
My little cra (dally and Eva)

The doorbell rang as Percedal/dally went to answer it. There, standing before him was Evangelyne/Eva in a dress. He knew that she hated wearing dresses, so he knew this was a special occasion. "Well, aren't you going to invite me inside?" Eva said. "Oh... um.. yeah" dally replied. Dally wanted to squeeze her big cra ass but he knew that she was very sensitive. "Well you can go sit on the couch and I'll come" dally said softly. Eva went to go sit in the couch. All dally wanted to do is give Eva a hard fuck. "Well aren't you going to come sit with me?" "Oh.. yeah I'm coming!" Dally said. He could inflame stop thinking about her body. He wanted to squeeze her body. He, then remembered that she was very sensitive. He then went to sit with Eva. He really wanted to ask if she could sit on his lap. "You know your really cute, Eva" dally said. Eva blushed. She was not used to being called cute. Dally noticed her pointy ears. He remembered that cras like to be stroked on their ears. "Hey Eva can I.. well.. stroke your ears?" "Sure!" Eva replied. Dally softly stroked Eva's ears. Then, he decided to take a big risk. "E-Eva... can I... well... can I squish your tits?" Dally said. Before she could reply, he said "I'm sorry I'll go now." "No, no, stay please" Eva replied. Eva, then sat on Dally's lap. Dally spreader our Eva's legs. "Dally.. I-I'm sorry I'm not really comfortable spreading out my legs on you..." Eva said "oh it's fine" dally replied. He then took off Eva's dress and then her bra. She had a rather uncomfortable face. Then he pinched her nipples a little to hard. She then started moaning with pain. "Eva are you ok?" Dally said. "Y-yes I'm good" Eva lied. "It's o-okay keep on going" Eva said. Then, dally let his sexual needs get the better of him. His dick became hard. He then took off his underwear and started to fuck Eva. He had sexually scared her. She started trembling and soon screaming with pain. Then, Dally had realized what he had done. He then stopped and apologized to Eva. She was trembling very much. He then put his clothes on. Eva, was still terrified. He then gave her a hug. "I-it's okay" Eva said. "Just, please, be softer.