

I wake up, I look around and I see....nothing pitch black as if I'm consumed by the void the eternal abyss. I try to wake up..try to remember there's nothing but the darkness.

I don't remember how long I've been here, I tried counting but I get lost in the billions sometimes there are flashes, energy color but they quickly fade. I spent what feels as an eternity here, there's nothing but void absence of all.

I don't know how long I've spent here but I finally feel something it's my self I can see it's dim though, it's the last piece of my sanity.

I've spent so long here I've gone so insane I went sane, but I want the insanity back at least I have ignorance. In the break between the sanity I've been controlling my own light.

IVE DONE IT... I touched those flashes it feels like taking coffee in the morning... what's coffee?... it seems the flashes return what's lost the memory

I've spent what feels like years collecting the flashes my light is so bright. The more I collect the easier it is to grab more I feel my memories coursing back I don't remember anything like family or friends. Either I don't have those or there to far gone, because I remember my dog. I remember dying.

So I guess this is the afterlife huh...no I'm gonna escape this hell hole. I've spent one eternity here I'm not gonna spend another.

I spent millennium collecting the flashes from this void I've gotten use to it as it's been my home for eternity. But it's the memories that keep me going im so bright though I'm like a star the flashes naturally go to me.

I've been doing this for so long I've grown huge. But there's a pulling sensation I can't see where it's coming from, it doesn't matter I should focus on the flashes to...escape this, hell.

Lately the pulling has been so strong..it hurts why does it hurt I've been suffering without pain now you want me to suffer with it.


It stopped the pain stopped, I'm so small, but the power my power keeps growing.

My powers warping the void but it's taking energy. I will spend every last drop if I need to escape this hell hole, so I pushed I can see light not like the flashes or when I was a sun.... it's more pure.

I get enveloped in this light I feel my power returning, but it stops...why did it STOP I WILL not go back I push myself further into the light. It broke the light broke I absorbed but now I'm some where or going somewhere.

I stopped moving there's an opening I can't see beyond. should I go?... there's nothing worse than that void...I went in...I was wrong it's pain that's all it is I don't know how much time has passed because the pain is to much to count it only grows stronger.

It stopped I woke from where I am, I look around me I see a forest trees there's stuff here yes something, I look at myself, I'm black not like skin, no like Vanta black no light escapes me.

why how what did I do to deserve this pain this suffering I escaped after eons after time that makes my memories miniscule I have spent so much time... for what being a rock a #ucking rock...why

I sat there for who knows long I've seen the sun cross the skies more times than I count. I have seen the seasons pass more than I can count I have seen trees fall around me. It seems I gain energy from life because no life gets closer to me...no squirrels nothing it's an empty forest. At least I can hear I know because it's the sound of wind on leaves.

I spent so long wallowing in self pity because I thought I can't do anything but I realized, what did I do in the void the flashes, after I collapsed the flashes naturally came to me. Maybe it's the same reason as the plants. Why nothing gets close maybe it's because I just take their energy and they fear me.

I spent a few more winters learning how to use my powers I've done it, but I can see so many colors except around me I'm like a void. I guess that's why the plants radiate these colors. I learn I can move them at will suck them like the void I came from... interesting.

I spent more seasons consuming, but there's nothings I didn't even realize everywhere around me is absent of energy. Even the earth which is brown color. I tried figuring out what kind of energy they are I thought it was life force but the earth isn't alive or is it. I am A ROCK but I came from the void I don't know maybe I'll wait, I could say I'm an expert at the art.

I learned I could"hibernate" I stop absorbing during it so I tried it out.

I don't know how much time has passed because the plants have grown back so it must have been years. I Don't start absorbing the plants Incase that's why there's no animals, so I start hibernating.