
Wandering Hearts

It is said that one can never defy fate. This notion proves its authenticity as Delaney finds herself caught up in the whims of her decided fate. Robbed of control over her own life, Delaney finds herself torm between feuds between mythical beings, creatures that have little or no regards to her emotions. As an abused child, Delaney grew up mostly detached from the world around her and when she decides to take control of her life, she chooses to be a bounty hunter to make a living and makes her own rules, living her life away from anything that causes her distress. But her world turns upside down as she becomes burdened by a murder accusation which almost causes her her life. At the day of her execution, she's saved by a dragon, to everyone's dismay, and is forced to live her life like a captive as she's yet again robbed of her own life. **** Broken hearts, misplaced souls and twisted minds. Even though our pasts may not predict our future, it will always be part of our future and present. Past mistakes, past heartbreaks, past miseries. They ruin us in a way that we are so scared of endings, that we always end up not beginning. And maybe all we need is a little sunshine. A little flower, and most of all... to forgive ourselves for things that we could and couldn't control.

Valentine_24 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Rumours are spreading (part 2)

~ Hearts are wild creatures, that's why ribs are cages ~ Morticia Addams


Delaney's face remained stoic, and she didn't know whether to take their words seriously or not. "How come I haven't heard the rumours? And how sure can I be that you're not responsible?" she asked and Keir chuckled softly, amused by her behaviour.

"Why would I do anything of the sort? It's just that I took the liberty to warn you first. I'm certain that soon, your brother-in-law will be rushing hear with the news." he teased.

Delaney played with the knife in her hands, before turning her back to them. "Don't keep showing up at my door. I'm getting tired of seeing your faces." she said, then went back to what she was doing.

Xander looked at Keir, brows raised. 'See what I had to deal with?' he said through the mind link. Keir wished for time to go faster, so he could wipe off the arrogant look on her face. 'Let's see if you'll still be this bold in a few days.' he thought to himself, taking one last glance at Delaney, who was busy skinning the rabbit.

After they left, Delaney stopped what she was doing and stood at the same spot for some time. She knew that the people of Gatria didn't like her because of the reputation her mother left behind, coupled with the stories Angela made up about her so it wouldn't be a surprise if they put this on her as well. But she didn't want to believe it until it was clarified.

The day went by in a blur, with Delaney drinking more than usual. By dusk, she had almost emptied all the bottles of wine in Malcolm's collection. She roasted the remains of the rabbit, which she ate, before falling fast asleep.

She woke up the following day with a splitting headache. Her eyes were a little puffy and her hair was all over her face. She took a bath and brushed her teeth, before going back to bed. She didn't want to get up and the alcohol was still in her head, making her drowsy.

She slept for the whole afternoon, until someone came to get her in the evening. She was really getting tired of the frequent visits. When she opened the door, Erick was standing there, hands on his pockets.

"Why are you here?" Delaney asked in surprise. She knew Erick since he was the only friendly person in the guild of hunters. And even if he didn't like her, he didn't treat her cruelly.

"Delaney," he called, plastering a big smile on his face. "My condolences." he said bowing slightly and Delaney nodded. She didn't think she would get any condolences from anyone. But did he come all the way just to send his condolences?

As if on cue he said, "I came here to get you. The village head requests your presence in his house."

Delaney didn't think much about it. She went back to the house, changed her clothes and armed herself before going with him. She didn't think anyone would attack her in the village head's house but it was always good to be prepared.

The village head's house was a white mansion with huge iron gates sheltering it. The front garden had all sorts of flowers from roses, tulips, jasmine and many others. Delaney had been there a few times so she didn't gawk at the magnificent view.

There were small marble steps that led to the front door which was made of wood and some attractive carvings. Erick opened the door for her and she walked in leisurely. She just hoped her sister wouldn't be present, but she was soon dissapointed.

On the huge sitting room, Bernard, Collins' father was seated on an arm chair, his wife sitting beside him quietly. Collins and his wife, Elsie were sitted to his right, and their house keeper was standing by the side, her head lowered.

They all turned their heads when Delaney walked in and she could read different expressions on their faces. Bernard was a burly man with a slightly bulging stomach. He had a head full of black hair and a moustache covering his upper lip. The man never liked Delaney. He always thought her character didn't suit her feminine nature. To him, a woman should be quiet and obedient, not arrogant and aggressive.

His wife on the other hand was very much detached from the world. She never showed much emotion. She would pretend when needed but one would never know what she truly thought.

Delaney's eyes swept across the room and fell on her sister. She looked slightly plump and her face was glowing but her eyes held sadness, which Delaney wasn't used to. Elsie turned to look at her and for the first time, she had no reaction. She only intertwined her hand with her husband's.

Delaney stared at the intertwined hands and she surprisingly didn't feel anything. She knew Collins was looking at her but she didn't bother to look at him, her gaze went back to Bernard.

"Delaney," he called, his smile revealing a set of white, slightly crooked teeth. "You've never visited your sister and your brother-in-law since their wedding." his voice was full of sarcasm and mockery and Collins glared at him. Delaney had a blank expression and her eyes remained frosty.

"Sir, you sent for me." she didn't want to stay longer in the room so they should just get on with whatever they called her for. The sooner she could go back to sleep, the better for her.

"Yes Delaney. A rumour has been going around and I just want to clarify things with you. Malcolm was a very important person in this community and we wouldn't want to know that you would be ungrateful enough to end his life." He said and Delaney frowned. So things had gone that far?

"So, are you responsible for Malcolm's death or not?" he asked and the room fell silent. Collins stared at Delaney earnestly and Elsie didn't miss the concern in his eyes.

"No! Malcolm was the only person who cared about me so I would never do that to him." she said firmly. Collins' face fell when he heard that Malcolm was the only person who cared about her but he couldn't refute her. Elsie angrily snatched her hand away from his, observing how his expressions changed every now and then but when he was with her, he was always stoic.

Things were fine when their affair was a secret but after Delaney found out and kicked up a fuss about it, things took a drastic turn. If only Delaney could die and leave them in peace! She believed everything would be fine as long as they could no longer see her face.

"Well, I believe you would be wise enough as not to contradict yourself. So... we can only hope that we'll be able to persuade the public."

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