
Wanderig Legend

Ash always had that. A unstopable zeal to reach greater heights, the passion to be one day a Pokemon Master. With a dragon bearing the same mindset he'll embark his journey to be the very best like none ever was.

DaoistBLQfrY · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

1-Kalos: A new Beggining

Ash opened his eyes and a the Vaniville pathway revealed itself to him. A simple straight paved pathway, lined with trees and shrubbery surrounded by two hills. Nothing new to him.

Ash felt a familiar unwelcome sensation in his head. Teleporting always was a bit of a headache for anyone who needs it. It always left non-psychic pokemon or humans disoriented and other side effects like small migraines or nausea. Psychic type pokemon get very drained after wards and even skilled user of the move need to rest a bit, must always land somewhere they have been physically and then left a psychic imprint. Not counting with unusual hesitance from the pokemon itself to teleport unless desperate or quick. Ash asked Teshi and Mimey why so much hesitance and they only told him 'we don't want his attention upon us' whatever that meant.

After the small feeling of nausea left Ash managed to recompose himself and look at his mother who handled better the aftermath of the teleporting by the looks of it, and Mimey who looked very exhausted and needing a rest.

"We are finally in Kalos" Delia announced "Thanks Mimey, you need a well deserved rest"

"Don't mention it. Next time is Teshi's turn" Mimey said before returning to his ball. She turned to her son "Should we walk? Is not a long road..."

"Mom, Serena told me she'd be recieving her starter in the town's centre, and Grace's is with her. I told her we'd fly there yesterday and she's expecting for any Hydreigon flying the in direction to her town" Ash explained.

"Okay" She took Dahaka's pokeball and sent him out. The dual Dragon/Dark type let out a small growl "Dahaka takes us on direction to Vaniville town" The Brutal Pokemon nodded and allowed mother and son to ride in his back and take fly towards their destination.


Serena observed the sky for anything out of the ordinary before giving a look at her watch again to see the hour again. "He must be flying above the pathway right now... He could be here at any moment"

"Daughter, calm down" Said Grace who turned to her daughter with a smile "The world is not going to end if you stop paying attention" She assured.

"I know mom. I can't at least be excited for something in my big day?" The youngest Gabena responded.

Grace simply gave her daughter a comforting smile. "Yeah but be patient. Calem was nice enough wait for you, do the same with Ash at the very least" Grace reminded to Serena.

 After a brief consideration Serena knew her mother was right and decided to be patient. If Calem could wait for her, then she can do the same for a Ash too.

The Kalosian girl simply decided to sit and wait for him. It's barely noon and he must be flying here with his mom in Dahaka's back. She hopes nobody else notices the flying pseudo-legendary before them or panic will be the least of her worries if it happens.


Meanwhile Serena and Grace waited for them Ash and Delia flew above the towns entrance. High enough to be difficult to be seen and silent enough to not be heard. The main reason is because they are riding in a Hydreigon and they are among the most feared dragon types ever. Even trained ones are trated with caution by the populace.

Ash used the binoculars he had in store to take a look at the town from dahaka and find where serena and grace are. Fortunately Vaniville is a small place se the search din't take quite a long.

"Over there!" Ash pointed at one of the small path in direction to the towns centre "There they are, is empty save for them. Dahaka can land safely without causing a fuss"

Delia noded and ordered the dragon type to go in direction towards the street, flying silently as the pseudo-legendary could do. They did not make any sound until they were enough close to enter Grace and Serena field of vision.

Both mother and daughter inmediatly noticed the three-headed pokemon flying in their direction and the two people riding it.

"Ash!" "Over here!" Grace and Serena called, waving their hands to make them notice of their position. Delia and, of course, Ash told Dahaka to land there, wich the dragon proceeded to do with expertise. 

After that both were greeted by the two Kalosians Serena greeted directly Ash, whi worked to hide the small blush in her face, while Grace and Delia were catching up to each other.

"Glad to be on time. Otherwise I would not forgive myself for being late" Ash said scratching his head.

"Nonsense Ash, of course you would be on time. You are never one to take promises lightly" Serena answered happy for her friends consideration.

"You always manage to suprise me Delia. A Hydreigon that stealthy is the last thing you expect from his species"

"Is just a quality he picked up and since my trainer days" Delia say while patting Dahaka's head.

The four spent ten minutes catching up with each other, sharing tales and laughs. Ash decided to bring out Tiamat out of her ball so she could meet them. Both Kalosians were impressed by the baby dragon, who huffed proudly at the admiration of both women.

"That reminds me Serena. You have to get your own starter, Calem is waiting for you to finally deliver them, and the others must be asking where are you..." Grace reminded to her daughter about getting her own starter.

In wich Serena's eyes widened "Goodness I forgot! I must get mine or the guys will get mad for being late!"

"Well better hurry up. You told me they were at the center right?" Ash asked.

She noded "Yeah, very close were we are. Follow me, I'll introduce you to my friends and neightbors" Grace and Serena walked in direction to the towns center, with Ash, Delia and Tiamat following them.


Vaniville Town's centre only noticeable feature was a small fountain and few tables and chairs around it with some people sitting on it. Just like Ash remembers since the last time he visited Serena two months ago.

Soon enough they found the person who was giving the starters. A boy named Calem, who works as an assistant for the professor and his holding the box with the Pokeballs. He was waiting with other three persons, two boys and a girl, whom Ash guessed they also were selected for the professor to be given their starters.

"Serena! over here!" The one girl in the group called for Serena, whon rushed to meet with them.

"Glad you are here on time" Said the guy with black hair, Calem as Serena described to Ash previously.

"I'm sorry for keeping all of you waiting is just that...."

"You were waiting for your boyfriend~" The sole girl of the group, Shauna said teasing, wich caused Serena to blush and Ash look with a mix of confusion and unexplained shyness. The former who turned to look at Ash and greet him with a smile.

"I'm Shauna, one Serena's neightbors, nice to meet you" She introduced herself "You must be Ash, Serena's always speaking about you. We didn't had the chance to meet before, so I hope we get along" The Kalosian girl said.

The pallet trainer gave his usual grin "Me too, hope we get along Shauna" He turned to the other two teens "Same with you, huh..."

"Trevor, I also hope to get along" The redhead introduced himself.

"Arceus sake Serena, your descripcion of him was spot on. Name is tierno by the way" The teen with robust complexion, Tierno, spoke with a natural smile.

"W-Well I know him since were kids, hehehe." Said girl spoked with a nervous smile in a blush while looking at Ash. 'Though I want us to be more than friends' 

"By the way this is my mother Delia, she'll be staying in Kalos for a holiday so treat her well and this my friend Tiamat" Delia greeted the teens while the Bagon chirped. The teens greeted her while Trevor looked impressed to see a dragon an used his camera to take photos of her.

Once introduccions finished Calem took his turn to speak grabbing all the presents attention "Well, now everyone is aquainted with each other I think is time to begin with the main reason for what we are here" The four teens noded.

Calem opened the box containg several Pokeballs. More than just four, Ash and delia noticed. "Now usually it would be handing to the Kalosian starters and a extra Pokemon if more than just three people come" The professor's assistant started to explain.

"However, the last batch of Kalosian starters was almost depeleted, and he won't get another one until two weeks after" Calem opened the box now all presents observing intently "Fortunately, the professor had Batch of another region's starters he recieved as a request for his investigations" He brough four balls, two with graved images of fire and the other two with grass and water elements. Every present now observed interested for what kind of regions starters they would recieve, it could be Johtho, Hoeen or even a distant region like Galar.


Calem released the pokemon inside them. The mystery starters revealed themselves as nothing more the regional starters from Kanto, Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur, the last ones is a small fox-like pokemon, Ash reconogized as fennekin, the Fire Type Kalosian starter.

"These are the pokemon you'll recieve as starters. The professor decided to hand three of you the Kantonian starters, he thinks it would be better for his investigations if they grow under the care of trainers like yours and Fennekin is the only one who remained of the last batch of starters and knowing four would come over he decided to hand her to one of you too" Calem finished explaining and told them is their time to decide.

All the teens looked in awe for a few seconds before they started to discuss who would go first, with exception of Ash for obvious reasons. The discussion took exactly three minutes with the starter pokemon observing patiently before they finally reached to a conclusion. 

Shauna was the first to walk out of the group and speak "I have decided it. Bulbasaur will be my stater" She looked at grass starter who looked quite hapy to be chosen and approached her. 

Calem noded before handing Shauna bulbasaurs Pokeball. Trainer and Pokemon exchanged a hug. 

He turned to the remaining three wich they proceeded to spoke their choices.

"I choose Charmander" Trevor said.

"Squirtle looks like will go great with my style, so is pretty obvious" Tierno proclaimed.

"I feel like Fennekin and I would get along pretty well..." Serena stated.

Calem handed them the respective Pokeballs and the teens went to meet with their starter pokemon. Said pokemon didn't take their time to form a bond with their new trainers

"Glad to know you have formed good bonds with your pokemon" Calem spoke with a smile on his face , before turning serious again "Now with your starters given to you it would be time to give you the Pokedex... O well that was the norm" Spoke the professors assistant with a serious tone that atracted the attention of all presents human or pokemon.

"As you know, there's been an alrming rise on crimminal activity not just in Kalos, but in regions like Sinnoh, Hoeen, Unova, Kanto and Jotho to mention a few" Everyone noded as they knew beforehand. Even Ash and Delia knew because the knews didn't stop transmitting about crimes and other unsavory acts of around Kanto and other regions.

"Going to the point. The situation with crime as gotten very bad. The league and the other goverment bodies have been taking measures to deal with this new global problem. I'm sure you all know about the limit of active Pokeballs increased and the manadate travelling in groups is now obligatory that was decreed not long ago at the very end of the Indigo league"

"Yes, although, still hard to believe for me the world has become increasingly dangerous in the actual times" Said Serena speaking the thoughs for everyone. While they had been aware of several unfortunate happenstance's like Silph's co attempted take over or Ecruteak's 7/5 terrorist attacks, most of them, save the adults, had not much clue about it.

"I get where you are coming from. You are people who had been raised and lived in rural towns with practically now crime at all. But I assure you is not pretty what's going on currently" Spoke Calem who at the moment appeared he knew from personal experience.

"Anyway, let's get to the point" Calem took from the package the respective Kalosian Pokedex, four models in total, and not just that he also took the remaining Pokeballs of the box, Six of them in total, wich slightly confused all the present teens. Calem with a serious face spoke.

"Another change the both govermental bodies, partucularly the league, is that trainers are now obliged to have at least three Pokemon with them at the very start. This, alongside the group travel mandate, is an attempt to counter criminal's current trend of overwhelming their victims outnumbering them on both Pokemon and humans"

Ash had to do a double take at that. three pokemons at the very start? If the league has made that a mandate then why he and Gary recieved only their starters? The professor would not have forgotten such an important detail, sure he can be absent minded sometimes, but not clueless, right?


Ash sensed a gentle hand on his shoulder and looked in direction towards his mother who told him she had taken care of that.

Calem proceeded to hand the Pokedex to the four Kalosian teens, however only Shauna, Trevor and Tierno were handed too Pokeballs to the outright shock of Serena.

"Wait what about me, I'm not supposed to recieve two more?" Serena said a bit annoyed she was left out.

A bit bewildered the professsor's assitant just turned to point at Grace "The professor told me it wasn't necessary as your mother already taken care of that" 

Serena turned to her mother asking for explanations. Grace just scratche her head and chuckled "Well suprise, suprise..." She brough to pokeballs from her bag "...I took care of that"

Grace walked up to her daughter and gave her a ste of two pokeballs. "Thanks but how mom?"

 "Professor Sycamore called me earlier and explained everything. He told me he's going to hand the pokemon based on their future trainer's personalities and asked me what kind of pokemon you would have in your team. I just told him I would take care of it. I know you perfectly daughter" Grace said with a wink.

Her explanation made a lot of sense and Serena looked gratefull of her mom. Meanwhile Ash, who had already figured out, stared at his mother and asked "Do you have have them, right now?"

Delia brought two Pokeballs out of pocket and threw them towards him "It's a special suprise gift reserved for something as important as this event"

The younger ketchum happily grabbed the pokeballs and looked at his friend with a grin "We got new friends and teamates Tiamat, isn't exciting?" The Bagon chirped in approval. "You are right!" he rose his fist with excitement.1

He was not the only one. Serena and the others were also happy to have partners. Actually Tierno released his own two pokemon who were a Corphish and Lotad, whom he greeted eagerly and recieved the same.

Ash decided to follow up with Tiamat looking eager to meet her new teamates and partners. "Go!"

Ash released the two pokemon inside the balls. From them came to Pokemon he, to his suprise, knew, a shiny Ralts and Larvitar. Or as he named them, Astrea and Gojira respectively. The offprising of Teshi and Earthbreaker, whom he helped to hatch.

Whe said Pokemon opened their eyes and made eye contact with him both rushed him overjoyed into a hug. Ash returned the hug to both baby pokemon happy to be with them but still with some questions in mind.

"Astrea, Gojira, I'm happy to have you with me but why mom brought you here?" He was glad to have the children of two of her mother's pokemon with him. But he never heard anything from his mom nor Teshi or Breaker's opinion in the issue of their offprising coming with him. Heck, he didn't even think they would allow have them trainers due to them still being very young Pokemon unlike Tiamat, who's looking curiously at the new aditions of the team.

"That's a understanable, albeit erroneous assumption Ash" Ash hear a all too familiar psychic voice of Teshi the Gardevoir. Ash turned his head in direction to his mother to see not just Teshi at her side but Breaker too. 

"Like Grace and Sycamore The Professor actually did inform me in advance about the new mandate. He told me he was going to give you and Gary two Pokemon's of the batch but he remembered about these two and asked me if they are old enough for their parents to accept the idea of travelling with you" Delia explained.

"It wans't a difficult choice to let them go with you Ash. When they learned you were leaving home Gojira started to cry and my dear Astrea became inconsolable. They seriously became very attached to you" Teshi explained while Breaker simple grunted in agreement.

"Are you sure about this?" Ash asked both of his mother's Pokemon. While he's more than willing to have more Pokemon at the start of his journey, specially ones helped to raise. He needs to be really sure they have fully decided.

" There's none else we trust our kids safety and grown than you Ash. If was anyone else but you, it would be meet with refusal" Breaker just gave a low grunt witch that sounded she aggreed with Teshi.

"Their parents trust you son, and the little ones are more than willing to acompany you." Astrea and Havoc stood cltuched on both of his legs with pleading eyes. He's more than sure the chirps and growls coming out Tiamat means she ins't against the idea.

He decided "Well if that's what they want, then I'll bring them along" The words elicited a smile from both Delia and her Pokemon while Havoc and Astrea reacted by happily runing in circles arund the raven haired trainer.

He turned to his starter who was staring at him and realized his new pokemon had not been introduced to her "Come guys let me intruduce you to my starter Pokemon" Ash led the two young Pokemon to Tiamat. Gojira was the one who got closer and greeted her openly, while Astrea, being the shyest of the two, her own was quieter and within respectfull distance.

Tiamat greeted in return towars both Gojira and Astrea. The three pokemon seemed to have gotteng along quite quickly, something Ash, Delia and their respective parents, were glad for.

While his team was getting acquainted, the raven-haired trainer turned to look at the remaining three who already had their new Pokemon released.

Trevor was given a Pikachu and Flabebe, Shauna a Swirlix and Gothita and for the last Serena was given an Eevee and, not suprisingly, a Rhyhorn. Shauna and Trevor are still getting acquinted with their own while Serena's looks like she has already got along with her own and by the way they were playing with each other not just her.

"Already friends with your team Serena?" 

His Kalosian friend noded "Yep, at first I thought Fennekin, Eevee and Rhyhorn would take more time. But soon they got attached to me and between themselves" She smiled at her own team. 

"Yeah, back in Kanto the Professor taught me the importance of a team bonding not only with their trainer's but also with each other. 'Harmony amogst trainer's and Pokemon is the step to victory' that's what he told during one class" That lesson was one the professor himself made a big effort into drilling to the both biological and surrogate grandsons. 

"Really wise words. Expected from someone who studied under the famed Pokemon Professor" Came the unexpected voice of Calem, who approached Ash. The raven hair stared a bit confused for a second before he remembered about his existence until Serena reminded him brom behind in a low voice "Oh, you are the professor Sycamore assistant, Calem I guess"

Calem scratched his check "Technically, I'm a unpaid intern 'till officially promoted. But that's not relevant" The Luminose native laughed nervously.

That's when Ash came up with a question "Wait... how did you know abut me studying under professor Oak"

Calem rose an eyebrow "You don't know? He doesn't stop speaking about you, that extends to his grandson too..." The Kalosian explained "In any important meeting, person or online, If is not something very important to discuss, he often spoke about the acomplishment's of you managed to achieve while studying under his guide. Even he said you were the the ebst students"

Ash eyed interested "Really? he did praise us at times for our work but never to that extent. Neither I or Gary, for what I know" He would knew because Gary still loved to brag about his acomplishments and such praise from his grandfather would be enough for his rival to brag a thousand times over to anyone.

"I'm suprised how nonchalant you are about that" The pallet trainer just looked in confusion. Calem eyes gleamed at him as if he realized something "Samuel Oak is not just a professor Pokemon, he's the Professor Pokemon, do you have an inkling on what I'm implying?" 

Ash looked back and fort for a few seconds before it struck him "Akin to a Champion but in terms of theory and study" Ash stated in a matter-of-fact way.

The Luminose boy chuckled "Not the analogy I was expecting, but is not wrong. But returning to the Professor, he's a basically the highest authority in the scientific comunity. Studying unders him is just a privilegue few get granted, let alone praised for your work" Callem twisted towards Ash own Pokemon, particularly Tiamat "Speaking about the big shots is true that Bagon of your's is the offprising of Lance's Salamence?"

Ash eyes widened at the bomb the Kalosian dropped on him "What!? how-" 

"Knew?" Callem answered casually wile scratching his hair "I don't blame you if you didn't knew, is mostly stuff from granbulls in the league, professor's included. But returning to the main point: A champion gifting a Pokemon to a rookie, let alone one a starter and offprising from their own teams to boot? Calling that endorsement would be putting it lightly"

Ash almost jaw dropped at that last line. But he wans't the only one.

"Champion Lance endorsed Ash?" Serena, who was to just listening a minite ago, interjected with what looked as suprise. "Do you mean like a-"

"Calem!" Before she or Ash could ask any further questions the voice of Trevor got their attention and turned towards the redhead whit Shauna and Tierno following him with their own Pokemon by their side. "So you already finished right. How was meeting with your teams?"

Trevor smiled "Better than expected. My own feels already in sync between each other, Shauna's and Tierno's also did well"

"I'm already thinking about several Dance Battling moves and they are looking eager to try!" Tierno realized a improvised dance move and his Pokemon proceeded to do the same probably to show how in sync they are.

Caem let out a small grin "Good to be so full of energy" The Kalosian commented. He then twisted towards Ash and Serena, noticing the former's Pokemon already joining to his side before speaking again "Now introductions are finished, the only thing would be for all of you start your journey's. Asuming you have prepared, with your families informed and giving their consent" The oldest of the teens spoke with emphasis the last part.

Thankfully he recieved only a yes from them.

He closed his eyes with a grin "Excellent. Now with everything set only remains is heading towards Aquacorde Town. If we part now we could stay the night at the Pokecenter" He opened one eye "Plus there's a newly steablished battle club for those interested in training" Ash, Tierno and Trevor perked up at the mention of the battle club.

The teens looked at each other before turning to calem "Well what are we waiting for, let's go!" Spoke Ash full of excitement.

"Yeah, Ash is right we are doing nothing by just staying here? We need to go" Serena joined in, showing she was very eager.

The group soon parted towards the towns exit with their golas in mind.


"Santalune City's is not far away from Aquacorde Town" Grace told to the group plus Delia, who will acompany them for the time.

"If I'm not wrong, Santalune's gym is one the mayor gyms of Kalos. So is obvious we go there" Ash spoke while reviewing everything he studied about locations in Kalos week's ago.

"Yo are right Ash" Trevor started to spoke "Once finished with Santalune, Luminose is our next stop as is there where's the professor's laboratory is located and has a gym there"

"You forgot something" Serena's voice cut sharp the boy's dialogue "That's where also contest season will begin"

"After that we could take route 13 and head towards Coumarine City..." Shauna clapped both hands "That's where the closest showcase will be hosted. Also that's where you guys can go for the third badge" Tierno and Trevor just blinked in response "What? You are not the only ones who did their research on paths and routes,I did my own research too!"

"Yeah, you did good Shauna. But you forgot something important" Tierno held up his latest model of the holo-caster in front of her and displayed a holografic screen with images of a city and news "Laverre city is also hosting a showcase roughly the sames time at Coumarine, also has Gym too and time to reach out is releatively the same as Coumarine so..." Tierno stopped himself to look at the performer who just stared as if she was throw into a loop.

"Arceus sake I forgot that!" The Kalosian girl stared at the screen looking indecisive "Courmarine is good as astarting point for performances and I could catch some pokemon that would help me in the way, but Laverre's Gym Leader would be also a good inspiration for my performances, not mentioning the city's aestehtics and the fashion show!" 

Shauna grabber herself with both hands in exasperation "There all goes my plans..." She looked defeated "Guy's would you tell me what is better choice, Courmarine or Laeverre?" She asked the question.

The entire group of trainers started giving their opinions on what path take after Luminose everyone giving valid points in taking one path.

While this was happening Grace took her chance to speak with Delia "I take you are going with them until reaching Luminose right?" The veteran Rhyhorn racer questioned her own contemporary.

"Worried a bit too much for Serena?"

Grace sighted "Honestly, I know all kids leave on their own one day and Serena's is in good hands..." A pained expression showed in her face "How you look so calm despite your's not being far away from separating of you?"

Delia only closed her eyes for a second before stared towards Grace's with a smile "Is just I know him and have faith. Ash's will inevitable run itno danger at some point in his journey and more than once. I speak from experience..."

She twisted for a second towards Ash who was caught in the debate before turning back to grace "But they need to do this to grow both as trainers and persons. Experience the real world outide of their bubbles is important..." She said before turning serious "Because the world we live, those who don't never stay for long" She muttered darkly

Grace just rose an eyebrow for that las line coming from Delia before turning her thoughts towards Serena "I... guess you are right, Serena needs expereince the world so she can grow" She stared one last time at her daughter fully coming to terms this is not only the best for her but is what she wants.

By the time both mother's finished their talk they been approached by Ash and Serena. "I assume is time to part"

"Yeah, we had traced the path up to Luminose. What we'll do after that will be spoke after finishig up bussiness there" Ash explained to his mom.

On the other side Grace and Serena exchanged looks with each other before the latter spoke "It's my time to go mom" Serena's said.

Grace looked at her daughter in the eyes for full ten seconds before giving her most supportive smile ever "Alright I'll trust you" She said to her daughetr reasuringly "Just be careful, and remeber to call me at least once a week"

Serena smiled before reassuring her mother she will call as much as possible. Both mother and daughter shared a hug before leaving with Delia wishing her well before parting ways.

The group of teneeagers and a adult walked through Vaniville pathway onwards their first destination: Aquacorde Town


The group walked in straight line without stop, as there was no trainers and wild Pokemon were pretty rare for this path. Ash decided to let out his team from their balls with because he wanted his team walk with him and make them build their stamina through walking.

This sort of caused the other members of their group to do the same, save for delia because her Pokemon could cause a bit of panic. Even Calem let outs his team, wich were a chespin, a charmander too and the most impressive a Kanghaskan. Said Pokemon were named in order Marisso, Salame, Kang and Kango, the last one is for the baby Kanghaskan.

Now a group formed of new trainers, an assistannt and a retired trainer were acompanied by their Pokemon. Pokemons like Tiamat, Salame and Squirtle had a running competition, others like Astrea, Fennekin, Eevee, Flabebe and Bulbasaur decided to socialize between them or stick with their trainers. It make the short walk a lot more livey.

Not too much time passed before reaching Aquacorde Town with the sun barely making evening.

The first thing they did was heading down to the Pokemon center and book their stays for the night and getting checked their Pokemon with the nurse Joy. After that, they went to have lunch were Ash threw himself a feast with his fellows trainers, save for Serena due to obvious reasons, looking suprised by the amount of food he can consume and his mother critizicing him for his lack of manners, again.

"Kalosian cuisine is amazing" spoke Ash with a full stomach

"I'm actually suprised you are able to move after eating all that food" Calem said still a bit awed he devoured four Pot-au-feu and three Steaks with frites and he had still stomach for Eclair's, four of them!

The raven haried Kalosian wans't the only one. Behind him Shauna is asking Serena about her friends 'secret'.

A bell chimed in followed by a speaker calling for their names at the reception desk. When they aproached it Nurse joy came by herself with a Wigglytuff bringing their Pokemon inside their balls. The nurse told they had been checked and feeded. They been relieved nothing wrong has been found on their pokemon in case it slipped to any of them.

"Girls are you coming to the battle club?" Ash asked to both Shauna and Serena after they leaving the center with his mom staying inside to relax. The boys obviously were going towards the battle club, but they didn't knew if the girls had planned to come or something else.

Shauna herslef thought for a minute before denying "There's a few souvenir shops here I want to visit" She explained "And I have to start developing the rutines with my team for showcases. I can't go with you today, sorry" She apologized in which they said no problem as there's always time.

In Serena's case...

"I'll go" Serena spoke "The battle club may serve as experience for Contest Battles, and I can get several ideas for Performance Stage by watching some battles" 'And I want to see Ash battle' She said in her mind.

"Awesome" The raven haired kantonian grinned "If it serves you I may give some help in that regard"

At those words the Honey haired girl blushed like a tomato but manged to conceal it from him. "S-S-Sure I'm glad you are willing to help" Serena replied a bit embarassed but happy of Ash offering.

This interaction made Shauna looking at Serena giggling with a teasing expression while Tierno asked Trevor if should they tell him, but his friend adviced against. And Calem did his best to hide his amusement.

'This journey won't get boring anytime soon' Thought for himself.


The Battle Club was edifice was just a street below the Pokemon Center with the Pokemon store at it's side.

The building resembling resembling to the other ones in town. Being formerly an hotel before being closed down due to unknow circunstances and remaining like that before spotting the eyes of one member of the George family. Seeking the expansion of the family business beyond it's native region of Unova they bough it and gave the building a remodelation. 

The outside wans't vey much llamative but the the facility's innards is elicit more than one 'wow' from the five teens. behind the deceptive apeareance of a simple building layed out a very advanced complex, withs everal battle arenas, apparatus for pokemon training, swiming pool and all!

"Impressive, don't you think so?" An adult spoke before revealing to be Don George, well one of the multiple members of the Don George family. "The most state-of-the-art training devices and computers, four floors with two battle arena's each and even a library with every kind of info for trainers. For a small place like this town we manage to outdo oursleves" Don George huffed his chest in pride.

"Anyway, that talk can be later, I assume the five of you came to use the facilities either for training or battling"

"Well me and my friend Tierno came here to have our long awaited first battle" Trevor told to the manager.

"Ah, the classic begginer's first battle, of course" The burly manager chuckled "We don't have any arenas reserved for use today so be free to use any of them" Both boys smiled in excitement and rushed in direction to the closest one leaving only Ash, Serena and Calem with the manager. 

Before either Ash or Serena Calem stood in front of him with an unusual confident grin "Ash, let's have a battle" The Kalosian told him straight with unusual excitement.

Ash and by extension, Serena, observed stunned for a second before Ash composing himself first to ask "Um... Sure, I'm always up to a battle... But why you ask me out of the sudden..." Ash never imagined Calem would be the person to suddenly battle someone. In the short time he got to know the assistant he displayed an usually calm, collected but friendly personality at the same time turning serious when the situation requires so. But right now he's displaying an amount of excitement that would be expected from him or someone like trevor or tierno. Serena having similar thoughs, and she knew more albeit just for several weeks longer than him.

Calem smirked "I know is pretty unusual for me being so excited" The Kalosian spoke as if he read their own thoughs "The thing is I'm a very big admirer of the professor Oak, you can call me a fanboy" He smiled with a bit of embarassment for a moment before turning confident again "And as you already know, the professor praised you as one his best students..."

He then retrieved one the Pokeballs from his belt and held it high for both of them see it "an I want to see how good you really are... with my own eyes" His eyes gleamed with fire not to unlike the Kantonian native.

Ash just stared into his eyes and said with a smile that showed understanding.

"Let's battle!" Spoke the revaen haired trainer.