
Wanderers of the Cosmic Frontier

In the vast tapestry of existence, where worlds collide and destinies intertwine, a divine being named Azrael finds himself reborn into an unknown realm. Once a god of great power, he awakens with memories of the past and a profound sense of purpose. Azrael's journey begins as he embarks on a path of rediscovery, facing countless challenges, and fighting to survive in this strange new world. With each trial, Azrael's powers gradually reemerge, and he must learn to wield them anew. Driven by an insatiable hunger for strength, he pushes himself to the limits, overcoming formidable adversaries and relentless obstacles. Every battle he endures brings him closer to his ultimate goal: to transcend the boundaries of mortality and ascend to godhood once again. But Azrael's ambitions extend far beyond his personal quest. As he grows in might, he sets his sights on the cosmos itself. His travels take him to far-flung galaxies and distant dimensions, where he encounters beings of unimaginable power and diverse cultures. Along his celestial odyssey, Azrael amasses a loyal following, individuals who are captivated by his indomitable spirit and inspired by his unwavering determination. Amidst the splendor and chaos of the cosmos, Azrael must confront the depths of his own soul and make choices that will shape the destinies of countless worlds. Will he overcome the challenges that lie ahead and rise to celestial supremacy, or will he be consumed by the very forces he seeks to command? Only time will unveil the true extent of Azrael's power and the impact he will have on the cosmos itself. *patreon/AstridNova33*

AstridNova · Action
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16 Chs

On The Shoulders Of Giants [4]

Being omniscient really gives you a different outlook on a lot of things. For example, If I had just waited 5 more minutes, I would have reincarnated into the child of a draconic emperor. I could have had it all and wouldn't have to struggle as much as I did in the beginning. Though, there was an option to cheat and go back home. However, my pride would have never allowed me to. Instead, I reincarnated to a place that I still to this day refer to as the boonies.

It was in some obscure part of the Mortal Realm. The planet had no distinct features to call its own and is simply one of the many life planets out there in the great cosmos. The natives call it Sylvestra, in their language it means "The protector of all life." Ironically, the planet is not as peaceful as it claims to be.

Sylvestra, composed of over sixty-five percent water, is separated into four continents. Simply put, they are divided and named Verdantia, Oakhaven, Aspenia, and Willowland. Home to Verdantia is the Empire of Airtafae. Its lands stretch over twenty million square kilometers, covering most of the continent. Verdantia, being the most northern continent, suffers from constant snowfall and an abundance of overgrown forests. With that short exposition out of the way let's get right into my reincarnation.

My "father" is an enigma. His youth was filled with adventure. He was dashing. Curly blond hair, soft evergreen eyes, and a physique so great most thought the gods blessed him. He was famous; women threw themselves at him, men bowed to his might, and wealth so grand some kings could not help but be jealous. His name was Sterling and to him there was nothing he couldn't have. Unfortunately for mortals like him, the Fates adore playing with chosen ones. At his very peak when Sterling thought nothing could stand in his way, tragedy struck.

His archenemy Lazarus Blackthorn ambushed Sterling at the worst moment. Gloating at the defeat of his nemesis, Lazarus enacted his final display of cruelty. He grabbed his bow, hitched a poisonous arrow, then shot at both of Sterling's kneecaps. Sterling's adventuring days were over. There were days after that incident that Sterling wished Lazarus would have killed him. He was humiliated. The women who once looked in awe and lust barley turned his way. The men who were so frightened of his prowess mock the once great adventure. The thin silver lining that Sterling had been that his riches remained intact. He had hidden it away, in the most northern town of the Airtafae empire.

Once there he settled down. Not as a simple guardsmen but as a viscount. His service and accolades were enough to grant him that right. He married the beautiful daughter of a baron. Her name was Persephone. If her essence had to be purified into a single word; it would be irresistible. Her ocean blue hair danced freely into the wind. With glowing platinum eyes her gaze was enough to subdue a lion. As fierce as she seemed it was but a façade to mask her kind nature. It was her choice to marry Sterling. She saw the great sadness within him and decided it was her duty to carry the burden. As time passed by the couple decided to have children. One, two, three children, it seemed their love and lust for each other had no bounds.

The seventh day of the seventh month. It was on that auspicious day that my vessel's mother gave birth to me. I was the seventh and last child to be made by the hormonal couple. At the time my memories have yet to awaken and it's only now I have the context as to why my "father" was the way he was. The moment Sterling looked into the vessel's guileless platinum eyes; realization struck him. You would be a fool to believe in chance, you would be a greater fool to believe in coincidence. Nevertheless, Sterling was no fool.

Seasons came and went, by now Sterling was no longer the young prodigy he used to be. His children had already started to grow up. To the dismay of Persephone and the joy of Sterling, all were boys. Though he never played favorites, he was always the strictest with my vessel Finn. Whenever he ordered my siblings to do fifty pushups, he made me do one hundred. As an aside I'll tell you an anecdote. On a fateful winter night. Sterling called for me, gave me an axe, then told me to cut twenty-five trees before sunrise. I may have forgot to mention that there was four feet of snow on the ground…

It was only when life was at its calmest for Sterling that the Fates decided to visit him once more. In the high skies above, a cherub calmly rode an ophanim down into Sylvestra. As he was nearing his destination he morphed into a middle-aged man, who by all accounts had a face most would forget. The ophanim transformed into a pale white horse, with horns in the shape of a crown. The cherub finally descended on the lawn. The night sky was scattered with stars that illuminated the ground below. Like a phantom in the night, the supernatural being phased through the Starborn manor rushing to the third floor where Sterling lay asleep. Lowering his head to Sterling's ear he spoke hushed whispers.

Tossing against his bed, Sterling's once peaceful dream spiraled into a turbulent one. With the cherub's mission half-finished he began to look throughout the manor. A bit surprised he couldn't find who he was looking for he walked out of the manor. It was only until he spotted a soft flame in the barn that he realized his person of interest was in there. In the barn, Finn was dusting and cleaning the stables of the horses. Grabbing a pitchfork, he hefted the remaining hay to the side. Wiping his brow, he turned around only to be stunned at the sight of a middle-aged man dressed gorgeously in fine silk.

"Can I help you?" A bit off-put from this strangers unwanted visit Finn asked impatiently.

Slightly bowing his head, the disguised cherub softly spoke, "It's an honor to finally meet the great emperor."

Looking at his dirty linen shirt, then the pitchfork that was still in his hand. He turned towards the man, "I don't mean to be rude sir, but are you off your medication?"

Chuckling, the man drew a bit closer. "Azrael you surely jest. I am simply recognizing greatness."

"My name is no—"

"Not yet." The man walked past Finn as he neared the horse he was tending to. Stroking it he looked back before speaking once more. "I am but a simple envoy. Here to propose a deal."

Setting aside his pitchfork Finn asked, "Which is?"

"You're leaving soon to become an adventurer, right?"

"That's correct." Narrowing his eyes, he urged the man to continue.

"Here's the deal. If you accept our help, the only thing we ask of you is not to destroy the planet."


The man smiled but refused to elaborate.

"Let's say I accept your help. How would I know this isn't all some kind of joke?"

Walking towards the exit where the white horse was waiting for the man. "When you want to leave for the greater world. Enter this barn, then look within and you shall find what you need to survive" Before he leaves, once more the cherub bows at Finn before remarking, "Once again it was an honor to meet you Azrael, if the Fates command we shall see each other again." Instantly, the man disappeared from Finn's vision.