
Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI)

guy got tortured died met a goddess got some wishes and reincarnated into Shameless as Issac Ghallager twin brother of Ian Gallagher. Tags: #Hire, #Loyal Protagonist, #Revenge, #Massive Crossover, #Possible Harem, #Wish Fulfillment, #Traumatized Protagonist On an Indefinite Hiatus (heavily inspired by relaxing in Shameless, some close similarities, that I didn't really realize until I re-read the beginning chapters.. Savannah and the Wrights were also inspired from it but they aren't exact copies. of that ff.)

Shane_Town · TV
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26 Chs

[15] Home

"Anybody else wondering how this little kid has access to a private plane, and has someone able to make and deliver this shit?" Roman asked while waving around his travel documents.

"Gisele, care to shed any light on this?" Dom said calmly while looking over at her as I and Brian loaded duffle bags full of Brazilian Reais bills into a van like the one Issac has used as a distraction.

"I can't say too much…but the people who supplied Issac with these documents are reliable." Gisele said leaving everyone with even more questions.

'You would think the cops would have found us by now.' I thought to myself as we weren't too far from the bridge.

"We're ready to go." Brian said as he leaned down and kissed Mia who seemed ecstatic to be returning to her home country even if temporarily.

"Sweet, I can't wait to get home." I said though I didn't mean it, sure I missed my family but it just didn't seem like there was much there for me besides them and my business.

"I have something to do, but I'll meet you all at the Airport." Dom said as he loaded a few duffle bags into the trunk of his charger.

'Probably taking them to Vince's family.' I thought to myself feeling a sense of remorse at not being able to save Vince his crappy death.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Slipping into the driver's seat of the Nissan driving to the airport with a convoy behind me while Gisele races alongside me on a motorcycle.

Arriving at the airport getting waived through the security gate getting greeted by a guy who looked strikingly similar to the guy I met in Chicago just with a darker skin tone who took, Gisele, Elena and Mia to the plane while us guys were left behind to put the forty plus duffel bags with each one weighing in at over 60 pounds each into the cargo carrier of the golf cart.

'I should ask M to clean this money for them and set up ghost accounts that will let them use the money wherever they go.' I thought to myself as we put the last few duffle bags into the golf cart.

[Hey, M…can you help, clean the money for everyone and set them up with accounts to use the money through?] I messaged M before getting onto the plane.

[I can, as long as they are okay with it.] M replied back to me.

Entering the plane finding everyone cheering and having a good time holding champagne glasses.

"Woohoo." Everyone cheered and Mia handed me her champagne glasse.

"So I don't know how comfortable you guys will be with this idea, but I reached out to my friend to see if she could clean your guy's money and set you guy's up with accounts so you don't have to try and cart all the money from your cuts around." I said to everyone after the flight attendant asked us to sit down in our seats as Dom arrived.

"Thanks man, but I'll handle things on my end." Tej said before anyone else said anything.

"Yeah, you have done enough for us so far men, let Tej handle this." Brian said as he and Mia sat down on the couch holding one another looking adorable and in love.

"Yo, Issac, do these ladies strip for passengers?" Roman asked me while drooling over the attractive stewardesses.

"That would be up to them." I replied to him while Brian threw his shoe at Roman and gave him the come on Ro-Ro look.

"Roman, come on man." Dom said as he boarded the plane with his arm around Elena's waist.

'Poor girl.' I thought to myself as I sat back in my chair.

"Excuse me miss, can I get a few packs of Reese's cups, M&M's and a coke please." I said to the attendant that smiled at me and quickly moved to do as I asked.

"Thank you." I said to her as I started tearing open the Reese's packaging.

"That can't be good for you." Elena said after breaking her make out session with Dom.

"I have a very high metabolism, I can pretty much eat and drink whatever I want with no negative effects…" I replied to Elena as I ate my Reese's cups and drank my coke happily.

"Man, you wouldn't think he's such a kid…after seeing him blow up a police station." Roman whispered to Han who nodded and then tried to talk to Gisele who walked over and sat down beside me and stole a reese cup.

Shooting a glare at Gisele who smiled at me in return which made me snort softly as I leaned my head over against the cool plastic liner of the plane's wall, closing my eyes to take a nap as I offered her the last remaining Resse cup in the king size pack.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Soft pain filled whimpers filled the dark jet cabin along with the sound of creaking furniture and the sounds of someone thrashing in their sleep.

Which woke the expecting mother who then woke up her future husband, who woke up his future brother in law by the time a minute passed the entire crew was awake and watching as Issac looked to be suffering from a horrible nightmare as his fingers dug into and penetrated the armrests of the chair he was sleeping in.

"Should we wake him up?' Tej asked while feeling uncomfortable as he watched Issac who was clearly suffering in his sleep.

"Yo little Homie." Roman started to say but was silenced by Dom who rested his hand on Roman's shoulder and made a shushing gesture to the loud mouthed man.

Before looking at Han who shrugged and then turned to look at Gisele.

Gisele let out a soft sigh as she decided to reveal somethings about her…she didn't know what to really call him friend maybe.

"I don't want you guys to treat him any differently…but the first time I met Issac was on a job in Chicago, to take out the real Compose after I got to be friendly with you at that get together Braga threw. We ended up working together to take down Compose where Compose let it slip when he saw Issac that he and his friends loved making him scream…he was tortured as a…young child." Gisele spoke softly which made Mia, Roman and Elena start crying while the other looked ready to murder.

"Do you know who these other people are?" Mia asked and there was a truly vicious expression on her face as she did so, that made Brian shiver slightly.

Dom's eyes held a steely fury that promised retribution. Roman was silent as he watched over Issac like a protective big brother while Tej's fingers twitched as he grabbed his laptop.

Brian looked worried as he looked around the room as his foot and leg bounced from fhe urge to do something while Han ate three bags of chips in a minute.

"I don't…but the people…I work for do, M the woman who helped me get in touch with Issac got him to Rio and is responsible for us being able to go to America knows, the night she contacted me and offered me a job she told me that every person after Compose will be progressively harder for Issac to get his justice from so she offered me a job to watch his back, and to help him." Gisele told everyone and unsurprisingly Dom was about to reply for everyone when Mia beat him to it, her maternal instincts in full swing.

"We want in." Mia said calmly while her eyes radiated a coldness that Gisele had only ever seen in the coldest blooded killers she'd ever met.

"What Mia said, I never turn my back on family, and Issac is my family. I can't speak for the rest of you but I'm going to help Issac anyway I can." Dom said with such conviction, charisma, and cringe that everyone agrees with him and Dom raised a Corona that seemed to come out of thin air and said.

"To family."

Which was repeated by those who were awake.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Slowly waking up after what was a nightmare turned into an odd Fast & Furious parody with everyone saying family every five seconds.

'That was pure torture, real family doesn't have to say the word family to know their a family.' I thought to myself while massaging my temples noticing that the hand rests of the chair had holes in them now.

"Oops…" I whispered softly while looking around the room seeing the stewardesses coming around to wake everyone up…I also noticed Roman hugged a champagne bottle to his chest and sucking on his thumb in his sleep which made me take out my phone and snap a picture.

'Hehehe, this is how you know your family…by not using such prime dirt to blackmail but only tease your older or younger siblings.' I thought to myself while gently reaching over and lightly shaking Gisele's shoulder.

'That is a surprisingly cute reaction from a badass ex-mossad agent and Israeli special forces.' I thought to myself as Gisele in her sleep managed to grab my arm and snuggle against it letting out a very soft quiet snore.

Feeling someone's eyes on me I turned to see Mia looking at me with a look I recognized from Fiona before she kissed me and our relationship became tense and awkward…mostly on her end of things.

It was the look of a loving maternal figure, with an overprotective streak.

"Morning." I said to Mia in a way of greeting.

"Good morning Issac, did you sleep okay?" Mia asked and I got the feeling she was asking in a nice way to open up an avenue of communication between us about my nightmare.

"Yup, it was the best sleep I've had in awhile." I lied in response with a smile on my lips.

Mia gave me a look that said she didn't believe me but wasn't going to pry either.

"Morning." Brian said yawningly as he started to stretch while also serving as Mia's body rest.

"Mr.Gallagher we have landed in Chicago, your car has been prepared for you, vehicles have been prepared for your associates complements of "The Company"." The stewardess informed me with a smile.

"Thank you miss." I thanked her and pried my hand from Gisele's grip and stood up.

Grabbing my phone, sending M a quick text telling her thank you, receiving a "your welcome Izzy" and a video clip that said " wait until you're alone to watch".

'Is it something naughty?' I wondered to myself as I finally got Gisele to wake up receiving a tired smoky look from Gisele as her brown eyes looked up at me with a strange light dancing within them.

"Come on sleepin beauty time to get up." I said teasingly which made Gisele shoot me a little glare without any real heat behind it.

"Haha." I laughed as I exited the Jet walking over to my 67 Impala that had its hood opened, along with seeing that there was a 72 Dodge charger, a new Hemi truck in neon green, a Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT, and a Subaru WRX STI.

"Nice ride, you do the wrench time yourself?" Dom asked me and I nodded feeling a little uncomfortable he was under the hood of my Baby.

"Nice work though you could get away with a higher compression ratio and a more aggressive cam." Dom said to me as he shut the hood.

'Note to self, check over the car for any bugs.' I thought to myself.

"Yo, little Homie text Roman and I your address, I'ma meet up with my contacts here in Chicago to convert this money over to something usable." Tej said to me as he got into the Jeep and Roman got into the Ram and drove off.

I noticed I was the only one still standing outside of a car even though Gisele was in my Impala before me.

"Sorry I zoned out for a second." I said to her and she nodded while shooting a slightly concerned look.

"Everything alright?" Gisele asked me and I nodded in response before actually replying.

"I don't like that they split off from the group and I don't have either of their numbers." I replied to Gisele while putting my car into gear leading everyone to my house.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Pulling up out front of my house seeing the front door left wide open while Lip and Ian ran back and forth between both houses before driving through the empty lot that we considered part of our yard and parking in my garage while the other parked on the street.

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