

"A duty to uphold. A grudge to settle. A nation to protect." * * * Duty before personal interests. The Grevus country's Seer and her disciples are expected to live up to this mantra at all costs as mortal vessels of the gods. That is until the disciple, Verēna, was sent back to the place she shunned to the core─Nēmiah, the heart of the country that was once her home. Setting aside her grudge for the sake of her divine duties is an easy feat, but to fully surrender herself to the bloodline she'd rather see burning to embers if given a chance? The Fates must have weaved it wrong, right? She'll soon find out in the form of Lord Kaizo Mortem Romulus, one whose existence is far more significant than meets the eye, and maybe─just maybe─even the one who will put a halt to her underhanded schemes. __________ GENRE(s): Dark Fantasy & Adventure __________ WARNING! THIS STORY CONTAINS MATURE SCENES AND LANGUAGES NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUNG AUDIENCES. PROCEED WITH CAUTION! __________ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. COPYRIGHT 2019 BY MORRIGAN HEX

MorriganHex · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs



Kaizo's raised a thick brow. His brisk steps gradually faltered by the time he already reached the foyer, eyes zeroing on the slender crouching figure, bare scarred back on his. Though there was practically a dark, translucent flowing fabric draping behind her, he could still see through the long scars littering her back as if it wasn't even there to the start with. Or maybe the scattered lightings of diamond chandeliers just emitted too much brightness. That or maybe his eyes were too keen to notice.

First time he saw it was three days ago when she turned to leave Magnus' study. His entire attention was on her that was why he was noticeably taken aback by the whipped-like scars. Women of Grevus took an intensive care of themselves in all aspect, so it was rather an uncommon sight to see it to one. To her, no less. Their Priestess.

Kaizo was no fool to assume they were merely earned from an accident. Certainly, the arm-length seemingly protruding marks were vestiges of some life-threatening injuries. He knew. He had a fair share of it along his body, both from his reckless years and escapades. It made him wonder how she acquired such skin-deep blemishes. Lethal curiosity crept into him again. A trait that sent him in almost always one feet dangling six-feet below ground.

His gaze lingered at it for a while, then quickly caught himself. She won't appreciate catching him scrutinizing her. And a huge part of his brain pointed out the blood coursing through his veins as its main and only factor.

"Now, now, Del. Don't give me that face. You're incredibly adorable in that form. Aww. Just look at your fury self! You're so cute, I can squeeze you to death!"

Eyebrows pulled together creating a deep v-line in between, Kaizo cocked his head, wondering who she was talking to. A sharp hissed answered the woman to which bring chuckles to her.

"Hate me all you want, but I suggest you take this form throughout our stay here because I won't take your fainting li'l butt once I leave."

Long dragging meow sounded from their direction. Before Kaizo could take a single step towards the black clad woman, a beyond average size fury cat skittered around her. Its height would at least reached his knees. Its wide, russet eyes seemed to bulge out of its socket as they fell on him. With squinted eyes he stared back at the ginger furred cat and gods, he swore that if it only had a human face, it was extremely blanched!

What happened next—Kaizo couldn't decide if he should be amused or concerned—left him agape. The huge feline's eyes lolled back and before he knew it, collapsed on the carpeted floor with a thud; pinkish tongue hanging from its parted jaws.

"The cat . . . fainted," he muttered incredulously, but then realization dawned upon him and he scowled at the speculation. "Should I be offended or what?"

"Lord Kaizo. I reckon you're here to fetch me, aye?"

Kaizo diverted his attention from the knocked out cold cat to the source of flat, calculating voice. "It's past sun down." He frowned. "The Elders are already waiting in the assembly hall."

Glancing over the window, the Priestess simply shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, then picked up the unconscious pet from the floor.

"Let them wait. A few more minutes won't get them killed, anyway."

The cat must have weighed heavy based on the slight contortion in her face and the pursing of her lips. A few incoherent mumbles past her lips before she finally found the right carrying position for the massive cat in her arms. Its thick fur covering half her face as she looked back at him.

"Uhm. Do you need help?" he offered, seeing the visible, struggling signs in her almost deadpan expression. "Let me carry your cat, Priestess." Striding towards her, Kaizo was only an arms' length away when she spoke.

"You better not, my lord. I can't have you brushing on my skin by accident while Del's pass out. I'm sure you haven't forgotten what happened the last time, aye?"

Kaizo squinted his eyes, bantam annoyed by the memory. Mavi filled him in as to why it happened, and to know it revolved around trust, sent him in a foul mood. That and her overly formal manner of conversing. They stood few feet away, but it felt like there was a sky-high wall between them.

"You can hand me the cat with care."

Amber orbs regarded him with utmost amusement. Had furs didn't cover the half of her lower face, Kaizo was certain that she was grinning.

"As much as I relished this chivalrous act of yours, Lord Kaizo, I don't think that's a smart idea."

Kaizo's brows furrowed. Did she just imply he was pretentious and dumb at the same time?

"Considering my rancor against your household, what makes you think that I wouldn't take advantage of our proximity? Caring about your well-being is the least of my concern."

"And yet instead of harming me here and now, you take your time forewarning me. If that's not a concern deep within your subconscious, then I don't know what that is," he laconically said.

"You misunderstood me, Lord Kai─"

"Semantics," he snipped, shrugging his shoulders. "And besides, no matter how deep your vendetta is, I can't seem to peg you as someone who would frivolously harm anyone by whim." Staring at her, he confidently added, "Am I right?"

Mere few seconds seemed to drag for an hour before Kaizo got her answer under her calculating gaze. He had already braced himself for her contemptuous remark, but it still managed to hit a nerve, especially when her amber eyes sported a dark, malicious glint in them as her words rolled out with spine-shivering calmness.

"Never underestimate someone who's flagrantly asserting his disdain, Lord Kaizo. Heed my advice as your Priestess. We know best after all."

With that, Kaizo watched her spun on her heels with the slumbering cat still on her arms. Her translucent black drape dragging behind her as she sauntered gracefully towards the Minister's study without making any sound.

* * * * * *