
Wandering Knight Too Angry to Die

In the shadowy depths of an ancient forest in Heian Japan, a nameless European knight finds himself inexplicably transported from his homeland to a realm unknown, hundreds of kilometers away from the familiar landscapes of Europe. Lost and bewildered, he stands amidst the towering trees of a foreign land, his armor gleaming like a beacon in this distant time period. As the knight grapples with the enigma of his sudden displacement, he soon discovers that this world is teeming with malevolent forces, demons, and spirits drawn from the rich tapestry of Japanese folklore. They torment him, as if toying with the interloper who has unwittingly stumbled into their domain. Each encounter with these supernatural entities becomes a harrowing battle, his sword clashing against the eerie, otherworldly forms that emerge from the shadows. Yet amidst the chaos and danger, a ray of hope emerges in the form of a mysterious shrine maiden. She becomes his guide in this realm, her gentle presence a lifeline in a sea of unfamiliar customs and an impenetrable language barrier. Together, they embark on a quest, not only to confront the demons that have ensnared him but also to decipher the ancient mysteries of Heian Japan. Their journey takes them through a world of vividly painted landscapes, from the bustling streets of Heian-era Kyoto to the serene tranquility of remote mountain shrines. Along the way, the knight gains a deep appreciation for the life of the common folk in this ancient East Asian society, as he witnesses the delicate interplay between Shinto and Buddhist practices and becomes entwined in the cultural tapestry of the time. As the battles against the malevolent spirits intensify, the knight's quest for a way back to his European homeland becomes deeply personal. The demons have not only transported him across time and space but have also tampered with his very existence. Determined to reclaim his lost identity and return home, he must muster every ounce of courage and determination, forging an unbreakable bond with the shrine maiden.

Clocktower_Lucil · History
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34 Chs

Chapter Twenty-four: The Visitor from Netherworld

The night hung heavy over Miko's restless mind. It refused to grant her the peace she so desperately craved after the tumultuous events of the day. The duel between the brave monk and the enigmatic Nameless Knight replayed in her thoughts, a relentless memory etched into the canvas of her mind. The Nameless Knight had emerged as the victor, while the monk lay wounded, his motive uncertain. Lord Yoshiwara himself had attended to the wounded monk, standing vigil with a gravity that hinted at secrets untold. The physician had done what he could, but the monk's story remained elusive, hidden behind a curtain of intrigue.

Miko's heart beating like a drum, each thud a kindling reminder of the uncertainties that now clung to her. She tried to toss and turn in her futon, seeking solace in the embrace of sleep, but the events of the day proved it difficult. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, making slumber an impossible dream.

Finally giving in to her restless nature, Miko pushed herself upright, the thin futon slipping off her shoulders. Her room was shrouded in shadows, but the moonlight filtered through a small window, casting an ethereal glow. She reached for the lamp, determined to chase away the darkness that clung to her thoughts.

Just as she was about to light the lamp, an eerie sensation gripped her. It was as though the very air had thickened, as if unseen hands pressed against the walls of her room, wanting to breach the boundary between her haven and the corridor beyond.

Miko hesitated, the flint and wick poised for ignition. Her instincts screamed for caution. She placed the lamp back on the low wooden table, the wick unlit. Instead, she inched toward the wooden door that separated her room from the enigmatic world beyond.

The corridor, usually a place of silence, now held secrets in its folds. The cypress door, partially opened, revealed a faint glimmer of light, casting eerie patterns on the tatami mat floor. Miko could hear whispers, soft as the wind through bamboo leaves, carrying with them fragments of conversation. It was as though the very walls themselves had become ears, privy to a conversation not meant for her.

Miko's hand trembled as she cracked the door open. A tide of fear rose up her spine, and for a moment she thought that she might collapse to the floor. Lord Yoshiwara stood there, his figure illuminated by flickering lantern light, whispering dark secrets to an unknown woman cloaked in a white kimono with impossible features. Her skin was pale, almost sickly looking, her eyes were large pools of dark ink, and her hair was long and white, flowing about her shoulders like a waterfall of mercury. Miko felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and her heart raced with terror.

Miko's breath hung in the air, suspended by an onslaught of questions. Who was this mysterious woman, veiled in an aura of enigma? What were the clandestine words Lord Yoshiwara exchanged with her, hidden away from prying eyes? And why did the woman's countenance exude an otherworldly, almost surreal allure?

Miko stared in shocked disbelief at the scene before her. Curiosity and fear warred within, as she instinctively knew that this woman appearing before her could not be mortal. Doubt and suspicion loomed heavy in the air, and Miko's heart raced wildly in her chest. With a sense of dread encroaching rapidly upon her, she moved with cautious steps away the door, attempting to flee from the unfamiliar presence.

Although she had tried her hardest to keep it at bay, fear lingered like an unwanted guest – its cold fingers squeezing her heart tightly. Despite all her attempts to be rid of it, she was still overwhelmed by the dread that engulfed her.

It's all because of the woman's features that bore a striking resemblance to the spectres of the netherworld. She appeared to have emerged from the realm of the deceased, her appearance blending ethereal facade and unsettling peculiarity.

First and foremost, her skin possessed an unearthly translucence, akin to the moon's pale luminescence infused into her complexion. Her cheeks lacked the warmth of the living, and her pallor exuded an unnatural, spectral quality. Her skin was pristine, without imperfections, a testament to a petrification untouched by time's passage.

Her eyes, the windows to her soul, resembled fathomless pools, deeper than the night sky's abyss. They seemed burdened with untold grievances, an endless abyss where one could easily lose themselves. Her pupils dilated, granting her gaze an almost hypnotic quality, and when she blinked, shadows danced within her eyes, casting eeriness.

The woman's hair, as white as a swan's wings, cascaded down her shoulders like a shroud. It moved as if it had a life of its own, swaying and undulating in an unseen breeze, a stark contrast of her very essence.

The most chiselling aspect of her appearance lay in her lips, the color of dried blood – a macabre crimson that both beckoned and repelled. Her mouth formed a ghostly smile, revealing teeth as dark as unpolished obsidian. This smile hinted at buried secrets and mysteries from the depths of the afterlife.

She wore a flowing robe that appeared woven from the mists of the underworld. Its fabric emitted a subtle luminescence, a shimmer whispering of ethereal origins. Symbols and patterns adorned the garment, ancient sigils hinting at a connection to forces beyond the mortal realm.

Her demeanor, while graceful, bore an unsettling stillness. Time seemed to halt in her presence, and the world toyed with her breath. Her movements were erratic, as if she possessed by something sinister that defied mortal comprehension.

Miko watched in awe and trepidation. She couldn't help but feel dreadful. Although Miko have fought more sinister looking Yokais before, this one exudes aura that forced her body trembling in surreal fear.