
Walk with God

Born under the nine-fold hell, he saw the black and white barrenness in his eyes, until that ray of light illuminated the world in his eyes.   In the Battle of Morningstar, Lucifer fell.   Nine days and nine nights of hell sinking. The God Jehovah stood by the bottomless pit looking at Lucifer, and the demon Anlohia stood aside looking at God.   It took a long time before Anlohia realized that she seemed to... love God three times.   You are the clearest and purest light in the world……   You are all my fantasies about pure white and beauty……   Anloxia “What should I do if I fall in love with someone who is high above and is destined not to love me?"   Anonymously replied“How are you sure he won't love you.”

Brenna1114 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 22 

  Lucifer, who had awakened again from the bottomless pit of the Nine-fold hell, called for his angel companions who had fallen with him.

  This fallen angel with black hair and black pupils was just standing there, like the incarnation of the night, with terrifying charm and mystery, and no longer half the bright and bright beauty of the past.

  He was alone in the center of the nine-fold hell, and in front of him were tens of thousands of angels with black wings flying from afar. They stood in front of Lucifer and saluted silently, because of the large number of fallen angels, even like dark clouds covering the already dim sky.

  "It is better to be king in hell than to be a minister in heaven. "Lucifer said with a smile.

  He stood with a sword, with the will and determination to move forward, even if there was a barren and silent hell in front of him, he did not hesitate or regret more than half of it.

  With this sentence as the starting point, a new era begins.

  Since then, the world has entered the years of competing with heaven and hell. In the countless years that followed, blond angels fell from the clouds, preaching the seven virtues and the glory of God to all races, and the demons of hell demagogized people in the shadows, instigating them to pursue freedom and depravity.

  Taking the mortal realm as the invisible battlefield, they wrestle with each other silently, and the hostility will never end.

  But this is a long time later.

  Now, Lucifer declared the three realms, and since then he has changed his name to Lucifer, the lord of the fallen angels in hell, and has nothing to do with the angels in heaven.

  The suffix Phil is very suitable for the deputy king of heaven in heaven, but as the name of a fallen angel, it is inappropriate. The syllable "Er" has the meaning of brilliance, and the last syllable of the names of many angels in heaven is "Er".

  Raphael, Rachel, Uriel, Yanar, Shalil, etc., the suffix is this word.

  If Heaven now counts a list of the most popular names, the top champion must be "Er".

  Anloxia, who had already run to the shelter of the world, also heard the news, and couldn't help but complain to Mephisto, who was lying under the big tree.

  Like Anlohia, Mephistopheles did not have the idea of taking the lead in fighting Lucifer and other fallen angels. He decisively came to the mortal world, and then met Anlohia halfway.

  "Lucifer made such a big battle and fell to heaven. After waking up again, he didn't revive his flag and kill heaven, he didn't invade hell and go to war with the devil, he didn't lead the fallen angels to solve life problems. The first thing he did was to announce that the world would change his name? "Anlohia said.

  Mephistopheles listened carelessly.

  "Doesn't he think the importance of things is a bit confused?" "Anlohia said.

  "Even if that Lucifer doubles his power again, he will not be able to kill Heaven again. After all, there is that one in heaven. "Mephistopheles said, pointing to the sky to hint at God.

  Anlohia leaned half on the slender branch and changed to a more comfortable posture to listen to Mephistopheles.

  "As for solving life problems, there are always talents in one-third of angels. If it means going to war with the devil to occupy the whole hell, I don't think this is a problem for that Lucifer at all." Speaking of this, Mephistopheles couldn't help showing a bit of depression, "After all, you are here just like me!" "

  Anlohia looked at Mephisto, who was lying lazily on the opposite side, and had to admit that what he said made sense.

  Creatures like demons have to kill each other if they have nothing to do. Can they still expect to be united in the face of the enemy?

  It's polite not to choose to betray other demons. There are definitely not a few demons like the two of them who secretly poke and hide and wait for others to come out.

  Lucifer then began his journey to conquer other monarch-level demons in hell. In less than a hundred years, he officially laid down the nine-fold hell and became the true Lord of hell.

  During the whole process of this period, it was a polite way to say that the devil's soldiers were defeated like a mountain. After all, the devil rarely even sent troops to attack.

  Anlohia and Mephistopheles looked at the other demons coming out to fight, but the other demons were not fools either. On the face of it, everyone agreed to let go of the nature of the demons, and work together with each other to drive away these fallen angels. In private, they made their own small calculations.

  Mostima stabbed him in the back during the battle between Abaddon and Beria. Abaddon and Belle made an appointment to join forces to attack Sameer, but no one showed up after the time and place arrived. Barr secretly gave the fallen angel the information from Mostima's side, and after Mostima suffered a loss, he would find a way to merge the demons in Mostima's realm. Not long after the start of the Pele war, he surrendered privately to the side of the Fallen angel and sent a lot of succubus to Asmontis....

  Anloxia listened to the information coming from one by one in the mortal world, and couldn't help but cover her face and feel that the devil's performance was too embarrassing.

  All in all, the war strategy of the devil's side can be described as tired and unloved, and Lucifer has never even encountered a situation worthy of his action.

  After the so-called war in hell was finally calmed down, Anlohia went to meet the newly appointed Lord of hell Lucifer.

  Although no matter how much he complained about other demons in his heart, Anloxia would make the same choice when it was his turn. As a demon, when the strength and weakness are clear, Anlohia will also become quite aware of the current affairs.

  I haven't come back here for a hundred years, and the nine-fold Hell has been transformed into a prosperous and beautiful place.

  The original source of the title Dawn Morning Star was because of the starlight given by God on Lucifer's wings.

  This light stripped away from Lucifer at the moment of his fall, hovering over the dark sky of the nine-fold hell, and finally naturally formed a bright star, which has become the only source of light in the nine-fold hell today. Later, the fallen angels built a palace here that was not inferior to the architecture of heaven.

  The fallen angels and demons came and went in the winding corridors and gorgeous halls. At first glance, it was no longer the barren, silent and peaceful home in Anloxia's memory.

  Anloxia looked at the star in the sky, and suddenly missed the sea of roses that she had destroyed. She had worked hard to plant it for two thousand years, but it turned into nothing.

  Lucifer received this monarch-level demon. After you came to me, Anlohia surrendered to Lucifer, and then obtained a part of the fifth hell as a new realm.

  It is impossible to continue to live in the nine-fold hell. This is now where Lucifer and other former Blazing angels settled down.

  From an entire ninth-tier hell to a part of the fifth-tier hell, as well as the previously destroyed home and the sea of flowers, they were inexplicably hit and seriously injured....

  Although intellectually knowing that the law of the jungle is the truth, in this case you should know the time and understand the color of your eyes, Anloxia still felt her heart blocked.

  Hey, so angry, if it weren't for it, I wouldn't be able to fight...

  After Rachel became a blazing angel, it became more and more difficult for Anlohia to meet him again in private, and it was impossible to travel in the same world for hundreds of years as before.

  Anlohia had to spend a lot of time studying the book Rachel gave herself.

  Among the demons of indulgence, Anloxia can be called a maverick wonder.

  After living for thousands of years, he has rarely dealt with other demons. He is neither keen on wars in hell, nor likes to plan conspiracies against the mortal world. Even the hostility to heaven that all demons like to see is also lacking. Lack of interest.

  The most important thing is that Anloxia doesn't even have a lover. No, let alone a lover, Anloxia hasn't even actively touched other creatures!

  I don't know when it started, there have been rumors in hell that Anlohia has a crush on Mephistopheles, and various examples and inferences have been used to demonstrate this view.

  The fifth layer of hell is in a plain.

  There is a vast expanse of wind and snow between the heavens and the earth, bottomless glaciers underfoot, and a dim moon hangs from the distant sky curtain, barely bringing a little light.

  A palace was built on the top of an ice peak, surrounded by enchantments, and the whistling blizzard was blocked thousands of kilometers away from the palace.

  Anlohia leaned on the recliner by the window, playing with chess pieces idly.

  A high-ranking fallen angel respectfully came to visit Anlohia, "To greet you, Lord Anlohia, His Royal Highness Besib sent you an invitation to the banquet. "

  Anloxia opened the red invitation letter bored, and probably took a look.

  It was the usual banquet between the monarch-level demon and the former Blazing angels, initiated by Bexib.

  No matter how many conflicts and struggles there were in the past, they are now Lucifer's subordinates, and they are clearly like enemies to each other. It is not conducive to Lucifer's rule. As the current prime minister of hell, Besib often initiates such banquets.

  "Got it. "Anlohia threw the invitation letter into her space, "Tell Bexib, I will go on time." "

  The banquet had already begun when Anloxia went, and she flicked her skirt and sat in her place Shi Shiran.

  There was a scene of extravagance and pleasure in the entire hall. The fallen angel still maintained some discipline, and the devil had no taboo on his side.

  In the early days, there were some handsome teenagers and even girls who would come to seduce them. Later, they refused too many times, and now there are no demons with other thoughts who will come to them.

  Anlohia admired the music and wine, and gambled and played cards with Abaddon and Asmontis.

  A fallen angel walked in and reported a few words to Besib. After listening, Besib walked to Anlohia and said" "Mephistopheles and the blazing angel Rachel had a battle. "

  Anlohia paused with her fingers drawing cards, "Is he injured?" "

  "Fortunately, Mephistopheles only suffered a minor injury. "Besib said.

  Who asked Mephisto?

  "What about Blazing Angel Rachel? "Anlohia asked.

  "With the assistance of Uriel from the side, he returned to heaven unscathed. "Besib said.

  Hearing that Rachel was okay, Anlohia lowered her head and continued to gamble as if nothing had happened.

  Seeing that Anlohia didn't respond, Asmontis said strangely" "Don't you go and see Mephisto?" "

  Anloxia said puzzledly, "What does it matter to me whether he is injured or not?" "

  "Aren't you secretly in love with Mephistopheles? "The demon Abaddon on one side said.

  Anlohia "..."

  Why hasn't this rumor disappeared yet!

  Don't let me know who spread it out first, otherwise...