
Family & Friends (1)

~ Yang Kai's Residence ~

Having completed my task with the Good Fortune Divine Furnace, I came to visit my family. Once I arrived with those that had been with me, I took a look around to see many of the close friends of the family were mingling with everyone. 

Inside this house, it was utterly chaotic, but the good kind. A much more desirable scene than… Some others I've been made witness to. My little brothers and sisters had their own individual traits, to include their cries. One in particular had been crying quite loudly until we reappeared. This was Smile's boy. The reason he stopped crying was because he saw his mother again. 

"Oh, you're such a cutie, Mommy loves you so much." Smiles said, cradling her boy in her arms. Then she came back to show him off to me, one of my brothers I have yet to see. "See him, that's your Elder Brother." Smiles said, pointing me out. 

"Hey there, did you miss Mommy?" I said, with a smile, gently poking him. The same way most people react when seeing a baby. Smile's boy let out that typical cute giggle that babies do. "He will grow up to be very strong… Actually…" I said, searching the room… "Wow, I guess that's par for the course from a Divine Dragon Source. It seems like all of my siblings have a Dragon Source. It's understandably weak at the moment. But it will surely benefit them greatly in future." I added after my search. 

"I knew you'd see it. It makes me want to find those with the phoenix source to betroth them too. Of course, that's only a partial thought." Yang Kai said, accidentally saying in front of two people in particular. 

"That's certainly an interesting thought, Brother Yang. Certainly a curious thing to say when I'm here with my child." Jiu Feng smirked, confident in something, then looked at me. "Would you mind confirming if my daughter has a Phoenix Source? Given what I've seen here, I would be surprised if she didn't." She added looking at my little sister still perched on my shoulder. 

It didn't take long for me to confirm Jiu Feng's request. However, it wasn't something she would like to hear, at least that's what I thought. "Hmm, I can say this, she doesn't have a source. But she does have the bloodline. Perhaps if she were to be taught by the clan she may very well develop a source." I answered, doing so in a way that still generated hope for the prospect she was thinking about. "That said, are you not worried about the other issue, the one that was made…" I started. 

"I doubt that will be a problem. After all, there's an example of that issue mattering little. Or am I wrong?" Jiu Feng said, with that steadfast aura. 

"I guess you're right. Very well, I won't add obstacles. You already have enough as it is." I answered with that half sigh. 

"Xingjuan, come here. It's time you go back to human form." Su Yan said, picking up my sister off of me. Xingjuan squirmed a little bit as a result. "Don't be like that, I know you're hungry." She continued, and Xingjuan calmed right down as she realized that she was indeed hungry.

"Be a good girl and listen to Mother. You want to know a secret?" I said, leaning over the now human form Xingjuan, her eyes sparkled at the word secret. "Even I listen to Mother." I added with that signature smile, unbothered by what my words may cost me in the very near future. 

Su Yan got a smirk across her face. And sent that same problematic command to my source. The current me is far more than strong enough to resist this order completely. However, I know that won't go over well given what I just said. And so, I transformed all the way back down to the size of a small child. The same way I had been once I returned from the battlefield and finally met my mother, Su Yan for the first time. 

"Pfft, I haven't seen you like this in a long time. So adorable." Su Yan said, picking me up with her other arm. 

"Mother, it wasn't that long ago. Only a couple of years at most." I protested. 

"Pfft, even his voice has become cute. Is it time sister Su?" Smiles giggled. 

"Yes, sisters remember what we said. Now it's time." Su Yan smiled and walked away to the more secluded places. Where the men weren't allowed. "Oh, Senior Jiu Feng, Senior Flow Shadow, Senior Sister Lu San Ning and Hong, and Senior Fu Xuan all of you may come back as well if you like. But the men stay here." Su Yan added, making sure not to exclude those who needed or need not be excluded. 

"Hmm, oh. I see now, yeah it's been quite a while since they woke up, it's only fitting that they are hungry." Fu Xuan said, realizing now that she hadn't nursed her own child in a while. "Darling, I'm going to follow them and nurse our baby girl. There might be some women talk so no peeking." She added just before standing to leave. 

"Oh don't worry, I'm not going to just let anyone peek." Yang Kai laughed. "Even if I didn't, Smiles definitely would." He added, taking a seat to relax. 

Eventually all of those who had their to worry about, found themselves in a large private room. Tops came off and some undressed completely, preferring to nurse with as much skin contact as possible. 

"Wow, I never would have thought of that? Does it help at all?" Liu Jiao's second wife, Hong'er, was overly curious and interested. "Does it not cause an issue with your adult son being here too?" she asked further. 

"No, there's no issue with him being here. We are a very close family, mostly because of him. You know how strong he is. If he shunned any of us, it would have fractured our relationships. Instead he calls all of us his mother." Shan Qing Luo answered. "And as for helping, I feel it does. This is also how my mother cradled me when I was born. I love my mother even now that she has long since passed. I want my daughter to feel the same way, so I do what my mother did for me." She finished answering.