
Ripple Mist Sect

It took Lin Mu a little over four hours to reach the buildings. They looked closer than they appeared, and at a certain point, Lin Mu was even wondering if he was moving forward or not.

He also observed quite a lot of beasts roaming the forests. There were common beasts all the way to the core condensation realm beasts. Lin Mu even saw three Peak stage core condensation realm beasts in the forest.

"This is definitely no common forest…" Lin Mu muttered.

He avoided the beasts and continued his journey to the sect. But once he reached there he quickly hid underground using phase and moved to check the area. Along the way, he had not detected any formation array, which was a bit shocking to him as well.

He was sure that a sect would have a large formation array around it. Especially a sect like this, which was even larger than the Tri Cauldron Peony sect in size. Lin Mu was sure it was a mid grade sect if not higher.

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