
Wandering Fleet

Earth is the cradle of human civilization, but humans cannot live in the cradle forever. In the year 2254 AD, the first deep space colony ship of human civilization departed from the solar system, venturing into the boundless darkness...

DaoistegyXLO · Sci-fi
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844 Chs

Enclosure Movement

  "Everyone, this news is not good."

  Zhang Yuan looked at the information at hand and frowned slightly.

  "...These big forces held this meeting. What do they want? Simply put, they want to form an organization and obtain the management power of the Dyson Sphere!"

  The diplomat sighed and said: "It stands to reason that the management and maintenance of the Dyson sphere is the responsibility of the super-intelligent Omega itself. But Omega only issues relevant instructions, and who will do this work has not been designated. "

  "They divided up all the management power through an interstellar meeting! Our new human civilization did not get any management seats. We couldn't speak at all and were directly squeezed out."

  "According to these treaties, every civilization that wants to land on the Dyson Sphere must undergo a series of security checks. It is also called for 'security'!"

  "All the management regulations have not been finalized yet. We found that something was wrong, so we withdrew first."

  This is a serious political struggle. The new human civilization has nothing. It has not joined any alliance, and it does not have enough military strength. Naturally, it has gained nothing.

  This result is very frustrating. After all, the new human civilization is also one of the builders of the Dyson Sphere. Now even a serious landing on the Dyson Sphere has to be checked by others. What does this mean? It is simply a shame!

  But there is no way...

  You can't just declare war on all civilizations just because you disagree.

  People don't even have real warp battle stars. This kind of military strength can be directly observed by other civilizations.

  If your fist is not big enough, who cares about you?

  This is also a stark reality.

  "We can't log in seriously, why can't we log in quietly? The Dyson Sphere is so big, can they control it? They can't control the super-intelligent Omega, what they say is nonsense!"

  A general stood up and shouted.

  "Can't we still launch spy satellites?"

  Zhang Yuan sighed and looked at several military personnel who were blushing with anger, "Well, it's nothing to put a spy satellite. But for some public affairs, we can't log in quietly. This kind of policy is disgusting and not strong enough. Civilization, let them join the alliance quickly."

  "Relax, being marginalized also has its benefits. Anyway, we will leave in 20 years, so what management seats do we need? Don't think so much."

  "Besides, there will be more trouble in the future, and this is just an appetizer."


  Next, in the living area of ​​​​Dyson Sphere, "enclosure movements" began one after another! Each civilization wants to encircle more of the Dyson Sphere territory under its own jurisdiction.

  The living area of ​​a Dyson sphere is large, really large, but not infinite.

  There are of course many benefits to controlling the Dyson Sphere's residential territory. The first is the administrative power above, and the second is the right to obtain data. The data here include stellar observation data and some external observation data.

  In particular, some of the external observations are super-light observations with extremely low delay. In the past, when observing an object outside an astronomical unit, all the images observed were images from 8 minutes ago, but now, it is almost instantaneous information!

  This is where Dyson Sphere far surpasses level four civilization.

  These data are automatically released by the artificial intelligence "Omega", but without the territory on the Dyson sphere, it is impossible to obtain relevant data.

  And thirdly, people can even use some of the communication devices of the Dyson sphere to conduct super-light communications with the outside world! For example, you can communicate with the Amoeba Trading Market, spend Amoeba Points to purchase technology directly, or you can also go to another super-light communication place. Targeted communications, these can be done.

  Although they were very reluctant, in order to reduce disputes, the New Human Civilization withdrew all the personnel and equipment from the New Human Civilization Embassy from the beginning, and only placed a few communication artificial intelligences inside, saying that this was "New Humanity" Civilized Territory"!

  In fact, this is a way to test external forces.

  There must be some civilization that covets this unguarded territory.

  Losing this piece of "territory" actually doesn't mean much loss of interests. If humans don't covet Dyson spheres, they won't want those things. Anyway, the Dyson sphere data collected in the past is enough...

  But there is a little disagreement among humans about how this Dyson Sphere "territory" should operate, whether to protect it to death or to cede it in exchange for certain benefits.

  "...There are currently three most important chess players. They are a major alliance composed of more than 15-30 level 4 civilizations. They control various level 3 civilizations under their control. Their specific names are Edifier and Ari. Radnor Alliance"

  "There are six medium-sized chess players, and they are forces composed of about 10 civilizations. Their specific names are..."

  "The rest are small chess players, a small alliance composed of several fourth-level civilizations."

  "There is no longer a separate fourth-level civilization, and the miniature chess players, including us...all exist in isolation."

  During this internal meeting, an interstellar diplomat introduced the surrounding situation on the stage, "The closest to our geographical location is a large organization called Rambler."

  "This alliance is much stronger than ours, and it is very likely that it will come to test our attitude...or it may come to win over us. It's hard to say how it will work out."

  Geographical location is still very important outside the Dyson Sphere. Because the surrounding space is densely occupied by spacecraft from various forces, everyone has carved out a natural mineral resource area.

  Once you give up your current spatial position, it will be immediately occupied by other forces.

  At that time, if you want to get it back, you will either have to go to war directly or give up a lot of benefits through political negotiation.

  Therefore, both the internal space and the peripheral space of the Dyson sphere are very important.

  Among the top leaders of New Humanity, the first group's view is to simply sell this territory in the Dyson Sphere to "Wanderers" to show that New Humanity civilization has no intention of participating in this matter.

  This view has a meaning of "appeasement" in the eyes of many people, which is a bit difficult to accept psychologically. In fact, after careful analysis, it is found that this method is not bad.

  Because from a strategic perspective, since the new human civilization wants to leave this starry sky, it will inevitably be unable to maintain the territory of the Dyson Sphere.

  Everyone has left, but you still want to keep it? impossible!

  So, since it will be lost sooner or later, why do you need to save face? Try to build a good relationship with the largest surrounding forces as much as possible, wait for 20 years, and wait until the engine construction of the planetary fortress is completed, then you can leave.

  From the second school's point of view, humans do not need to take the initiative, nor do they need to cede the land of Dyson Sphere to actively please one force.

  As a fourth-level civilization, it is no longer a third-level civilization in the traditional sense. It must have its own strategic determination.

  It sounds simple to sell your territory directly to a big force, but can you really gain the other party's trust?

  Will the Ramblers Alliance really protect the new human civilization?

  It's very difficult...

  Even if this piece of land is given as a gift, the other party may not necessarily think highly of it, but may think that the new human civilization is weak and can be bullied.

  "Because we don't know the specific ideology of the Ramblers Alliance. Are they arrogant? Do they have similar values ​​​​to us? Or, if their morality is the law of the jungle, the weak eat the strong, then giving away land is asking for trouble. eat."

  "We cannot use human values ​​​​to speculate on other civilizations."

  On the other hand, building a good relationship with the largest forces in the surrounding area means that the relationship with other "chess players" will become worse. Maybe they will be pushed out as a shield in a certain dispute? !

  "It's hard to avoid."

  "Getting closer to one force means getting further to another force."

  This is also the view of Zhang Yuan and others. He feels that the territory of the Dyson Sphere can be left there, and there is no need to spend energy to protect it.

  In this way, people had a heated discussion between "emptying and surrendering" and taking refuge in one side, or staying "neutral".

  "...What if there is a level three civilization that comes to test our embassy?"

  Zhang Yuan said loudly: "Let him test it!"

  "What if they brought in a few excavators and leveled all our buildings?!"

  "Then let him be bulldozed! But we must condemn him and then propose sanctions! Condemnation is also a kind of counterattack!"