
Wake up Alice

My name is Alice, I'm 18 and have a lot ahead of me in life -(but don't we all?)- I'm a bit of an odd ball unlike my sophisticated mature sister named Sophie. Sophie wears fancy dresses and spends her time studying with the butler for her future life, unlike her I'm a tomboy who wears blue dresses that aren't as fancy as Sophie's. I admire her knowledge in books, her charms, personality and how she has men on her left and right. I don't blame men for falling head over hills for her but I'm sure she's too busy for them. Anyway, Sophie and I live in a good sized mansion with a lovely maze garden out back, I spend most of my time reading, playing cards and dreaming in that garden. In fact, I used to chase rabbits and play with them in that garden when I was younger, but now I've been catching myself dose off into odd dreams that give me at least billions of almost impossible thoughts. For example, how great would it be if flowers were the size of trees and produce not only oxygen but flower scent and trees were the size of flowers? I feel like it would be silly because small trees growing in your lawn would only mean you would have to chop them down so you don't step on them. My sister always admired my odd thoughts so she told me to draw them, yes I do draw I'm just not fawn of showing them because I'm sure they'll have better values when I'm older... speaking of drawings lately there hasn't been any bunnies around the garden except for one in particular. This was no bunny but a white fur majestic rabbit, I often feel as if it's some kind of angel watching over me, I hope to see it soon so I can study it using my sketchbook..... "Alice, are you alright?" Said Sophie tilting her head with a concerned beautiful face. I quickly turn my full attention towards her admiring the wind lightly blowing her long Carmel colored hair with curled tips and how the wind brushed against her flawless skin. "Yes, I'm just thinking about that majestic rabbit I would talk about", Sophie smiled and let out a giggle "you had me frightened for a moment sister, would you like me to go get some tea and bring some books out? The weather is nice outside". "Yes please that would be greatly appreciated. I'll sit here in the garden finishing my idea about the big flowers in my sketchbook", " don't fall asleep on me while I'm gone" she said as she smiled ear to ear. "I'll try not to but if I do, please leave me be until it's time to go back inside the mansion." Sophie got up and left until her velvet dress was to not be seen. I was starting to feel a little hazy "maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt?" I said to myself in a yawning voice. All I could remember was a white small figure that appeared in front of me, before I shut my eyes I said "is that you Mr. Rabbit?" *yawn* and then everything went black. Or so I thought.....