
Waking up as a Ghallager (Shameless USA, 2011 SI)

guy got tortured died met a goddess got some wishes and reincarnated into Shameless as Issac Ghallager twin brother of Ian Gallagher. Tags: #Hire, #Loyal Protagonist, #Revenge, #Massive Crossover, #Possible Harem, #Wish Fulfillment, #Traumatized Protagonist On an Indefinite Hiatus (heavily inspired by relaxing in Shameless, some close similarities, that I didn't really realize until I re-read the beginning chapters.. Savannah and the Wrights were also inspired from it but they aren't exact copies. of that ff.)

Shane_Town · TV
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

[13] Rio

Pulling into a warehouse/factory seeing that Dom and his crew was assembled around a raised platform.

"This is your friend you mentioned?" Mia Toretto (Jordana Brewster) asked as she looked me over curiously.

"There's no one I trust more in a high pressure combat situation than Izzy." Gisele replied, sounding very serious.

"This nigga is just a kid." Roman Pierce said as he tried to put his hand on my arm and I locked his arm behind his back and sweeped his legs making him fall to the floor.

"Haha, that kid just put you on yo ass Roman. Haha." Tej laughed while the cousins laughed as well.

I noticed Dom watching the whole thing while sipping a corona, offering Roman a hand up which he took. I lifted him to his feet.

"No hard feelings chrome dome?" I asked jokingly.

"Nah, man…where'd you learn to do that?" Roman asked me and I smirked.

"Russian Ballet school." I replied while acting completely serious.

"You're one of those kids." Dom stated before walking over to me and offering me his hand.

Like he knew what I was talking about.

"I'm Dominic Torreto, this is my family…you're a part of that now, come over here and look at what we have so far." Dom said before handing me a beer.

"Alright…your plan to be invisible isn't going to work, these cameras don't have a blind spot that you can feasibly avoid…the best way to do it is to blend in, so time to go native and get some cop cars…it would also help if someone served as a distraction, I'll do that part…I brought some explosives with me." I muttered more to myself then to anyone else as I looked over the blueprints and the security camera and guard station layouts.

"So what's your plan?" Han asked me while looking between Gisele and I.

"I'll stage a full frontal assault on the precinct, I'll hit hard and fast and pull them away from the building while the vault team moves in.. when they pull off of me, to go after the vault team I'll run interference along with the other team. Our best bet will be to use sleight of hand and get the vault into a hauling vehicle because two charges with suped up hemis, just isn't going to be enough power or weight to haul the thing around effectively." I said while looking around at the varied faces of people when Vince and Brian pulled up in a Subaru WRX STI.

"The plan worked, Dom...Reyes is moving all of his money to the precinct." Vince said and all hell broke loose as an armored truck drove right through a wall followed by two Chevy Suburban SUVs

Eight men got out of the Suburbans four each, while four got out of the armored truck, one of them being Dwayne The Rock Johnson (better known as Mr.baby-oil, or Mr.Shiny)

Hobbs saw Dom and immediately got tunnel vision for him so he didn't see me coming from the left kicking his legs out from underneath him making him do a rather hilarious barrel roll through the wall that he and Dom should have gone through in their one on one.

Dom looked at me nodded and gave me a look that said I got it from here shrugging him off I moved to help Gisele who was protecting Mia, along with Brian.

Only for Brian to get clocked on the back of the head with an M4 which made Mia scream and break formation, distracting Gisele allowing one of Hobbs' team to put a gun to her temple.

"Shit you're just a kid." One of Hobbs' men said.

"Don't call him a kid, he doesn't like that." Roman said which got him pistol whipped.

"Come over here kid." Another one of Hobbs's men said and I compiled since even if I could get out of this there was a chance they would start executing the Torreto familia as Hobbs was old testament bullet and blood.

"Nice piece, who'd you steal from?" Said a black guy who put me in actual handcuffs instead of zip ties.

"Your mama after she rode me dick all night long and told me what a disappointment you are." I replied while smirking and received a punch in the face.

"Wow, punching a minor…I guess you don't like your job very much Mr.Bacon." I continued jibbing at him until Dom and Hobbs went through another wall Hobbs landing on his back with Dom on top looking like the gayest thing I've seen outside of a second of a gay porn add popup before Dom lifted up a pipe wrench and was about to bash it down on Hobbs's head.

"DOM ! ! !" Mia screamed, completely ruining the moment making me roll my eyes.

'Damn lady you got some lungs on you.' I thought to myself as my ears rang uncomfortably.

About five minutes later we were being loaded into the back of the armored truck, and then we were driving down the streets of the falbala.

"Hey muscles, you notice the spotters you've passed? You're driving us into an ambush." I hollered up to Hobbs while I sat in the back of the truck with Gisele directly next to me.

"How'd a kid like you get involved with losers like these?" Hobbs asked me while looking into a rear view mirror.

"Like most guys get involved in anything…for a beautiful girl." I shot back while shooting a smirk at Gisele who rolled her eyes but a smile was starting at the corner of her lips.

At the same time I snapped the small bone in my thumb and freed my one hand from the handcuffs that were idiotically behind my back, while biting down harshly on my lip to not make a sound.

Leaning over to Gisele so my lips were against her ear.

"Don't react, I slipped my cuffs I'm going to break your zip ties...be ready to make a move." I said to her softly and as I was pulling back Gisele gave me a wink as I pressed the tension release button no the metal zip ties.

'Poor design, really who would use these for prisoner restraints, other than Hobbs.' I thought to myself as I mentally shook my head somewhat picking up the softly spoken conversation between Hobbs and his second in command.

"RPG, GET DOWN ! ! !" I shouted which made everyone fall to the floor of the armored truck except for Hobbs and his second in command as the Suburban in front of us did a flip through air and landed upside down.

I watched as another RPG flew over us and got the SUV bringing up the rear, and Hobbs' men trying to climb out only to get immediately sprayed with lead.

Hobbs got out of the truck with his second in command and moved to help his guys only to watch them get picked off one by one as Dom told Elena (the Brazilian woman Dom knocks up and dumps for an amnesiac Letty) to cut us free.

Me I'm already free and moving to get my Infinity 1911 while sliding out of the truck shooting a guy with an RPG making it explode.

Before moving to help the black guy who's balls I busted earlier completely ignored the feelings of hot metal penetrating my skin and getting stuck in the muscle tissue only to be pushed out of my body a microsecond after their forward momentum was arrested.

"You think you can make it?" I asked him as a bullet ripped through the side of my face, ripping apart my cheek. As I used my body as a bullet shield, though I noticed he was having convulsions while a wound on his leg with bone projecting out of it, was gushing blood like an artery had been hit.

"Take that as a no." I muttered as I picked the guy up, put my 1911 in my waistband and used his M4.

'Rooftop to the right, between the alley and those two houses.' I thought to myself as I shot the guys in direct opposition on my path back to the armored truck.

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Gisele stayed behind to keep the truck secure but what she saw shocked her of course M had debriefed her on how special Issac is.

But it doesn't really sink in until you watch half of a guy's head get blown off and regrow before you can even let out a shocked sound.

She also realized she wasn't the only one who saw it either and wondered what she should do about it, but then Vince caught a bullet to the liver and she no longer had to worry about it.

"He's not going to make it." I found myself telling Issac as he handed the injured man off to Elena and Mia while going to get Vince who tried and failed to push him away.

When he came back his green eyes were practically glowing and it hit me he loves being in this kind of situation he has no thought to his own safety because he hasn't ever needed to.

At the same time I was going to tell him to get in the truck, Dom, Brian and Hobbs returned to the truck, all climbing into the back while he made a rush for the front door under a hail of bullet fire.

Once made it he hoped into the driver's seat as Hobbs and the other's remained in the back to try and help save the only surviving member of his team.

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"Everyone hold on to something this is going to be a bumpy ride, HAHAHAHA." I shouted and laughed as I crashed through the wreckage of the SUV and the two truck blockade Reyes's men setup, catching air on every hump in the rode as I put the petal to the metal.

"Damn Roman, he drives like you." Brian gasped out as he and Roman were thrown into one another as the truck swerved around a turn losing their tail.

"Na Brian, he drive like a white boy." Tej chipped in making most everyone laugh when Vince as he was fading fast.

"Elena, where's the nearest hospital?" I asked the blonde Brazilian police woman only for Dom to rest his hand on my shoulder and shake his head softly to the side as his eyes started to glisten.

"Take us back to the safe house... there's nothing a doctor can do for him now." Dom said as he went back to sit beside his brother as he took his last breath and Hobbs team member also died.

"Got it." I replied to him as I looked back in the rearview mirror and felt a bit down that I couldn't save them from their fates, but shrugged it off and drove back to where Hobbs and his team arrested us.

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Once we were back at the safe house Dom took two shovels and went out back to a patch of empty ground and started digging two graves and Hobbs went to help him.

As they were all in mourning I went and looked over my gear finding everything in order before sneaking off to find myself an SUV that I would rig with the twenty pounds of C4 and 100 ft of detonation cord I brought with me.

"Going somewhere?" Tej asked me while handing me a blunt.

"Just to get an SUV I can drive through the front of the police station and make it go boom." I replied to him as I took a pull off of the strong smelling blunt.

"I have a van that you can use." Tej replied to me while waving at me to follow him.

"This will work, if we lift it like four or five inches so it doesn't get stuck in the steps of the sidewalk leading up into the station." I said as I looked it over and helped him take his equipment out of it.

"I got you bro." Roman suddenly chimed in and came over and I made to hand him the blunt but he put his hands up in refusal.

"I don't smoke anymore." He replied back to me and I shrugged.

"So what's your deal…" Tej asked me and I shrugged before answering.

"My name's Isaac, we didn't really get around to introductions earlier." I replied to Tej and then went through a handshake that was way too complicated for my tastes but something I was used to doing.

"Tej, computer genius and safecracker. And that's Roman, his head's so big and shiny they can see him up at the space station." Tej jokes, while Roman made for a fist bump with me while flipping Tej off.

… A few hours later.

Tej, Roman and I had just finished cob jobbing a lift kit together for the van when Mia came over to get us for dinner.

We all sat/stood around a table made of old wooden cable spools, as burnt everything was laid out on the table for us to eat.

"Everyone, I'd like for our newest family member to say grace." Dom said and pointed towards me.

"Thank you, lord for fast and armored cars." I said before grabbing and tearing a bit off of the large rack of ribs before grabbing my trunk and going over to the van.

"You know we usually eat together, like a family." Dom said to me as he came over and stood at the door of the van that I was currently wiring with, det cord. (Detonation Cord.)

"Sorry, I'm not so good around so many people and I have to get this van rigged up if I'm going to make a proper distraction, since we're making our move tomorrow." I replied to Dom who nodded.

"Before Vince died he told me what he saw, you don't have to worry we're family and family protects each other, now what do you need help with?." Dom said before patting my back and offering to help me get the van ready.

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the chapter is so bad it made my eyes water...or maybe it was the dust lol.

Shane_Towncreators' thoughts