
Wanderer system

An adventuric story where world has system status and various continents and amazing hack and slash character development..

Nevyr_Maralad · Fantasy
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15 Chs

New Class

After staring at each other sometime..

We wait for other to strike first, then suddenly both of us leaped preparing to attack.

As we clashed our weapon, Hujeo seemed to be pushed back slightly and as I continued our clashing.

I found out Hujeo was weaker than me in terms of strength.

After exchanging 20th blow, we both got exhausted as our sweat falls through our glands.

After driving him in the corner, due to me powerful than him as I saw an opening.

I add another diagonal attack making his sword blow as he reach with his one hand.

I follow up another attack to his open stance striking his body as he went back for defensive stance.

I throw a kick as he fall off the stadium.

"Winner Yahkel"

As I catch my breath holding unto my knee after non stop blows.

The crowd cheered and the audience was full of commotion.

I then waited at the backstage to wait for another participants to finish their rounds.

After some time has passed.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the professional selection has started all names mentioned come up to the stage!"

"Fairro come up!,Roksha,Plesus,Kagr.."

Few minutes later..

"Heilda,Ukja,Yakhel,Paito.." immediately I was called and as I went through the stadium I could see all the chosen standing at the arena.

As we were standing in line, a white robe person was handling us sheet of paper.

When the person handed me the sheet I read 'Dear Participants, congratulations on winning the tournament exam and as promised we will transfer you to the professional school starting tommorrow to learn advance teachings and will be given free gift of class as you can only choose one class so choose wisely' and it says.

After the event is finished all the people parted their ways and I could see my relatives waiting for me.

As I went toeards them suddenly my uncle knuckling my head while saying "You did it boy!"

There proud of me as we went outside to get my horse, they told me they were preparing a horse carriage for me as celebration.

After we arrived home, I gave the congratulate gift to my grandparents and they brought a maid to make a big feast for my celebration.

We partied and I was able to eat a delicious meals, and one hour has passed.

I can't stop my training just because I won the tournaments, there are many threats lies ahead as I can't relax my heart after my mother died.

I went to the training hall and trained by myself for an hour.

After training I went back and took a warm bath before sleep.

I lay down at the bed awaiting for class selection.

New morning comes..

I got up and farewell my grandparents quickly to head to my new learning.

Later, I arrived some of the people greeted me as it must be from the tournament.

I went to the third building and immediately there was a keeper on the front gate halting me.

"State your full name" the guard asked.

"Yahkel Mashu sir" I replied.

"Select your class here" the girl in white robe gave me a 7 sheets.

First sheet is mage class, it's description says it is able to cast elemental spells becoming one with a book only one book can be chosen as permanent partner, class can be achieved at F rank.

Second sheet elemetalist, becoming one with either only one element as making part of you example breathing out fire pouring water from your body as it becomes part of your dna unlike mage you need a book and enchanting to cast a spell, class can be achieved at E rank.

Third sheet tamer, granting an ability to communicate and tame wild animals only one per animal can be partner if dies can tame another, class can be achieved at F rank.

Fourth sheet berserker, having this class would enhance one physical abilities greatly and would put intense aggresive and war passive combat ability through your dna also can smell blood through miles away, class can be achieved at F+ rank.

Fifth sheet Chloromancer able to control and summon plants and trees making it attack the opponents even growing one from your body and makes your whole mody armor and weapon, class can be acquired at E+ rank.

Sixth sheet healer, you would be given an ability to recover faster if your healing is advance it could heal disease,losing limbs and broken bones, class can be acquired at F rank.

Seventh sheet auramancer, this class could be only achieve at D rank an aura is an power that you would able to coat your body to strengthen or regenerate faster or coat your weapon, it is an ability to manipulate by focusing which part of you would greatly enhance.

Since I couldn't take auramancer it would have given me the best ability but I have no time to wait for that class, I need to get stronger quickly.

I suddenly recalled my mother dying from grieveous wounds and don't wanna experience that again.

'Battlehealer' suddenly crossed my mind, as lone fighter I could take this opportunity to heal myself while fighting alone as there is always no healer nearby.

I decided to grab the healer sheet and ask the white robe girl what to do.

She told me to bring my blood on my thumb to imprint through the back of the sheet and I could see ancient text.

After imprinting my blood the scroll suddenly vanished and I could feel my blood surging through my dna as if I know how to heal suddenly as if it was my another body part.

"Go on to 6th floor they will teach you there how to improve your newly acquired class" she insists.

As I arrived at the sixth floor and went found no section but one large room, after I opened the door.

I can see most of them are girls and also all older than me since im the only boy who won and chose healer class.

They were shocked and some old woman in her 50's walked towards me.

"Well it's quite rare to have boy interested in healing class" she said.

"Well, I have my reason" I replied.

"I understand" she said.

I then later leaded and taught as there were many wounded animals in the room.

After learning the basic healing, my healing wasn't so effective but it could still heal tiny scratches".

"Not bad for beginner" my teacber praised me.

After the class ended, I then went to home.

I arrived and saw my relatives waiting for me, they asked what class I choosed.

I replied healer class and they were not expected and some are disappointed as if expecting to choose mage or elementalist, although only my grandparents doesn't care but still happy as long I was satisfied.

Rogell didn't have class because he doesn't have rank at younger age until senior at age of 18 he acquired rank and did participate but didn't made it to top 50 and his school year finished after reaching 20 years old as it was limit age to the academy and lost his chance earning class.

Although there were other option from purchasing a living book class, but you have to understand the whole page in order to make communication with the book to contract with it but people were lazy at it and most stop at halfway pages.

I was determined to purchase and read one if I didn't able to get class at academy.

I was lucky because A rank alchemist are able to produced and made the simper version by making the contracr on the scroll theh were able to make 10 scrolls per year.

This academy was lucky and purchased class scrolls from trade in rich country.

Now back to present, I was training in the hall again making myself stronger and I was using myself healing passively in order to train my healing, after I train and as I checked my status.

Yahkel Mashu

Healer Class

Rank F





Abilities:Poison Resistance(Max),Mental Fortitude(5),Healing(1)

It really happened, I decided to train hard to improve my class and rank.

As I recall people only got three years to learn from proffesional academy to be taught by the basics on how to use their class for three years then their academy is finished.

The sapphire academy was sponsored by Reddal and the king, that's why they were able to give free class from winning the tournament to make a next promising generation.

Although my relatives thought I will stay here and become their honorable next representative heir of the Mashu family.

The one whose holding the Mashu family right now is the oldest sibling of my mother and his D rank one of heroes of the Reddal city, his name is Raidu Mashu and a Elementalist.

He was busy fending off threat against Reddal city concerning their were only few D rank heroes and he will only arrive at home every year of festival to celebrate one day.