
Wanderer's of the Cosmos

Jeffery here, couple of changes to the synopsis, this updated version should have no issues and from today I'll continue pumping out chapters, Huurahh. Cosmos Startun, Ruler of the universe had 13 children who were given the constellations as titles. Leo, Aries, Taurus, Libra, Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricornus, and the last Ophiuchus. After four millennia of living as the ruler of the cosmos, Startun's lifetime had finally come to an end and he was tasked to give away his title to one of his children. In front of him all of them stood, not daring to make a sound, Cosmos stood up slowly and walked towards them passing the first five of the bunch and moving towards the lower half. He stopped at Virgo his beloved daughter, Her face lit up but quickly shut down as he passed her and tapped Ophiuchus on his temple. "Find the tome of Benjamin and claim your title as the ruler of the cosmos." A few hours later Startun died and as Ophiuchus looked at his siblings, he could feel their hate boiling and everything became blank right after he heard a thud. Cast to the underworld after the Sun king had been overthrown, Dawn wandered the underworld in search of the miracle tome that is said to grant the wishes of whoever finds it, and in order to restore the name of her father and to save her brother who suffered incurable wounds. She must find the Tome. Both of their stories collide and Dawn realises she must rely on Ophiuchus if she wants to restore her family name and save her brother while, Ophiuchus has to learn to trust someone other than himself if he wants to live, and together they go on an adventure with bounties placed on their heads by none other than the strongest beings in the universe, The Zodiac.

Jeffery_XXVI · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Leo's arm hit the wall and he looked behind him, Ophiuchus was gone. The other zodiacs were behind him and though he detested lashing out in front of them, if Ophiuchus finds the tome there wouldn't be a "them" any longer.

"Where did you send him, Virgo," Leo asked as he pulled his hand out from the walls of the Acropola. "Dad told you something, what did he tell you."

Virgo slowly retreated backward she didn't have her star armament on her and the only forbidden weapon she could control was in the vault. "What are you talking about, he didn't tell me anything, I didn't do anything!".

"Caprice, take the wolf killer and your star armament. Follow his aura and once u find him, well I don't need to spell it out for you." Leo watched Capricorn leave the room and continued. "Virgo, Virgo, Virgo, how many times was that. Leo pranced around the room with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face. "Pisces read her mind and if you lie to me. You won't lie to me." Pisces nodded and closed her eyes and although she couldn't see, she could hear Leo walking towards her slowly, she could feel his bloodlust anyone on the other side of the galaxy could.

"Protect Ophiuchus," Pisces said. "I can't make out the rest, unfortunately. "Good girl," Leo patted her on the head and walked over to Virgo. "Now where did you send Ophi, last chance." Leo stopped behind her awaiting her answer.

"Leo you don't have to do this, we can still find him through other means." Libra pleaded.

He turned his head towards her, "Well I suppose if each of us split up and search we could traverse the entirety of the cosmos in about a week, maybe three now Caprice and Ophi aren't here. However." He turned back his gaze to Virgo and put his hand on her back, right where her constellation was placed. "I don't like traitors." As he readied his hand for a swift strike through her back to her heart he heard Pisces shout, "The Consonant request an audience with you, Leo, and the remainder of the upper five are to be present immediately!". Leo stared holes in Virgo and she could feel them pierce her deeper than any sword would. "Well since it's urgent I suppose we can finish up this little dispute later." Leo said as he walked out of the room. Libra let out a sigh of relief and punched Virgo on the arm. "Pisces," She waited for Leo to leave before whispering, "Thank you."

"Scorpio!" Leo shouted from the vault. "Assist Capricorn and find Ophiuchus at any cost!"

Reports of the damage done to Samsbury park had spread like wildfire and though there wasn't any concrete video evidence of Ophiuchus and Capricorn's battle, videos online have been showing glimpses of the fight as foggy as the footage may be. They were at Dawn's house, which was more of an apartment which was certainly a small one though Ophiuchus had nothing to use as a base for how big apartments should be, this seemed. "Tiny"

He sat down on the couch in what Dawn called the living room which probably was a space surrounded by trackers that reported to the police immediately if someone were to die in it, He thought. Dawn wasn't there though, she told him to go on ahead and sit down in the first room he saw immediately he opened the door and while it certainly took him five attempts to find room 207 he found it, at last. He wanted to explore this space for what it was worth but disobeying Dawn's words a day after meeting her would certainly be bodacious. He got up, something wasn't right, he could feel the presence of another celestial that wasn't Dawn. Was he to check? was this a test by her to see if he'd be trustworthy enough to be left in her home unsupervised, he walked over to the door, grabbing the doorknob firmly and twisting it towards the right. It opened and he could feel the energy a lot clearer than he could before, the energy of a moon king. But what was the moon king doing here, in Dawn's house. He closed his eyes and as he opened them again he could see as clearly in the dark as he could see in the day. "What the actual." Dusk was the sole child of the last moon king Ashar and heir to the throne, his son was supposedly captured by Ravr in an attempt to spark a war between the sun and moon. Ashar joined the consonant by recommendation after being stripped of his title by Startun Though whoever killed Ravr was never found, the fact that Dusk is still alive despite his celestial presence leaving Ashar a long time ago is mind-boggling.

"What are you doing?" Dawn said as she flicked on the light switch. "You were supposed to-"

"What are you doing with Dusk?" Ophiuchus cut her off with his question. He was beginning to question Dawn's story, could she have killed Ravr, and run off with Dusk to another planet, no that doesn't make sense, she wouldn't gain anything from that.

"What do you mean- Dusk is my brother." She answered and tossed some clothes at him.

Brother, she didn't sound like she was lying, but that's crazy after Dusk's disappearance Ashar rallied every planet that worshipped the moon and was ready to attack the sun if not for Startun stripping him of his status the amount of damage that would've been sustained to the sun would've been catastrophic, mind that Ashar could destroy planets singlehandedly even before acquiring the title. "But he's-"

"Never mind Dusk, put your clothes on we're going out." She said as she walked towards her closet. "What do you mean?" Ophiuchus asked as he struggled to put on the gray shirt that was definitely not supposed to be worn by someone with only one percent of body fat, though that was a bit of an exaggeration. Dawn placed the sword, scabbard, and all on the metal placeholders she bought exclusively for the sword. "Apparently someone has a video of you and Capricorn which I don't still believe you won in battle." She closed the closet and walked toward Ophiuchus pushing him out of her room as he was wearing the oversized sweatpants.

He was excited to go outside since when he arrived, Dawn had made them run towards her apartment since he was apparently half-naked. But now he could see everything, buildings and all, a sign of purple which read "Bahamas" accompanied by a woman who seemed to be bathing in a glass of wine. Apartments just like Dawn's lined up from the beginning of the street to the end of it. Locomotives which still scared him a little owned the roads, blaring noises which were more annoying than sirens because some people seemed to use them a lot, he could see them all, and most importantly he could see people walking along the roads, some jogging, some passed out on benches, some that looked classy and some that looked average and above him, he could hear something splice through the skies. "I didn't know Humans were so advanced!" Ophiuchus shouted with stars in his eyes, though he has seen much more advanced planets with technology Humans couldn't dream of this was still impressive. "So anyway, where are we going."

"My source gave me the location of the person with the film, he's posted it on most platforms of social media but before they could pass the thousand view mark he took them down.

"He as in your source? he knows about us." Ophiuchus gasped as he saw a bunch of people go into a tunnel that lead underground. "So there are minerals in this world worth scavenging for."

Dawn was lost until she looked at the subway tunnel and facepalmed. "He's not human and there's our target." She said and pulled the hood of her jacket over her head. "Stay sharp and don't draw a crowd." She stared at the target waiting for him to bring out his phone. "Ophiuchus you got that?" She paused awaiting a confirmatory response." "Ophiuchus." She turned back and the pale zodiac was nowhere to be found, at the side of her eye she could see her target pull out his phone and in the other corner, she could see Ophiuchus being questioned by the police. She looked at the client he looked like he was in a hurry, she looked at Ophiuchus and the cop to his left put his hand on his taser's holster. Whilst trying to make a decision she saw her target enter a taxi and zoom into traffic, she ran towards Ophiuchus and held his arm, "Oh hello officer is my fiancée troubling you" she let out a calm chuckle, however, Ophiuchus heard different after this he was probably going to suffer worse than a broken jaw. "No, he almost walked into the street so we were just asking some questions, since he's with you I suppose there wouldn't be any need for a breathalyzer, carry on." The two policemen walked away.

"I'm sorry." Ophiuchus apologized and braced himself for a hit. "No worries it was my fault, I shouldn't have let you out of my field of vision however we still have to find our target and I can more or less remember his scent so finding him shouldn't be that hard." She turned back and Ophiuchus let out a breath of relief. "You're not off the hook yet." She muttered and Ophiuchus let out a sharp noise. "Let's go."

They both ran at normal speeds, from yesterday's run Dawn determined it wasn't that Ophiuchus couldn't control his raw strength it's that his raw strength was so much that if he concealed it even though there wouldn't be damage to the streets at some point the core of the planet would give out.

They weren't far out anymore, the target's house was in their field of vision and Ophiuchus confirmed that there is only one person in the building. Fraire, The eleventh sun king was definitely in high spirits today because it was boiling outside, "A bad day to wear grey and a jacket." Ophiuchus said as he wiped the sweat off his face. "Aren't we going in?" Ophiuchus asked and Dawn stood up. "He's out." Ophiuchus was confused but as he looked at the building he could see the target in front of it, probably middle-aged, with black hair and freckles on his face but not one spec of hair on his chin.

Dawn walked up to him and he screamed as he saw Ophiuchus who wasn't really hiding behind a trash can. "Hand me the phone so I don't have to get violent," Dawn said as she stretched out her hand to him. "No way!" He said as he dialed a number on his phone.

"Act one: Sunrise." As he put the phone to his ear it sparked, he dropped it and as it fell to the ground it melted to mush. "Who are you people!" He screamed as he backtracked slowly into his house. "Do you have it stored anywhere-" Dawn's face was stuck in a permanent state of shock same as Ophiuchus. Something, someone, a celestial dropped down to earth and as he landed he ripped right through the scared man.

Dawn threw up, in front of her was none other than the ninth zodiac, the arachniking Scorpio. Ophiuchus didn't dare reveal himself from the back of the trash can and the first thought that came to both of their minds in sync was. "Run"