
Wake up, from my dream

~I feel like... a dream, constantly drifting, real but at the same time not. Spending my days drifting, a ghost of my past~ ( this same book is also on wattpad where I spend most of my time so this one might not get updated as often )

Leto_lux · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


The cover isn't mine

- Updates will be slow

- Not all information of Cultivation and stuff will be correct, I'm just researching and editing the information

- This is a mix of Chinese and other cultures

- There will be Chinese ( traditional ) writing, but not a lot, don't worry, there are rough translations

There might be some Yaoi, not sure if I am going to add it as I get embarrassed even writing it so I tend to avoid it. Also although I did say there will be Chinese in this book, I am absolutely horrible at Chinese myself so please do correct me if I'm wrong. This book is also published on wattpad ( although not with the same username ) so if you're a wattpad user who happens to stumble by the poorly written book please don't be too surprised. That's all, hope you enjoy!

-Leto, the author