
Wake Your Dreams

The female lead, a seventeen-year-old high-school student residing in Kyoto Prefecture, held a secret. Beneath her seemingly ordinary facade, she harbored a passion for crafting adult stories, a thrill she ardently kept hidden. Like any other typical teenager who will soon graduate, she is confused about what to do in future. Known to be an aloof and arrogant girl in school, a persona she had cultivated as a defense mechanism against the judgemental gazes of her peers. Loneliness gnawed at her, leaving her with an undeniable sense of worry. Coinciding with her cousin brother’s return to Kyoto after a lengthy nine-year absence, her life took an unexpected turn. Unlike her, he was vibrant and outgoing nature, a captivating foil to her own reserved facade. And what seems to be worrying is that she seems to see her cousin brother not as a "cousin brother". As the threads of their lives intertwined, an internal struggle grew within her, for she could not deny the attraction that bloomed in her heart. ~She feared that she was falling head over heels for the person in front of her. He is someone she should not love.~ The path ahead remained uncertain , an unfolding story waiting to be written.

MoonlitNightRoxana · Teen
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

You look like a piggy wearing all pink. So cute…!


You look like a piggy wearing all pink. So cute…!


Kiyoko was surprised when she met the doctor she met on the train. The doctor's name was Harry Satoru.

She was at the university library where she met Dr. Satoru.

"Hey! Remember me?"

"You are that doctor I met on the train wasn't it."

"Yup... Correct. I am happy you decided to pursue this profession."

"Thank you for encouraging me that day. I really like this subject."

"My pleasure..." "You took Cardiology I presume?" The doctor asked.

"Yes. That's what the university also preferred to me."

"Great!" The doctor sat on the opposite chair.

"Kiyoko Watanabe?"

"Oh yes that's my name. How did you know?"

"Oh I saw it on the library attendances there!" The doctor pointed at the reception of the library.

"Oh. If you don't mind what's your name?"

"Harry Satoru." Dr. Satoru smiled.

Kiyoko was curious as to why Dr. Satoru was at the University. He was a young doctor and normally such doctors don't get chosen as the lecturer.

"Are you thinking why I am here? Well I got to be a lecturer in my colleagues place. He actually forced me in somewhat."

"I see…"

"Yeah… Can we be friends? Here is my card." The doctor passed a card towards Kiyoko. "Don't get me wrong! I asked you to be a friend because I do not anyone here and I like to talk to you."

Kiyoko took the card and forwarded her hand for a shake.

"Thank you, for being my first friend in Tokyo." Kiyoko exclaimed.

The doctor smiled and took her hand.

"My pleasure, Friend..."


Kiyoko was walking through the quite suburban street.

She was returning back from the university.

The streetlights brightly lit the pavements.

She came across a very familiar figure sitting on the bench by the pavement.

Zehan was quietly sitting there busy typing on his phone. He was wearing a blue pullover. Beside him on the bench lay a comic book.

'He must have been waiting for me. He could have just waited for me at home.'

Kiyoko wanted to give a little peek-a-boo from behind. She quietly moved towards the corner of the pavement and hid behind a small shrub.

A Lolita-like girl walked towards Zehan and said something.

'What's that girl doing here?'

Kiyoko wanted to see what Zehan would do.

The girl again said something and Zehan smiled.

'What…!' Kiyoko yelled internally.

Kiyoko felt bitterness. She bit her lips. She could not stand there seeing Zehan and that girl talking. And smiling…!

Kiyoko hastily rushed forward towards them. She stood behind Zehan with her arms crossed and glared at the girl.

The girl was frightened by the sudden appearance of Kiyoko from behind the bush and eyeing her like some predator.

"Hey there, what business do you have with my boyfriend? What are you telling him? Let me hear too." Kiyoko yelled at the girl.

The girl apologized before quickly dashing away.

It was true that she wanted to hit on Zehan. Never did she think his scary girlfriend would chase her away.

Zehan giggled.

"Why are you laughing, mister? And what was so funny that you were all smiles in front of that girl."

Kiyoko stomped away. Zehan followed behind her.

"She said that this comic was her favorite and was asking about my favorite character."

Kiyoko looked at the comic book in Zehan's hand.

"Then why did you smile…Huh? She was clearly making a move on you."

"Guess what?" Zehan chuckled.


"I am grateful on that girl."

"Yes she is cute. Isn't it?" Kiyoko snarled.

"Nope... It's because of her I got to see my girlfriend can get so jealous. You look so cute; your cheeks are all red and puffed up."

"Humph!" "Take my bag!" Kiyoko gave her backpack to Zehan. She quickened her steps.

Zehan followed behind her. He was having a bright smile on his face.


Kiyoko's novel won a comic adaption before the spring break commenced.

Kiyoko was standing near the university gate. She was wearing a pink over coat and a white woolen cap.

She was waiting for Zehan. He had earlier called her saying that he would come to pick her up from the university.

Kiyoko caught sight of Zehan on the opposite side of the road.

She waved her hand. Zehan smiled and waved back.

After the signal turned green, Zehan crossed the road and walked towards her. (P/N: In Japan the traffic signal green denotes that the pedestrian can walk.)

"Kiyoko, did you not wear your scarf?" Zehan wrapped his scarf around Kiyoko.

"I forgot to…"

Zehan gently nudged her nose.

"You look like a piggy wearing all pink. So cute…"

Kiyoko softly punched Zehan.

"Aigoo… It hurts." He whined.

"Stop acting. Let's go home."

"No we shall go for a little detour today."


"Well that's a surprise."

"Some hints…"


They held their hands as they walked down the pavement.

Dr. Satoru was sitting in his car as he saw Kiyoko and Zehan pass by.

There was no expression on his face and the eyes beyond the spectacles followed the two of them walking hand in hand.

He sighed.

"At least I am your friend." He mumbled.





Arigatou gozaimasu!