
Wake Your Dreams

The female lead, a seventeen-year-old high-school student residing in Kyoto Prefecture, held a secret. Beneath her seemingly ordinary facade, she harbored a passion for crafting adult stories, a thrill she ardently kept hidden. Like any other typical teenager who will soon graduate, she is confused about what to do in future. Known to be an aloof and arrogant girl in school, a persona she had cultivated as a defense mechanism against the judgemental gazes of her peers. Loneliness gnawed at her, leaving her with an undeniable sense of worry. Coinciding with her cousin brother’s return to Kyoto after a lengthy nine-year absence, her life took an unexpected turn. Unlike her, he was vibrant and outgoing nature, a captivating foil to her own reserved facade. And what seems to be worrying is that she seems to see her cousin brother not as a "cousin brother". As the threads of their lives intertwined, an internal struggle grew within her, for she could not deny the attraction that bloomed in her heart. ~She feared that she was falling head over heels for the person in front of her. He is someone she should not love.~ The path ahead remained uncertain , an unfolding story waiting to be written.

MoonlitNightRoxana · Teen
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

I knew you could do it.


I knew you could do it.


Taking ten days leave from the hospital was easily granted. It was due to the fact that Kiyoko had not taken a single leave for a year.

During the late June, their trip to Italy finally arrived.

The flight to Italy was mind numbingly long, as it was almost a fifteen hours without any layover time.

For Kiyoko the trip was really too sudden and a hasty decision. It was only a week ago she came to know that they were going to go to Italy for a honeymoon trip.

Thanks to Zehan and his surprises!

But of course she wanted a change in her daily routine and readily agreed.

The plan was to land in Rome.

It was a bright Friday morning in Rome, Italy.

They took a cab to their hotel and got settled in, but sleep was not in their vocabulary at that point.

They had only eight days to see the sights of the towns.

They had already decided to go visit the famous art gallery in the evening before they catch the flight to Venice.

The art gallery was at a walking distance from the hotel they were staying at. They took a short walk through the busy Italian streets with a gelato and spuntinos (snack) in their hands.

Kiyoko had to admit that she was not very art enthused.

But she was intrigued by the paintings arranged in the hall.

"I will come back in a minute!" Zehan whispered." You continue looking at the paintings."

"Huh?" Kiyoko wanted to say something but Zehan had already disappeared among the crowd.

As Kiyoko walked around the hall, she noticed that all the paintings which won the recent international painting competition.

Her heart raced for some reason.

She unknowingly started walking at a faster pace.

Her eyes stuck at a painting which was stationed at a column. It was the very painting which she saw back at their apartment in Tokyo.

In the painting, the figure was wearing a lab coat while leaning against the window pane. A confident smile hung on the face of the lady in the painting. It was a vivid painting of hers.

Kiyoko glanced at the statement written on the bottom of the painting.

Zehan Watanabe…Japan…5th position.

Kiyoko smiled and stared straight at the painting.

"How is the surprise?" A very familiar voice said. Kiyoko turned her face towards her right and saw Zehan standing next to her. He carried a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums.

"Hold it for me…The art conveners gave it to me." Zehan handed the flowers to Kiyoko and then asked," How was the surprise?"

"No, you failed to surprise me this time."


"I knew you can do it. Didn't I say the same that day when I saw the painting for the first time?" Kiyoko hugged the flowers closer to her.

"Yeah…You did!"

Kiyoko leaned against Zehan and gave a light peck on his chin.

"Thank you for always being there for me!" Zehan said.

"My pleasure, Mr. Watanabe" Kiyoko chuckled.

"When did you fall for me? I always wanted to know." Zehan asked after sometime.

Kiyoko coughed and then said," You should answer it first."

"Umm…It was first sight for me." Zehan smiled.


"That was the day we met for the first I came to Kyoto. You were slurping the noodles and had tissues stuck to your nose."

(P/N: Kiyoko was having nosebleeds because she fell down on the ground on her face.)

"No! I must have looked so ugly." Kiyoko gasped and looked at Zehan with disbelief.


"Hey…!" Kiyoko beat Zehan on his shoulder.

"I couldn't get that cute sight of yours for days."

"Shut up!" Kiyoko yelled. Her yell was quite loud as many people looked at their direction.

"Shush! Mrs. Watanabe, you should not be loud here!" Zehan sneered and the continued," Now it's your turn. Tell me how you fell for your husband."

"Sorry, it's a bit secret."

"Huh? Not fair."

"Humph!" Kiyoko groaned.


They flew over to Venice late in the evening.

But unfortunately, there luggage got misplaced. They were informed that they will get back their luggage a day later.

They decided that they will buy some necessary items from the nearby mall before they get a hotel.

Kiyoko brought a set of casual clothing. She realized she also needs to buy a pair of underwear.

Before the section for women underwear and suit,

"Shouldn't I go and help you?" Zehan said. But Kiyoko pushed him away and yelled at him that she does not need any help.

Obviously a bit disappointed, Zehan agreed that he would go a buy his clothes until then and meet her after some time.

Kiyoko signed with relief after seeing Zehan going away. She entered the shop.

A very elegant lady who was a saleswoman immediately rushed forward to her.

"Miss, what kind of wear will you like to try?"

"Simple…" Kiyoko was not fluent with English and on top of that the lady had a bit Italian accent to her English.

"Are you on a honeymoon?"

"Honeymoon…Yes" Kiyoko nodded.

"I have just the special wear for you. Please come with me." The sales lady almost pulled Kiyoko further inside the shop.

Kiyoko was shocked to see various kinds to lingerie hung in front of her.

"Excuse me…Simple..?"

"No! No! No need to shy. You will look very carina in them. Absolute magnifico…"

Kiyoko let a bitter smile. The words just went over her head.

"Don't you want to surprise your partner? Surprise…?" The sales lady said with a force.

"Surprise…" Kiyoko mumbled. "Well…"

"Yes. Your husband will be eccitata. Excited…!"

Kiyoko thought, 'Zehan is always the one who try to surprise me. I can also surprise him…Just wait and watch!'

"I will give you a very good discount too!" The sales lady whispered.

"I will take it." Kiyoko said in English and with confidence.

"Great choice…" The sales lady almost jumped in delight. "Come with me, I will show you a very sexy wear."
