
Wake Your Dreams

The female lead, a seventeen-year-old high-school student residing in Kyoto Prefecture, held a secret. Beneath her seemingly ordinary facade, she harbored a passion for crafting adult stories, a thrill she ardently kept hidden. Like any other typical teenager who will soon graduate, she is confused about what to do in future. Known to be an aloof and arrogant girl in school, a persona she had cultivated as a defense mechanism against the judgemental gazes of her peers. Loneliness gnawed at her, leaving her with an undeniable sense of worry. Coinciding with her cousin brother’s return to Kyoto after a lengthy nine-year absence, her life took an unexpected turn. Unlike her, he was vibrant and outgoing nature, a captivating foil to her own reserved facade. And what seems to be worrying is that she seems to see her cousin brother not as a "cousin brother". As the threads of their lives intertwined, an internal struggle grew within her, for she could not deny the attraction that bloomed in her heart. ~She feared that she was falling head over heels for the person in front of her. He is someone she should not love.~ The path ahead remained uncertain , an unfolding story waiting to be written.

MoonlitNightRoxana · Teen
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

Thanks for always guiding me, Dr. Satoru.


Thanks for always guiding me, Dr. Satoru.


Kiyoko walked inside the operating room.

Her eyes were drawn towards the gaunt and frail old lady sitting on the operating bed.

She was in obvious pain. She was having trouble breathing, she was gasping for air. Her hair was frazzled and her eyes were barely open, but when she saw Kiyoko, she perked up and smiled.

The emergency room was completely silent. Everybody was doing their part to make sure that the patient was going to be okay and that she did well.

The usual hushed banter in the room wasn't there. The room felt completely silent. One could hear a pin drop in there.

Kiyoko was standing at one corner. She was going over the steps of the operation in her head. At that moment her eyes met the patient's eyes. It was Yuri Watanabe, the president of the Giosek Corporation. The old lady, Kiyoko one met years ago when she was in her twelfth standard.

The old lady called out and asked Kiyoko to come over. As she did, she desperately tried not to make eye contact with her. She didn't want to show the concern that was in her eyes. Or maybe she didn't want to see the fear that was in the old lady's eyes.

Kiyoko held the old lady's hand and said," Granny, don't worry. Everything will be okay."

Those words reassured the old lady and she smiled.

Dr. Nohara, the leading surgeon entered the room and stood beside the operating platform, ready for action.

The old lady went off to sleep, she thanked everyone.

"Is she someone you are familiar with? If so you can leave, I will call a substitution." Dr. Nohara asked.

"I am fine. I am confident that I can do it." Kiyoko replied.

"Good…" Dr. Nohara said while patting Kiyoko on her shoulder.

The old lady needed a coronary bypass surgery.

It would be a complicated five-six hour operation. As a fellow, Kiyoko's responsibility was to help the attending surgeon and learn about the procedure and the process.

But on that day, instead of assisting, Kiyoko slowly took over. Dr. Nohara did not stop her and rather supported Kiyoko.

Kiyoko felt that it was her responsibility to make the old lady feel better. And she did.

Kiyoko was perfect.

When the surgery was successfully finished, Kiyoko rushed towards the dressing chamber.

Kiyoko felt her knees buckle.

She broke down. She cried for what felt like hours.

At that moment, she began to replay every step in the old lady's care, every step of the operation.

She did everything perfectly.

She was in a hurl of emotions in the operating room but she focused on the surgery.

"I did it…!"

When she finally gathered herself, she washed away any evidence that she was crying. She took a deep breath and went out of the dressing chamber.


Kiyoko sat leaning on the bench outside the hospital cafeteria.

The kaleidoscope of shimmering lights flicker in the distance as the starry night sky sweeps over the city that never sleeps.

There were continuous sirens from the ambulances.

Dr. Satoru sat down beside Kiyoko.

"Coffee…?" He passed a coffee can towards Kiyoko.

"Thanks." Kiyoko took it with a smile.

"How is everything going?"

"Yes…It's good!"

Dr. Satoru smiled.

"Are you really leaving for Kyoto?" Kiyoko asked as she opened the can.

"Yes. I have already got the letter of transfer to the Kyoto Hospital. It will be close to my hometown."

"Ohh… I see." Kiyoko slowly sipped on the sweet coffee. "Thanks for always guiding me, Dr. Satoru"

"Really…I didn't do anything. You did it on your own."

Kiyoko smiled and said,

"Hope we can meet before you leave Tokyo!"


At that moment, Kiyoko's phone rang.

"I think I have to go now." Kiyoko said as she received call from the emergency ward. She stood up and gathered her lab coat from the hand-rest of the bench.

"Good Luck!" Dr. Satoru said.

"Thanks…! I will get going." Kiyoko said and rushed out of the cafeteria.

Dr. Satoru smiled as he glanced at the receding figure rushing out through the quiet corridor.

It seemed like he was lost in deep thoughts.

"Destiny…?" Dr. Satoru mumbled and chuckled.

That's what he thought when he met Kiyoko at the Tokyo Medical University years ago.
