
The forest

It was a good dream, and I wanted to see more of it.

"Ray, what are you zoned out for? Get up." {What?}

I looked around; I was above a forest, falling with others. I had staff in my hand, and others had their weapons with them. I regained my balance and softened my landing. Others also landed beside me, they were also fine.

"What happened?" I asked, "Are you all fine?"

"They used spatial magic to transfer. We are all fine, right?"


"So where are we?" I asked others, "and what do we do now?"

"Looks like we are below the school building. First, I think we should analyze the area. Do we know each other?" one guy took the role of leader for now, he had a weird weapon. I have seen it in many RPGs, it was a pole-sword weapon. He looked dangerous, even though the blade was wood.

"I think we should introduce each other, we are only four here, it won't take long." he continued, "I am Jin Kami, class A, I chose this curve-blade spear as my weapon. It's deadly, but effective." {He seems chill.}

"I'm Max, I use a pair of spears." said another guy, he looked like he would be captain of a high school sports team.

"I am Chuck." said the third guy, and he was ripped. He looked like he had more muscles than all of us combined. "I use a Battle Axe and want to master it soon."

"I am Ray Lightfoot. I don't really like blades so I chose a staff." I gave my introduction. "Now, can we plan what to do?"

"Yeah, but what do we know? She said, 'try not to die', but there are no dangerous creatures in this forest." Jin revised what we knew.

"Did we miss something?" Chuck proposed, "Like when they gave the weapons."

"No, we didn't. You know what? Let's head back to the grounds." Max said and flew off.

"Ray, can you go after him? Something isn't right here."

"I think so too. Get him back."

"Sure." Their gut feeling was the same as mine. I followed Max, he was heading straight up. Then he stopped and started falling. I somehow grabbed him and tried to keep flying. "Ow!" he didn't pass out, "Thanks man. Now, let me down," he told me. We got down and the other two hurried to us.

"There is a wall up there. I hit my face on it and lost balance. Ray, check that out for me." Max said. Looking at his face, I saw that his nose was bleeding.

"Got it." I flew up and tried to find the wall. About fifty meters above where we were, I found an invisible wall, like a force field. I covered the radius to make sure, and we were trapped below it. I got back and informed others, "It is probably all over the valley, about fifty meters up."

"So we can't fly up there? Let's rule that out for now." Max got up and picked up his spears. "Should we explore or rest somewhere? What do you guys think?"

"Let's first go to a place with a better view that will give us a good idea of our situation." Jin suggested, "Let's go to that wall at least."

We all flew up and followed the wall to find a good resting spot. When we got down, we could touch the wall by jumping up a little.

"Hey, your shirt has loops on the back," Max told me.

"Yours has it too," Chuck said.

After a few 'yours too' we concluded that these loops were added to hang our weapons. We laid down to rest, and eventually fell asleep. When I came about, it was dusk, and I was hungry. "It's cold." Chuck just woke up, "Ray, you're up already, nice. Did you check the wall?" {Can you talk a little slowly?}

I picked up a rock and threw it up, it bounced back and hit Max's leg, and he still didn't wake up.

"It is still here, wait, where is Jin?" I noticed only three of us were here.

"I am here." came a voice from the side of the valley, Jin was coming up with a bunch of sticks in his arms, "lend me a hand, Chuck.'' Jin handed Chuck some of the sticks and they began to set up a camp. When Max woke up, we sent him to find some food. While I checked up on the wall several times, it was there all over the valley, which was like a sink, so we were trapped below it. There was a little river stream, but it flowed into a creek, so I returned.

"Do you have something to light the fire?"Jin had set up the camp. As I was beside it, I used my finger to cast a fire circle.

"You guys already set up the fire? Good, I got some fruit and a rabbit." Max came carrying many things using his shirt as a bag while holding water in some shell in his left hand. "Let me clean it up, can you help Chuck?" {Is Chuck supposed to be everyone's helper}

We then ate fruits while the rabbit cooked. The weird thing was, this rabbit had horns, like a deer, and they were stupidly easy to break.

"What do you think our task here is supposed to be here? Enjoy camping?" Chuck joked.

"I don't know. Is the barrier still up?" Max threw up a small rock, which went higher than it should have if the wall was still there.

"Good evening students. It is about time for your test to begin." We all heard a loud announcement from above, the school. "Try to survive until dawn."