
Abandoning the Apocalypse

On a plain white expanse, three people could be seen conversing. Weirdly, none of them were truly discernible. Their features seemed to be ever changing, the only real difference between them being their clothes and figures.

They were looking at a screen that showed a planet that seemed to be dying. On the globe, the green that showed plant life was turning to brown, the blue of the oceans were turning murky. It was an accelerated view of a planet that was falling to pollution and deforestation. A planet that was in its apocalypse.

"It is too late for anything to be done, is it not?" Asked a voice. It was the voice of a young man, somewhere between 19 and 24, but it held power and sadness in equal amounts. His figure was around 6 feet in height, wearing a plain white t-shirt with black jeans, he looked perfectly average if you ignored the fact that his face could not be seen.

"Yes little brother. It is no longer possible for this planet to survive. The only things left on the planet will fall into my domain soon enough." The man who answered sounded ageless. One second old, one second young, but what he was wearing made him instantly recognisable.

He was clothed in a black hooded robe while holding a scythe, made to reap lives instead of crops, in his right hand.

A third voice sounded, "Thanatos is right, this world has come to its end. As you know, the other gods have already left for other universes. Those of us who are powerful enough may move directly into a position of power. In fact some of those who have left have already experienced this change before."

This time, the voice was of a female. Not as young as the first male, but not middle aged either. It was strong, with no hint of give. Looking at her, she was wearing dark metallic armour, with a cloak made of black feathers.

"As Morrigan has told you before, we do get a choice to be reborn into a world and work ourselves back to godhood. Or to take it as a holiday and become a god again upon our subsequent death. But for you, we think we have the perfect place for you to go.

Your dominion is Balance and there is a universe out there that will fall just like ours if there is no one to uphold it. You have seen the consequences of what happened when Balance was born too late. You are only 22 years old and have tried your best, but it was too late for this planet almost 80 years."

Listening to what Thanatos had to say, the other two could only nod their heads. Morrigan then took over and kept explaining.

"Listen little brother. You never had a chance to be a true mortal. You were born there but you were called up to take over your dominion as soon as you were able to talk. As the one who raised you, I want you to spend at least some time as a mortal. Also, knowing how much you like to read the fiction created by those on the planet before, when one of the higher powers suggested that you would be sent as a mortal to a universe that pretty closely resembled one of those novels that you have read, we thought that you would very much enjoy it. Especially as reborn gods always get a few perks so that we do not completely break the balance of the world. That should also help make you feel a bit better.

I obviously will enjoy watching you if you go as the world that you will be going to is very much a place where power reigns supreme and I want to see how much my training will have helped you."

"Me too. This world will allow you to grow and it will teach you many lessons. Plus, you will be bringing me upon them." Thanatos cut in, finishing with a teasing tone. Something that would be disturbing for anyone else to hear, given how his voice seemed to change every given moment.

Slapping him on the shoulder, Morrigan continued. "It will also allow you to make friends and form relationships with people closer to your own age. I know that you are 22 and going there will de-age you, but 22 and 3 is a much smaller age gap than 22 and 30,000. And no, that is not my age, remember, I raised you to be a gentleman and a gentleman never asks a lady her age. Or at least, asks and then lives to regret it."

This sounded a lot more like a threat and less like a joke when coming from a goddess whose dominion was War. Thanatos decided to move the conversation onwards quickly.

"The universe in question, is the Douluo Dalu one and will be almost identical to the novels till you are born, then the butterfly effect will kick in. At least, that is what we have been made aware of, we have been told to tell you there will be a couple of differences though. So do watch out for them and see if they affect you.

The usual model for our mortal lives will be kept, you will awaken your memories at the age of three, or rather, your body will be three when you are basically born from the energy of your Domain and the power that you currently have. This is another reason that gods who are powerful enough like to live a mortal life now and then. It gives them a chance to have a more powerful base when they get back to godhood, but at the same time if they have an accident and die for any reason, they normally get back to their original state. So no risk and all reward.

With the amount of power you have right now, your body will probably be as close to perfection for you as possible. Oh, and don't even ask about your spirit, we won't ruin the surprise for you."

After finishing the explanation, he stepped backwards and let Morrigan take over.

"We know that the reason that you've been delaying is because you'll miss us but remember, we raised you kid, and we will keep looking over you like we always have. You will most likely not be able to see us for a while but you will make other friends, maybe even find a partner. You have to remember, living for thousands of years will become very tedious if you don't have someone to share it with.

I know we aren't the typical couple, but me and Thanatos have been together for longer than the civilisation that destroyed this planet has existed. Though changing names every couple of thousand years can be annoying, but we like our current ones.

Anyway, we will always be here. You have to remember that Death and War are constants no matter what universe you go to, so we are always going to be around and there is no chance of us fading. So accept the summoning and get going.

Any other information you need will be provided so I'm not going to explain everything to you. You need something to keep the boredom away."

Morrigan then did something out of character for her and grabbed the younger male into a crushing hug that Thanatos joined.

Stepping back from the hug, he took one final look at the pair who raised him like a younger sibling and were the closest thing he had to parents.

"I love you guys and I'll see you guys soon."

Saying such, he accepted the summoning and as he was surrounded by its magic, he heard both Thanatos and Morrigan say to him, "We love you too Drake. Now go make us proud, little brother."

And on that note, Drake, the God of Order, ceased to exist in the universe he was born in, and Drake, the three year old child, appeared on Douluo Continent.

Hey guys, I am a novice author so feedback is welcome. Let me know your thoughts and feelings as well. Please review if possible as well.

From next chapter we will be exploring the wonderful world of Douluo Dalu through our protagonist, Drake.

Dragos97creators' thoughts