
Wandering Guard

"I'm just your everyday average guy living an average life, my face: average, my body: average, my talent: average, you can figure out the rest. If people ask me how do I think I will die, I'll just say old age but nope, death come and say hi when I'm in my mid-20 in a form of fork, knife and a lot of pain, and now I'm living my second normal life in a world not so normal. At least that is what I think until I met her...…. a certain night gaunt." first thing first, I'm doing this just for fun and as a wish fulfillment and english is not my first language and this is the first time i write a story.

Winter_Night · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


It is another normal day for me, with one plastic bag fill with instant noodle in one hand and another plastic bag fill with basic necessities needed in everyday live of a single virgin man in the other hand.

If I have to categories myself as a role in a story i would say that I am a background character and this is because of my average appearance, I'm not fit nor am i fat, i have a normal talent that almost everyone that I know can do as good or better than what I can do, the reality really hit me hard when I'm just in elementary school, making me able to think much more mature than most of my age thus helping me push through the school years of being bullied verbally by the other kids that think I'm an easy target since I always stay quite and keep to myself but it didn't mean I forgive all of them since it takes a lot of effort holding yourself back from choking someone with smaller body frame than you, oh! did I mention I have big frame compared to most of kids my age back then.

Despite all of the verbal attack I manage to make small circle of genuine friends that befriended me for who I am. My family and friends are also part of the reason I can make through school even with the bullies that I face but at the age of 13 all of those harassment just when away like it never exist, I guess holding back myself and didn't give the reaction they wanted to satisfy their ego actually paid off and most of it is thanks for the fun things that happen in my life that help making me forget about all the verbal attack.

After all of those year fill with both good and bad memories I ended up here making my way back home from the market, for some reason I feel like going to the market on foot and its not like I dont have any kind of vehicle since I own a black Kawasaki Ninja ZX-25R that I bought using my saving that consist of my allowance during my school years and all the money I get from part-time job, is there any better thing i could have buy ...yes, do I regret buying the bike.....hell no, im loving that bike to the point that I would go for a ride twice a week which make me think why I didn't feel like using it today since it is a good day and the mall isn't close to my house, heck I even give the widow that live beside my house a ride whenever her 2 year old daughter throw a tantrum and refuse to sleep, I didn't know how the kid manage to sleep with the sound and the wind but it work and whenever the kid would cry and won't stop even after many attempts by the mother, giving the kid a ride across the block on the bike seems to be the only way of calming her daughter down. She would also sometime invite me to have dinner in her house as a way of thanking me for always helping her putting the little girl to sleep and some heavy lifting.

As I am approaching my house i hear a commotion from the house next to mine, when I realise who's the house belong to i drop everything in my hand and rush to the front door afraid that something bad would have happen to the mother daughter pair only to see that it is wide open, not wasting anymore time i rush inside only to see the calm and kind woman that I know with a face clearly showing how scared she is in the current situation hugging her crying daughter close to her while backing away from a man that I can only suspect as a robber.

Without hesitation I sprint toward the man and tackle him and pin both of his hand to the ground, as I seems to catch both of the individual in the house by surprise I take this opportunity to tell the mother carrying her daughter "Claire take little hilda out of here and call the police!"addressing the mother with her name and her daughter with a nickname that I choose that seems to make the little girl giggle everytime. It only take a second for the mother to rush out of the house carrying her daughter out to safety.

After seeing the pair get out of the house i turn to the man I felt a knee hit me on the side of my abdomen and successfully getting me off of the man.

"So you're the man thats been flirting with my woman" says the man as both of us get on our feet.

'So this is the idiot that cheat on Claire and abandon her while she is pregnant with little hilda' I thought to myself, "oh you're that poor excuse of a man that cheated on such kind woman for someone you barely know, do you even have a functional brain?" i says hopping to buy some times.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP, THAT WOMAN USED ME AS A PERSONAL WALKING BANK AND WHEN I'M OUT OF MONEY SHE JUST DUMP ME LIKE A PIECE OF TRASH" says the man seemingly loosing his temper and I can only says one thing in respond to that "well you are trash no doubt about that" my comment seems to make him more angry.

"You know what, I'm gonna make those two my plaything and dispose of them after i had my fill so that they will know my suffering" says the man with a deranged expression plaster on his face after he said that he went to the kitchen counter and get a...fork?

As he has his back toward me I take this chance to run and punch him at the back of his head, he then turn around and swing his left fist to my face and the punch manage to make me stagger causing me to take a few steps back and when I turn my head to look at the man not only I see the man is closer to my to me than I anticipated I also get stab with a fork on my right eye which I then kick the man away from me to get some space between us.

"FUUUCKKKKK that hurt so much!!" as the pain serves as reality check for me it make me think 'Why am i even doing this, I'm not strong nor did i know how to fight so why did I put myself in this situation, why why Why.' then I remember something that my late father once told me 'be kind to everyone not for their thanks but do it because being kind is never bad and dont let what other people says about you either they ridicule you or saying that you only do it for attention, what really matter is the reason why you be kind, as long it is for a good reason you will see the fruit of your kindness one way or the other'.

As soon as I remember that, 'TO HELL WITH REASONING' apparently is the only thing that I can thinks of, not even taking my time to pull out the fork stuck in my eyeball I rush to ward the man and give a solid punch to the face causing the man take a few steps back and not letting the opportunity go to waste I deliver another punch and then another one and the another one until his back hit the kitchen counter and when I am about to punch him again with my right hand, he grab it and then I feel a stinging sensation in my stomach, as I look down i can see a knife held by him is connected to my stomach, not letting that phase me I give him a punch to the throat which make him letting go of my hand and the knife, I decided if I'm gonna die I'll make sure to not leave a trash around without putting it in their rightful place, I grab the knife that still in me and pull it out in one motion and give the trash his own medicine except it is to the chest where the heart is instead, killing him on the spot.

Taking a few step away from the dead man body letting it collapse to the floor as i to fall to the floor sitting with the wall behind my back supporting me from being in the same position as the corpse, as the fatigue start to sink in, my eyelid becomes heavier as time goes on and I starting to hear footsteps that seems to belong to a group of people entering the house, "NO NO NO NO NOOO" voice of which own by someone I'm very familiar with enter my ear which I respond by lifting my head so that i can see with the only still functional eye, despite it being barely open, i can see her face with that accompanied by eyes fill with tear on the verge of flowing, not having the strength to even utter a single word the only thing i can do to ease whatever feeling that is inside her I decide to give her the most gentle smile I can give as a final parting gift.

As soon as I am able to form the smile i lose my consciousness and and exhale my final breath in this world.