made possible. Yeah, that look. 

"Very well, you seem to have passed the tests, Martial Uncle. In return I will do what I can. But please be quick and don't over do things. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to manage it." I said, pulling out another cup subconsciously. Huh? Why did I pull out another cup? Hmm, it seems there is enough tea to last, I'll just deal with it. 

"So what exactly is it that you're going to do?" Yang Ying Feng asked, coming closer to hold Dong Su Zhu's hand. "It must be something crazy like always." He chuckled. 

"Well, it's faster to show you than it is to explain it. This will be the first time I've tried to do it. So hopefully it works out as well as intended. But I can't make any promises." I laughed. "Just know, I don't want to do this again. Tomorrow starts a month-long celebration across the whole of Star Boundary after all. I'm going to want to enjoy those days as well. " I added, nervously.

"I'm sure you'll do fine, you're big brother's kid after all. Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be impressive, especially the news about what happened recently." Yang Xue mentioned.

I smiled and then I released an absolutely gargantuan amount of power… 

"Wow! That sure is impressive young man, you actually did it!" The voice of an old man sounded out.